[OC- out of character]- re posting what was posted in overall NA2 forums, cause I'm stupid [IC- in character]- Encoded message to all JSA Forces… “To all loyal citizens of the JSA, Thanks to recent events on Concilium we have been given a chance to strike at the heart of our enemies, and to finish out old grudges. I must ask that all JSA forces to forgo these grudges, such as the Aleph’s forced defense occupation of Gekidan Park during the Durgama Crisis. Instead I ask for all JSA members to focus on the protection, and freedom of all civilians being oppressed during this time; many civilians have been caught up in these “Quantum Anomaly Zones” our efforts are to be put on the protection and evacuation of these civilians. Any member of the JSA that harms any civilians of Concilium will be put on trial and may be faced with execution. Gekidan Park will be able to resupply all forces across Concilium, but our base of operations are far and few inbetween. Proceed with the utmost caution. Defend the people of Concilium. Do not be distracted. Achieve victory. Shogun of Durgama, Now JSA lead covert operative of Concilium. Location: unknown …Encoded Message 2 beginning… “To all NA2 forces, JSA has asked time and time again for your support; and that time has once again come. We ask that NA2 forces join in our cause for the evacuation efforts and the protection of all civilians across Concilium. Our sponsors who have given us a generous sum will allow all NA2 operatives working for the JSA to be fully supported. We of the JSA, in accordance with the O-12 arrest warrant, will not have dealings with traitorous organizations amongst the NA2 mercenaries. These groups of terrorists have proven that they do not care for the lives of Human Sphere civilians and will be counted as a threat against the civilians of Concilium, and against JSA efforts. Defend the people of concilium. Do not be distracted. Achieve victory. Shogun of Durgama, Now JSA lead covert operative of Concilium. Location: unknown
To all JSA forces although I have asked to put our grudges aside there is one man that must absolutely not be trusted, he had proven himself to be a unreliable narrator, someone who would slander the good name of the JSA and everything we work so hard for. We do not have any reason to believe that he has a desire to spread good will or truth, and as such is a threat to all of the Human Sphere. To any JSA member from Durgama we had believed that we evacuated him off of Concillium, but it seems through back door dealings he has shown up once more. As such the only NA2 groups who are not helping the JSA are the most likely suspect in helping this man get back to Concillium unseen; the Spiral Corps, and anyone who has dealings with this NA2 group are likely a traitor to the whole Human Sphere. This man is none other than VINCE MCMCHOGANY, do not wait for him to spread whatever lies he is plotting. WE ARE TO CAPTURE OR TO KILL THIS MAN ON SIGHT!!
To the kind attention of the honorable capitain of Covert Operations on Concilium Current designation "Kaminull", client code @Dupl1xitInf1nityCod3r Please find attached our offer for the search and capture of the requested live asset. The fee includes all expenses for capture by our own efforts, plus the fees for the posting and management of a private bounty, as per Concilium Convention attachment LIII paragraph 2 Errata 2 Please note that if the target is able to produce proof of citizenship, involved forces will not be allowed to deliver him into your custody without documental proof that he will receive due process. In case you need support in preparing the relative preventative paperwork, i refer you to our consultants at legal@LtCuddles.cs We also took the liberty to include a preview/mock of the basic wanted postings we shall distribute through Mayanet and the Holo-Billboards around Concilium (Holo billboards renting costs are included in the offer). Please let us know if the prize money suggested in the offer is adequate. We remain at full disposal for any further Inquiry My very best regards Jr Sales Associate Sam Seek
{out of character dam beat me to the wanted poster- great editing} Yes these papers seem to be in order as such we will gladly fund for the mass production of the Wanted posters, and of course are willing to double, or even triple the pay for the Merc Company that delivers us Vince.
[OOC- as the weekend is upon us, I would like all JSA to refocus efforts on Huaqiao. This story idea of using the power cell came from a player named JAC0, thank you very much JAC0!] To all JSA forces, We have discovered something within the Yu Jing Facilities that might be the cause of the heavy defense deployed by the Yu Jing army. It seems to be a quantum power cell, potentially capable of powering an entire city or a new type of weapon. I am uncertain about the intentions of the Jade Empire regarding this newfound resource. I highly doubt they would willingly share the secrets with the human sphere. Therefore, our plan is to launch an all-out offensive across Huaqiao to secure this new power source before time runs out. For the NA2 forces, intensify efforts to protect civilians in Huaqiao, including Nipponese and Yujingyu. We must ensure their safety amidst the potential crossfire. Continue evacuating these individuals to Gubei "Little Kyoto". Do not falter. Achieve victory at any cost. Shogun of Durgama, Now JSA Lead Covert Operative of Concilium. Location: Confirmed location at a Bar in Huaqiao. Report: A stranger is accumulating a tab of soda across various bars in Huaqiao, refraining from purchasing any liquor. The bars have begun to ban this stranger
That's some great news Commander Taishõ, congratulations to your armed forces for this brilliant civilian rescue operation!
