A call to the Human Sphere

Discussion in 'IC [In-Character]' started by theGricks, Oct 5, 2023.

  1. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    To the Nations of the Human Sphere,

    The capitulation of O-12 and surrender of Rhodan Spaceport is a major blow to the independence and security of the Human Sphere. The soldiers and officers of the Ur Hedgemony are now monitoring our travel through the very capital of our great governmental body.

    The Combined Army have been seen moving with unlimited freedom across Concilium Prima, far more than they would need. We are seeing skirmishes on the borders of Bhai, far from the QAZ on the Jundae Peninsula. We see the Combined Army probing the Huaqioa complex, a danger we cannot accept. Haqqislam asks O-12, why?

    We were prepared to work in concert with the brave soldiers of SwordFor, to keep the security of our capital in the hands of humans. Now the Ur walk wherever they wish, unmonitored, with unlimited freedom.

    Haqqislam calls on Ariadna (@Pander22 ), Yu Jing ( @YueFei23 ) , ALEPH ( @Jag kara ), Nomads ( @WiseKensai ), and our Tohaa Trident (@nehemiah ) friends to work together to contain this threat, and force the Ur back into the limits of the Armistice, and to reduce their military presence where it is not needed or allowed. The Combined Army cannot be allowed to break the bounds of the Armistice.


    Voice of the Hachib
    Officer of Haqqislam High Command
    Shiwen, Errhile, Cothel and 4 others like this.
  2. hortanium

    hortanium Major Thomas Williams, USAriadna Marine Corps

    Jul 2, 2018
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    This situation is indeed incredibly concerning. Having our former enemies in control of such a sensitive location is a threat to our very survival on this planet. It grants them the ability to thwart any of our movements to both evacuate civilians from the QAZs and to monitor developments within them. In addition to whatever other information they may now be able to gather about the Sphere in general.

    O-12 has been our ally for many years, but we too must now ask, why? Why was our offer of assistance rebuffed like that of Haqqislam's? Why have the Ur-Hegemony been allowed such unhindered access to our capital? I pray the answer is not what we all fear, but with each passing day, it seems more likely.

    With grave concern,
    Maj Williams
    Ariadna Diplomatic Corps
    Shiwen, Errhile and Wizzy like this.
  3. Lady Numiria

    Lady Numiria Cyberius TaskForce

    Sep 12, 2019
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    Dear esteemed Commanders of the Nation of Haqqislam and Ariadna,

    It's legitimate to have such interrogations about our recent agreement with the Ur Hegemony.

    I would like to express once again this is all done for the greater good and best interest of the Human Sphere. If you would like to know more about it, I'm going to publish soon a book, available on your ComLog too, where I speak about the major problems of leading and the exercice of power in time of crisis:

    proxy-image (2).jpg

    Lady Numiria
    O-12 High Commissionner
    Behalf the Edda Defense Front Commission
    Danger Rose, Wizzy, Dujiaoshu and 5 others like this.
  4. nehemiah

    nehemiah Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2018
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    Dear esteemed theGricks, Officer of Haqqislam High Command,

    As you likely know our forces have been greatly reduced due to the continued inoperation of the Daedalus Gate, but we are in agreement on your point that the Ur and their Evolved Intelligence are being treated with far to much trust for someone whose armistice proposal opened along the lines of: "We will take you over or destroy you anyway, but if you give us what we want now, we may spare you a little longer". What forces we have in the area will be coordinating their efforts in Edda to help ensure safe passage of the civilian population off of Concilium Prima.

    -Naami MuuKar
    Tohaa Diplomatic Corps
    Delivered through Thaam-Buur
    Authorized Chaksa Representative
    Wizzy and theGricks like this.
  5. WiseKensai

    WiseKensai Rogue Interventor

    Nov 23, 2017
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    To the esteemed Voice of the Hachib (@theGricks) and the representatives of the other Human Sphere powers,

    The Nomad Nation joins the rest of the Human Sphere in expressing our profound concern at the recent agreement between O-12 and the Ur Hegemony. While these are certainly unprecedented times, this was a line best left uncrossed.

    The following snippet from a gossip periodical, widely circulated on Arachne, may be of interest to the other powers of the Human Sphere:


    It's possible that this periodical does not circulate widely on MayaNet. We encourage all free-thinking citizens to break free of the shackles of MayaNet and enjoy the open exchange of information on Arachne. A repeater may be closer than you think!


    The Nomad Nation will continue to work to extract our pilots from Concilium Prima, but otherwise stand ready to provide medical or transport assistance off planet to any refugees or non-combatants that should require it.

