Yu Jing Concilium Security Crisis Committee

Discussion in 'IC [In-Character]' started by YueFei23, Sep 27, 2023.

  1. YueFei23

    YueFei23 Durian Inspector

    Nov 29, 2017
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    My esteemed Yu Jing commanders, this is Hsien Yue Fei, Commander of the Durian Investigation Unit. Once more, I must ask you for your help.

    Confused allies and new recruits sometimes ask why the Emperor of Yu Jing would place a Hsien Warrior of the ISS, one of his famed Immortals, in charge of a mundane task like fruit inspection. For those of you unfamiliar with our work, the origin of my unit is simple. The Emperor and his storied family have always enjoyed Durian, regarding it as the emperor of fruits. Of course, it would be a relatively easy matter to cultivate and provide this specialty food for the Emperor's table. What other nations don't understand, is that Yu Jing is a benevolent and egalitarian society. Our Emperor decreed that all our citizens, no matter how far-flung across the galaxy, should all have access to the same treat that he loved. This necessitated a huge, interplanetary agricultural project, with containers of the finest grade Durian frozen and continuously in transit through circulars and shipping lanes to every corner of our population. This is the reality of Yu Jing, misunderstood by other nations, our people come first and we provide for them all.

    With this vast, interplanetary Durian trade, came opportunities for the smuggling of contraband. We've found Shasvastii seed embryos, contraband Xenotechnology, terrorist bio-weapons, and invasive alien species, all of it masked inside refrigerated Durian containers. Nations with less refined sensibilities often regarded the smell of spoiled Durian with some distaste and overlooked these serious threats to humanity traveling through their ports. Thus it was necessary for the Emperor to appoint a special unit of the Imperial Service, skilled in rooting out criminal smuggling conspiracies and unmasking impersonators. My Durian Inspectors have taken a leading role in defending the people of Yu Jing at many of the recent crisis flashpoints - most recently at Novyy Bangkok, Durgama, and New Hypatia.

    Reckless figures want to make a scapegoat of the entire Tohaa race. It is with some disgust that we witness Ariadnan commanders rounding up Tohaa civilians into internment camps as if their women and children were all complicit in the destruction of Concilium Prima. As always, when callow politicians persecute scapegoats, their loose words are turned into violence by their lapdogs and used to distract from their own incompetence and lack of initiative. The O-12 and Pan Oceania's government desperately wants to use these scapegoats as a distraction from their own failures.

    The events of the Concilium Debacle go deeper than that and we have brought our unique set of skills to bear, unraveling the schemes of the Taagma and unmasking a network of Greif operators like the one pictured above. Tracking down the Spiral Corps is the real task for us, along with the fools or spies in Concilium Coordinated Command who hired them to secure the very thing they wanted to attack. Even now Pan Oceanian generals talk about "holding Cameliard" during the Durgama crisis, when we all know that Yu Jing secured it against a Combined Army attack in the face of Pan Oceanian incompetence and would never have been foolish enough to put double agents in a position to attack it.

    The newly founded Yu Jing Concilium Security Crisis Committee, of which I am a member, now needs you to provide all available military resources to protect our people as we evacuate them from the Quantum Anomaly Zones. I will release further information soon, proving another Spiral Corps plot to attack the Master Clock in Huaqiao. If this clock falls, it will disrupt interplanetary travel for all nations attempting to save their people on Concilium. We are going to come under immediate attack from the Spiral Corps and their allies, and the cost if we fail will be terrible.


    Hsien Yue Fei
    Durian Investigation Unit
    Imperial Service

    [Yu Jing generals, please join our Discord server to prepare for the campaign: https://discord.gg/q8h5TASfV]
    [Current committee members: @Greysturm, @YueFei23, @Shiwen, @Admiral Philip von Kruse]
    [Art credit all goes to the incredibly talented @Thibz (@Tibooper on cb forums)]
    #1 YueFei23, Sep 27, 2023
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2023
    Wizzy, Danger Rose, Sedral and 8 others like this.
  2. Admiral Philip von Kruse

    Admiral Philip von Kruse Admiral, Navy-Ground Forces Liaison Office

    Sep 29, 2019
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    Aye, the insidious actions of the Spiral Corps cannot be tolerated, nor can they be allowed to continue actions to the detriment of the security of the Human Sphere!

    With the wisdom of Yue Fei, our Supreme Commander during the Durgama incident, I am confident the State Empire can make a truly worthy effort.

    Indeed, now is the time for all Yu Jing soldiers and commanders to be true to our great mission and purge the Spiral Corps from the face of the galaxy!