JSA have pushed out of the Tai Sui Facilities, after securing Guibei. Thanks to all the fighting our intel network has led us to the most inner parts of the Bureau Agni research centers. To be more exact their Headquarters which holds the EERC, Experimental Energy Research Center. It is believed that at this location that the Emperor's true goals can be obtained. Of course I am talking about an experimental energy core (which may or may not be cats, which we must save!). This research can help further JSA’s armaments, perhaps making us one step ahead of all of our enemies. Our objective is also two fold, as we will also be able to protect Pan-O interests. Some secrets of Pan-O TAG development reside in the EERC and it must not fall into our enemies hands! As for anyone who has not heard the news JSA mercenaries were used to send us a “diplomatic” message, whether this was a threat remains to be seen . This had moved the JSA into allying with O-12 and to a lesser degree the Combined Army. The CA has promised us safe passages in order to gain reinforcements, and may even provide us with armaments! My personal Desire however is to deal a blow to the QCC who work in favor of our greatest enemies the Jade Empire. As such any nation who remains neutral is an ally to our efforts, and we hope these forces will join us in dealing a blow to the QCC. JSA will have to ask that all mercenary forces working for us to cut ties off from the QCC, or to discount the price of your forces under good faith. If they do not we must look upon these mercenaries with the utmost scrutiny! We have come this far, and we must keep going! Shogun of Durguma Now Kempei agent across Concillium Wishing I was racing on the Beltway, out. Location: watching the races on the Beltway, instead of fighting at the EERRC
Esteemed Shogun, It has come to my attention that a bounty has yet again been issued regarding a certain journalist of the Sphere. Considering the recent unionizing of local Warcors, we believe you should watch out to de-escalate the issue, to uphold Freedom of speech and Press Liberty. Lady Numiria, O-12 Representative
Esteemed @Lady Numiria and honorable @Dupl1xitInf1nityCod3r This message is sent to you both in regards of the bounty posted on a certain journalist of the Sphere. I am first to raise a point about who posted the bounty: all of the posters and public information available refer to Lt.Cuddles' Peacemaker Corps, which is us, and, regardless of the Shogun's open declaration regarding his opinion on said joirnalist, you have no legitimate way to prove that Shogun Kaminull Is Indeed the One who posted the bounty on MacMahogany, being the identity of our clients protected by privacy law 126/2078. I would secondly address the fact that, regarding the matter of using mercenary forces for finding and recovering joirnalists, you know first hand how the matter may not be so black-or-white. I will not add further detail in a public email, in full respect of aforementioned law 126/2078 With this public communication, I am therefore to 1) ask you to not harrass my client over a contract that may not be to him 2) invite you to a private negotiations meeting in case you wish to investigate or discuss the matter further My very best regards to both of you esteemed and honorable Leaders Xiao-Naan Tan, P.R. manager for the greater Okolnir Area [OOC Lt.C PMC rushes to protect their contracts, but also lays a Plan B. The shogun communication is a risk factor for my revenue so, in the off-chance that my contracts with JSA go tits up, setting up a meeting with Numiria might be a chanche to score a bounty for the other team. I'm also working on a good public answer to the Shogun's declaration, this one is a toughie, well done @Dupl1xitInf1nityCod3r ]
Ooc- family member made meme. I am also hoping to post a very rvil reply against the UWu on the news so...
OOC JSA Will be remembered for two things Always punching up And Hating journos Man I'm so fkn Happy they published me, I wasn't confident at all
Ooc-I'm really thankfull that Killian has put in so much effort to do this for the community. With any luck some of the stuff that get published might carry over to other campaigns and may even change the writings on alliance vs alliance territories to some degree.
The Shogun of Durgama had retired for the day. Between the planning, the diplomacy, the organizing and the talking (oh, god, the talking) he was, as usual, exhausted. He'd been operating on a high-concentration, low energy mode for more than two weeks now and, while everybody that could see him would look at an energetic and powerful figure with fire in his belly and thunder in his mouth, he himself felt paper-thin, a ghost of himself, propped up by responsability and stubborness, ready to crumble as soon as the battle is over. This was perfectly fine for him, of course, he gladly accepted this fate over being a well-rested and well-fed slave to the Jade Empire, but still, he needed his recreational space form time to time. A cup of scalding Oolong Cha, some diaphanous music, ink, a paintbrush, and calligraphy scrolls. He always enjoyed his private time in the jammed room, especially the absolute privacy he had. No nosy journalist could even guess what he did in his private time, and he relished the thought. He entered the inner sanctum, behind a secure door at the top floor of Daihatsu tower. With a sideways glance during his retinal scan he checked for the telltale shimmer in the air which signified that his shinobi were out and about, defending their lord with their life. He counted no less than three ninjas, but he was sure there were more, all from the Fujibayashi-Iga Conglomerate. Once inside the safehouse, the shogun relaxed a bit, letting his feet bring him to the tatami floor of his study, shedding his official clothes on the way and donning a simple silk robe, confortable above all. Without the buzzing of busy servants and attendants, he calmly prepared his own tea, set the lighting in the windowless room, turned the music on, and sat at the low desk. With quick, practiced movements he set the wet