Notice of Trident activity on Concilium

Discussion in 'IC [In-Character]' started by nehemiah, Oct 5, 2023.

  1. nehemiah

    nehemiah Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2018
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    Dear esteemed representatives of the Human Sphere,

    Trident forces will be operating throughout Concilium to withdraw our civilian personnel due to escalating hostility towards our people brought about by the poorly thought out declaration against the Spiral Corps, which has put every Tohaa in the Human Sphere's life at risk. Despite the anger leveled at all our people, (as well as bad actors who will use this as an excuse to settle perceived past slights), we will also be assisting with the human civilian evacuation efforts so long as we have any presence remaining in the area.
    Our forces will not fire unless they are fired upon. In the unlikely event of such an event, (because we have the utmost faith in the restraint of the forces of the Human Sphere), any captured military personal, or recovered cubes will be turned over to their respective nations.
    Further, we too are deeply concerned at this shocking betrayal by a paid mercenary force, (we Tohaa also expect someone willing to fight for the highest bidder will always remain loyal to those who paid them). As a large portion of this mercenary force is of Tohaa origin, (which has led to the aforementioned mistrust and vehemence directed at the Tohaa as a whole), our forces will be sure to question and turn over any suspected members of the Spiral Corps to O-12 custody.

    -Naami MuuKar
    Tohaa Diplomatic Corps
    Delivered through Thaam-Buur
    Authorized Chaksa Representative
    Danger Rose and Wizzy like this.
  2. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Esteemed Naami MuuKar,

    please be informed that Waqf al-Badawi facilites in Bhai stand ready to receive evacuees, regardless of their species. We will also provide medical aid to the members of armed forces if they turn up at our aid stations in need of such help. However, armed forces personnel will be later transferred into the custody of the Sword of Allah, as per international regulations.

    I will not comment on the situation regarding certain members of the Tohaa species' role in the current crisis. Judgement is a thing for the courts - Waqf al-Badawi is here to make sure people stay alive.

    with kind regards,
    Director of Waqf al-Badawi
    Bhai University Campus, Concilium
    Wizzy likes this.
  3. Dujiaoshu

    Dujiaoshu unsporting Druze

    Mar 22, 2023
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    Esteemed Naami MuuKar,

    With this letter I am to officially offer the solidarity of our company to the delicate situation of your people. While we are not an humanitarian organization per se, we can offer help to your combat trained personnel by the stipulation of personal contracts for the retrieval of cubes in combat areas.

    Any Tohaa citizen interested is invited to personally visit our local base of operation in New Bergen (greater Okolnir area) and request a contract for the "Cube Jaeger" position at the Foreign Company welcome desk, recognizable by the attached logo (please avoid the Druze and WhiteCo areas).
    Once contracted, the Cube Jaegers will be dispatched to any active QAZ we would engage into, in order to increase the chanches of retrieving civilians'cubes and deliver them back to their families.

    Given our activity in evacuating JSA civilians from QAZ areas, which is our main contract, and O-12 sanctioned Warcor activities, we believe that even a little participation may go a long way towards building good will with the local public opinion.

    Our very best regards
    On behalf of Lt Cuddle's Peacemaker Corps
    Regional Manager and Director of Operation for the greater Okolnir region
    Mr. King Id Hart

    Ltcuddles ForCo.png
    Wizzy, Cothel and VeryFastPanda like this.
  4. nehemiah

    nehemiah Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2018
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    Dear esteemed Director Errhile,

    The Haqqislam government has always shown restraint and clear leadership in these trying situations, and we appreciated your understanding of the situation. Our forces will honor the humanitarian corridor established by the Waqf al-Badawi and will direct civilians toward your aid whenever safety allows.

    -Naami MuuKar
    Tohaa Diplomatic Corps
    Delivered through Thaam-Buur
    Authorized Chaksa Representative
    Wizzy likes this.
  5. nehemiah

    nehemiah Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2018
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    Dear esteemed Lt. Cuddle,

    while we appreciate your offer, given the situation we are now in was caused by putting too much faith in a mercenary corporation, we must decline at this time. We highly advise against any Tohaa from taking part in actions near or around JSA units. Their self appointed Shogun of Durgama seems to be full of vitriol against the Tohaa for some unknown reason, (perhaps it is because he understands the precarious situation his nation is in, as they rely heavily on the Oberhaus' recognition of them as a sovereign nation for their safety from the predation of larger nations and so is trying to stay as close to them as possible by backing every decree with zealous, bordering on fanatical, support).
    Should the situation on the ground change we will be in contact.

    -Naami MuuKar
    Tohaa Diplomatic Corps
    Delivered through Thaam-Buur
    Authorized Chaksa Representative
    Wizzy and Dujiaoshu like this.
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