    For the State Empire!
    Shiwen, LucaGirolami and YueFei23 like this.
  3. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    Haqqislam is proud to stand next to our Yu Jing allies in this effort, but do wish to counsel a less offensive tone. Grace and deference to our beleaguered O-12 allies. Their logistics and leadership must be beyond strained in the aftermath of what has occurred. Concillium Prima did sustain the brunt of these attacks after all.

  4. iKon

    iKon Not Very Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2018
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    Esteemed Commanders of the Great Empire

    It saddens me that I will be able to provide very limited support to yourselves or the citizens of the Human Sphere effected by these Quantum Anomaly Zones as the White Banner forces under my command have been dispatched to the Campaign Taradiso which has also been reporting QAZ activities and agents suggest involvement of operatives not only from the so called Evolved Intelligence but also possibly Spiral Corp.

    Should any of my resources become available they will be dispatched directly to assist you however I know from standing shoulder to shoulder with the High Command at Cameliard that you will honour is all regardless.

    May you enjoy the Durian fruits of your success in this campaign.
  5. Greysturm

    Greysturm Invincible Army Drill Sergeant/Military Theorist

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Welcome to Concilium Sir,

    The situation report in brief format is that everything is currently chaotic and in flux, although most estimatations concur that the situation will be coming to a head in the next couple of weeks. Your assistant will receive the full report in the coming hours.

    Yu jing current deployments are as follows; White Banner scout detachments are mapping the quantum anomaly zones, meanwhile the invincible elements are currently spearheading rescue and defense operations. The Daebak force is engaged in constant orbital maneuvers in order to bring reinforcements wherever they are required. Still the nature of the planetwide emergency and circular traffic disruption has left us with limited manpower so i and several members of the command staff will be taking to the field in the coming days

    Speaking freely, i believe the sentiment of the enlisted men and women to see the agents of the imperial service arrive to bring justice to those who betrayed the entire Human Sphere in the name of the emperor is one of pride and great joy

    I dont know what the other powers of the sphere will do but they will soon see that the forces of the state empire will fight to save this planet and restore order.
  6. LucaGirolami

    LucaGirolami Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2020
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    t f tundra wolves.png
    Excerpt from the latest WBA bulletin

    “Recon platoon detachment 42, also known as Task Force Tundra Wolves, suffered major losses during the so-called Hypathia crisis.
    In the wake of the Concilium events, no resources can be allocated to the refitting of the unit, even though High Command keeps in high regard the decisional independence of the recon squads.
    The appointment of Meifeng Tien as commanding officer followed the reassignment of Daofei Tang Shun to [REDACTED]. May his prowess and experience be an inspiration for the recruits lucky enough to be in training under his assignment.
    The unit has been reassigned to the Concilium Prima theater, reporting to Dāoyīng Zhou Nuan of the 33rd Mountain Division “Eagle Claw”, located in [REDACTED].”
  7. Lady Numiria

    Lady Numiria Cyberius TaskForce

    Sep 12, 2019
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    Dear Commander. You cite Ariadnans as the cause of this inhuman behaviors, and then proceed to report the fault on O-12 and Panoceania? I can't speak in the name of our trusted allies, but this is high-level stunt to push your own agenda in times of such disasters for our beloved planet, specially targeting the very heart of the Sphere, besieged for long years, because the other nations member of the Concilium looked away when we were struggling against alien invaders.

    As a member of such a high organisation within your own army and nation, you should behave better because the current crisis is no time for petty politics. We expect all members of the Sphere to act rightfully and better to protect the civilian lifes and assure a future for the planet.

    Lady Numiria,
    0-12 High Commissionner
    Behalf the Edda Defense Front Commission.
    Quiet Professional and theGricks like this.
  8. YueFei23

    YueFei23 Durian Inspector

    Nov 29, 2017
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    As usual, you provide a smokescreen for the elites who have administered this entire fiasco. The ongoing Concilium debacle is a direct consequence of a failure of security at the highest levels. Security that you have claimed must be provided by Pan Oceania alone, despite our good faith attempts to offer support.

    Your own statement makes this clear - "O-12 is now considering all Spiral Corps members as terrorists of the most extreme and dangerous kind". On this point, we completely agree. Yet who contracted the Spiral Corps to provide security for the most vital secret site in the Sphere? Only the richest nation in the sphere would think it acceptable to outsource such a contract to NA-2 mercenary armies. Did they, perhaps, have another beach volleyball tournament for their own troops to attend?

    Being generous, we should not assume malice when mere incompetence will suffice as an explanation. Perhaps the Pan Oceanian security apparatus is not infiltrated by Spiral Corps double agents and this was all just a horrible lapse of judgment? However, given the stakes, we intend to track the Spiral Corps down on Concilium and prevent them from causing more damage. We are responsible for protecting the smooth operation of the master clock used by the circulars, a critical resource for all the people of the human sphere during this humanitarian crisis. In this responsibility, we shall not balk, and we are not at all confident that the system you have so much confidence in is not deeply compromised, or even in allegiance with the Spiral Corps. It is because of our current struggle and the risk to civilian lives that we can not lower our guard at this critical juncture.