stone and ground the black ink into the water, placed his favorite brush next to the inkwell, and opened the first of the calligraphy scrolls he had next to him. He froze for a moment, his callous hands gently holding the scroll open, his stern face a dancing mix of different emotions. After a moment, he laid the long strip of reconstructed parchment flat on the desk, stood up, and gave a voice to his frustration through a long sigh. Muttering to himself in Nipponese, he then began walking back the way he came, removing his silk robes and reaching for his official garbs. The scroll remained there, between the already drying inkwell and the slowly cooling cup of Oolong, it's yellowish-wite surface gently lit by the mood lights of the faux holowindows. On the pricy and delicate parchment-like nu-material, rough incisions made with a ballpoint pen spelled a short message: " Use coupon code HassanKnowsCorporateLaw to get a 25% discount on the next three contracts you sign to Lt.Cuddles Peacemaker Corps. Any further discussion, or deal, we should have in person Hassan Koumeini"
OOC - I think few things feel better to invested players than to be included in the part of the game they are invested in in any official degree
*This is a end notice for me and shatter grounds a quick thank you and a narrative blurb for the shogun to leave open questions.* First off thank you to all the folks that played under the JSA/NA2 banner, the focus on our main goals was unreal. It really did warm my heart to see so many more people on our side from beginning to end during this campaign, and I hope that this will only continue to grow to make JSA/NA2 into the most genuine, and effective fighting force that I know it can be. To all the commanders that I interacted inside and outside the faction, I thank you for making this campaign a memorable one, and I am excited to see what all of you will do in the next campaign! That's the end of the thank you note going to post my ending narrative for the Shasvastii agent- I meant "Shogun". Thank you all! Shogun of Concilium, Final Log of the QAZ Crisis Despite Yu Jing defenses, we managed to gain ground over and over, undoubtedly thanks to the mercenary backup that was funded by Pan Oceania's corporations. Eventually, alleyways, street signs, and buildings were coated with the Nihon Kaihou (Japanese Liberation) emblem, a symbol used across Guibei to signal JSA sympathizers ready to fight for the freedom of Guibei. The attack on the EERC was indeed for the Emperor's goal of obtaining the Quantum power cell to fuel the efforts of JSA across Concilium. Regrettably, I had to entrust my commanders with securing this item, as I was cut off from my forces and chased to the shoreline. A group of SÙ-JIÀN chased me to the shoreline, One of them leaped at me, I was unable to react fast enough, being saved when someone shot the machine at nearly point-blank. The person had also taken out the other SÙ-JIÀN that surrounded me. To my embarrassment, I was faced with a man in sunglasses dressed as an Oniwaban, grinning from ear to ear. "My sincerest apologies, Shogun, but I have to speak to you alone," the Oniwaban spoke, extending his hand to me. I could only stare at him with utmost suspicion. "As friendly as ever, Mr. Shogun." He exaggerated his expression of despair at my unwillingness to shake hands. "Did you know random squads of JSA have been showing up all over Concilium, I suspect Shasvastii have infiltrated the JSA forces." I said, watching his every move and gesture, looking for any hint of a reaction. He turned his head quizzically, "Now, why do you need to mention that-" I took my blade and cut through his sunglasses, straight down his right eye. He growled in pain and gripped his face, but the growl quickly changed to a chuckle as he looked up at me, revealing his bloody face, which eerily resembled my own. He was indeed a Shavasstii agent, more than likely to replace me. He laughed hysterically “You got my left eye, WHY DID YOU CUT MY EYE!” I pointed to my right eye which had been shot out by a sniper before the QAZ happened. I grinned a near psychotic grin at this operative who had tormented throughout this operation, "You should be thanking me, you would of been figured out without a scarred eye. Now tell me, why haven't you killed me yet?" "I would have gladly killed you, but the command had better plans for you! Instead, I was to help you because they believed you'd be a valuable asset to strike a blow against one of the hyperpowers, who rejected EI's generous help!" The Shasvastii screamed at me, his mandibles gnashing together as he spoke. I pointed my blade at his neck, and questioned him “Then what is your plan?” He chuckled giving a pause before he spoke, "Think about it. Once you succeed, the Hassasians who have already infiltrated your ranks will attempt to assassinate you on behalf of Yu Jing. If you fail to claim the power cell at the ERCC, the Emperor will call for your death. I am to take that fall for you." I could only meet him with silence. He continued, "Of course, if you don't comply, I will be forced to kill you and take your cube for our own cause." He tilted his head toward one of the rooftops. Although it was difficult to see, the glint of a sniper was in the distance. He continued ,smiling his twisted sinister grin "You still have much to do, right? So what will it be die here on this planet, or strike once more for your silly notion of freedom?" The Shasvastii grinned once more, his eye dribbling with blood, the water around him dyed red. "Because either way, no matter what you choose you will always be helping the EI complete their goals." He laughed once more as he finished. I stared at him silent, in contemplation unsure of what to do. The setting sun's orange haze was painted onto the ocean around the small puddle of blood around the Shasvastii... That could be the last I would ever see of that sun… ***File is Corrupted***
OOC - thanknyou for your leadership and responsiveness on the RP field, leader It was real fun playing this campaign with you and I'm looking forward to the next one