    Go Go Nomads!

    Rogue Interventor WiseKensai, aboard the Crypto Winter

    Danger Rose, nehemiah, Shiwen and 7 others like this.
  6. Einhorn

    Einhorn Combined Human Aid Delegation

    Mar 21, 2019
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    We do not intend to interrupt this important Human debate, but we share an important correction to the information cited above involving Cadmus Sheskiin. It is impossible for Sheskiin to have been in such a relationship with the Good Samaritan Nourikas. We all know she has but one individual in her life to whom she is deeply devoted, likeness captured below:

  7. Pander22

    Pander22 Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Ariadna stands with you. the podes that hunted combined forces through the raveneye station in the durgamma campaign are itching (literally) to return to the field.

    The Ur hegemony needs to take the requested steps back or the fury of Ariadna will fall upon them and I can assure you, there are far more terrifying things on dawn than anything you can bring through that gate.

    Pull back to the agreed lines.

    Agent Rake,
    Black Sky Intelligence
    Ariadnan High Commander
    hortanium, Wizzy and theGricks like this.
  8. Lady Numiria

    Lady Numiria Cyberius TaskForce

    Sep 12, 2019
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    Dear Rogue Interventor @WiseKensai, my personal and private life as nothing to do publicly spoiled to everyone in the Sphere!

    Kai'l is a profound man with various interests in life and a deep sense of love, so if you could avoid sharing such things that are not reflecting the true personality of that man...
  9. Dujiaoshu

    Dujiaoshu unsporting Druze

    Mar 22, 2023
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    **Internal document code O-Ae-21134**
    Report of Investigation

    Signed by Agent - Robert Hallken, codename "Drizzle of Anchovies" (formerly codenamed "Lt.Cuddles")

    To the attention of officier: Commissioner @Lady Numiria

    Topic: Investigation of information leak to Nomad capitain @WiseKensai regarding private affairs

    Report Content

    Following deployment of mercenary forces on different areas of Concilium, it was relatively easy for me to trace back my old Bureau Noir contacts and, to my surprise, I found many actually deployed here.

    Due to the delicate situation of most of them, as per protocol alpha regarding informants, i will not disclose their names or data that could help trace their identity in this document.

    Through word of mouth I was able to ascertain that Nomad forces have points of contact with many mercenary companies deployed on Concilium and informally exchange information with them, often times not even for a price, just for the entertainment value. Gossip. "Memeing on peeps" they call it.

    Through those points of contact I could find a warcor, a freelancer, officially affiliated with the reputable newscompany HuaQuiao Atomic Times and often deployed alongside Foreign Company detachments. He has a less reputable hobby: he sells numerous photos to much less reputable publications, such as, for example, the "Independentissimo", the "True Mouth of the Real Truthsayers Forreal", and the "Icosahedral Universe Society Journal".

    In particular, he admitted to have taken photos of Commissioner Numiria in a *very* intimate moment with Kai'l Nourkias through a spy drone, with the intention of selling those pics to the infamous gossip publication "The mating Press"

    As per protocol delta regarding victims of crimes, i will not disclose further details regarding the Commissioner's private moment with the Samaritan, but, as per explicit request of the interviewed warcor, I'm hereby noting that the "missed sale" of those photos was worth no less than 57 BitCredits to him (at the current exchange rate, equivalent to 856'915,029 BitYuan)

    The suspect was recorded and then set free as per standard regulation for the gravity of his crime, and he's currently barred from leaving the city of Concilium Prima, awaiting trial.

    End of report

    Reporting agent's personal notes:
    I didn't find any foul play linked to Nomad infiltration into O-12 secure networks
    I will be looking into foul play regarding Combined Army activities within O-12 influence and I already set paperwork in motion to high command, so that in the event that I am no longer able to investigate, the matter is still to the attention of the highest authority we have.

    ***Transmission end, saved and copied to Database***
  10. Lady Numiria

    Lady Numiria Cyberius TaskForce

    Sep 12, 2019
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    Thank you Agent Hallken for these quick and effective investigations, TaskForce Cyberius will handle said warcor whereabouts once they'll be free from their actual mission!
    Dujiaoshu likes this.
  11. Dujiaoshu

    Dujiaoshu unsporting Druze

    Mar 22, 2023
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    [OOC] this would be the perfect excuse to have a game on TTS, my forCo vs your O12
    Lady Numiria likes this.
  12. Lady Numiria

    Lady Numiria Cyberius TaskForce

    Sep 12, 2019
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    [OOC: That would be nice indeed]
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