    There are not many Tohaa left on Concilium, and attempts to use them as a scapegoat while the Spiral Corps and their allies are at large is extremely misguided. This appears to be where ever-eager Ariadna is frothing at the mouth, and you should formally censure their attempts to round up and attack, in their words, "the vile Tohaa". This must be humanity's finest hour, not an opportunity to stoke prejudice and risk innocent lives.
  9. Lady Numiria

    Lady Numiria Cyberius TaskForce

    Sep 12, 2019
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    We tried to consider your support, but it's hard to believe such offers when it means in blue on blue assaults in Durgama peninsula, ending up in vital artifacts being seized by extraspherical foreign power... So please excuse me for my doubts regarding your statements.
    Space Ranger likes this.
  10. Drunkergnom

    Drunkergnom Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2019
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    This is probably sign of unevitable apocalype - Yu Jung blame someone in their favorite things such as door-to-door shooting and hostage using. Okay, bird-agent, if you want to make proper misinformation company - you need to create something more realistic. Our soldier have no time to find Tohaa citizens, and no wish to do anything good or bad for them, especially when we move our assets to Okolnir.
    Lady Numiria and Space Ranger like this.
  11. YueFei23

    YueFei23 Durian Inspector

    Nov 29, 2017
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    Honorable Lady Numeria, I'm afraid this is exactly the problem. Not every color in the human sphere is Blue. As O-12 you should be fairly representing and working with all the nations of the human sphere, but you clearly have a favorite.

    When we made our emergency move to secure Cameliard it was sanctioned by a majority of the Human Sphere - Yu Jing, Nomads and Haqqislam made statements of unequivocal support. There was simply no time to wait for your paperwork and consideration, especially since the answer was both as inevitable as it was obstructive.

    I'm afraid some of the culpability for the loss of the Raveneye lies directly with you. If you had guided Pan Oceania to focus on their defense of the Raveneye Bridge and left us to hold Cameliard, the Combined Army would have been firmly defeated in Durgama. Instead, you indulged their wish for a "chivalric" crusade against their allies, and here we are.
  12. YueFei23

    YueFei23 Durian Inspector

    Nov 29, 2017
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    If it wasn't completely self evident, I would suspect you are drunk.

    Of course, we expect Lady Numiria's immediate censure of this euphemism for Ariadna on Pan Oceania aggression in Okolnir. I predict an early defeat for Pan Oceania, which I hope doesn't bruise their knightly egos too badly.
    Space Ranger and Shiwen like this.
  13. Drunkergnom

    Drunkergnom Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2019
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    So you have nothing. Okay, in such case it is self evident that I am your Emperor and you too high on drugs to not understand it. Or you just ate your precious fermented fruit, I heard that some birds get high on them.
    Space Ranger likes this.
  14. Admiral Philip von Kruse

    Admiral Philip von Kruse Admiral, Navy-Ground Forces Liaison Office

    Sep 29, 2019
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    My illustrious compatriot's actions and concerns are born from a place of great passion for the security of the Human Sphere, and it shines through in his words. Regardless of any opinions on the matter of Cameliard during the Durgama incident, fact remains that Spiral Corps, terrorists by your own and O-12 at large's admission, were in the employ of PanOceania. You cannot reasonably expect member states to not be gravely concerned with PanOceania's security and judgement given such decisions.
    Similarly, given O-12's support for PanOceanian measures in the past, including when a majority of O-12 member states expressed wishes to the contrary, along with your own prior allegiances those same concerns cannot help but be reflected on O-12 as well.

    Surely, if a state employs what turns out to be a terrorist organization, all would normally admit that someone was either not exercising due diligence or the question of collusion comes to mind.

    As a result, nerves are understandably high when it is not entirely clear whether a supposed pillar in the human sphere have enemy elements within them, or have lacked the foresight to exercise due diligence. Meanwhile, the armed forces of O-12, supposed to represent the totality of the human community appears unconcerned with these developments. Though, if you have a way in which to alleviate such concerns, I am certainly willing to lend my proverbial ear.
    Space Ranger likes this.
  15. Shiwen

    Shiwen Commissar, Yu Jing Political Work Department

    Dec 31, 2017
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    I will interject to beg a calming of tempers here... we are both passionate peoples there is no doubt, but Yu Jing and Ariadna have no quarrel, we have worked well together many times, including challenge to PanOceanian claims that Dawn belongs to the antipodes and coordination against Shasvaasti infiltration in the Human Edge.

    But an additional interjection to clarify for the record, if I may, that while a dish of fermented durian can be pleasant (so long as produced under inspection with exacting standards for health and safety) tempoyak is more traditional among the Malay of PanOceania. While it is our confident hope that they will recognize their mistake in joining the so-called 'hyperpower' and instead come to align with the StateEmpire in time, at present the populace of Yu Jing favours durian of a fresher sort, and Hsien Yue Fei's Durian Inspection Unit has diligently assured it reaches our markets free of both rot and of alien parasites.
  16. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    Honorable @YueFei23 ,

    Your heart is in the right place, but your own passion is hampering efforts diplomatically. O-12 made a mistake, this is known, and it is up to all of us (including O-12) to work towards making things better. O-12 know of their mistakes, and it need not be hammered further. What is important now, is providing the support and assistance to better themselves and stronger for the future. Haqqislam agrees that the support of Panoceania abandoning their place on Raveneye to fight Yu Jing was a major strategic mistake.

    Muhafiz Analysis of the Durgama Conflict and force numbers showed that Panoceanian command only had the resources to defend Cameliard OR Raveneye. But not both. It is regrettable, but that was how things were. The Combined Army were probing both Cameliard and Raven Eye as their analysts obviously saw this weakness as well. @Lady Numiria this was seen by Haqqislam, and Yu Jing analysts. Panoceania did not have the numbers or field leadership. It was decided that Yu Jing, being a strong enough power, was to step in on Cameliard as it had the smaller CA offensives, and the hope was that Panoceania would increase their efforts on Raveneye. This was spoken about many times to Panoceania and O-12.

    I will apologize as part of the DDC, that the situation on Durgama was moving so fast, we never did provide the paperwork and analysts to you to show you the danger Panoceania provided to the security of the sphere. I do not blame the commanders on the field, they fought well with their numbers but their leadership made a critical error, they chose to fight Yu Jing instead of the Combined Army. As General yuefei alluded to, if they had made the opposite choice, the Durgama Conflict would have been swayed towards the side of the Human Sphere.

    This is all to show, clearly, that the Durgama Defense Coalition allies think critically and objectively, and work together closely to achieve victory. We support each other and communicate often, and always strive for the Human Sphere. We look to Both O-12, and Haqqislams once staunch ally, Ariadna, to join us. All nations have fault, all nations have fought in the past, but if that is to prevent us from ever working together again in the future, then we are truly lost. I look also to you, my friend, @YueFei23 to work with O-12 with a sense of compassion and understanding.

    Voice of the Hachib
    Officer of Haqqislam High Command
  17. YueFei23

    YueFei23 Durian Inspector

    Nov 29, 2017
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    @theGricks as ever you are a voice of wisdom and a calm head in a crisis. We will need all the nations of the human sphere to cooperate to protect our people, defend us from further Spiral Corps insurgency and make sure that the Combined Army sticks to the boundaries laid out in our armistice agreement.
    Space Ranger and theGricks like this.
  18. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    We agree on this. I think it also important we try and blunt racial hatred of our our Tohaa friends, accused on whole due to the members of the Spiral Corps. I hope that the strength and commitment of our great alliance of Tohaa survivors, Nomads, Yu Jing, and Haqqislam will be as a light in the dark. Hopefully its brightness can bring others to our place of refuge and safety, and make it but a little bit brighter.
  19. Lady Numiria

    Lady Numiria Cyberius TaskForce

    Sep 12, 2019
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    *hum hum* Sorry, I didn't took my Devs-Vvlt suppression pills this morning. Anyway.

    Please, don't trade your allies mistrust behaviors for fallacious accusations against a commissioned officer of the O-12, because Nomads claimed and got approved as sole defenders of the Raveneye in a common agreement with Panoceania, in order for the latters to defend Cameliard against the CA threat, then Nomads retreated completely from the space station and you rushed against our dear Knight Brothers, totally unprepared against a human attack.

    If our hands weren't full at the time, we would have took severe penal and martial court action against said commanders for high felony regarding Concilium Prima and the Sphere interplanetary security!

    But to be fair you all seems to speak ill and badly of our honorable Panoceanian allies, when they are not here to defend themselves yet or disagree with your grave claims. The law says that none can be accused of such facts without the express right to defend themselves, and as so, I would ask anyone to stop claiming the supposed wrongs of Panoceania in the last conflict, without inviting them to participate in this High Command Exchange.

    Lady Numiria
    O-12 High Commissionner
    Behalf the Edda Defense Front Commission
    Space Ranger likes this.
  20. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    To be fair...where IS Panoceania? How is the "great hyperpower" so silent?
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