
Discussion in 'Ariadna' started by psychoticstorm, Aug 25, 2023.

  1. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    Thread pinned please keep the Shattergrounds faction discussion in this thread.

    IC (In Character) is advised but not enforced in this thread please note OOC (Out of Character) posts, IC is not an excuse or a bypass of the forum rules or a way to attack other forum members, but genuinely roleplay between forum members will be accepted.

    As per the past campaigns, if forum members spot any particular reports that have issues, please PM me (an explanation of what is peculiar is appreciated) and the team will investigate them.
  2. hortanium

    hortanium Major Thomas Williams, USAriadna Marine Corps

    Jul 2, 2018
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    Ariadnan Commanders, another trial is upon us and we must begin to organize ourselves to face it. I have fought in every campaign since my first deployment during the Kurage Crisis and will stand shoulder to shoulder with my comrades once again. We will demonstrate to the sphere our strength and value once more.

    Cazboab led us ably in our defense of the Raveneye Station during the battle of Concillium and I hope to fight with him once more. I would like to offer my services one again in the diplomatic realm. We have done much to improve our standing with the nations of the Human Sphere and I wish to further the work that we have achieved.

    I look forward to the new exploits that will be written into the history of Ariadna.

    Maj. Williams
    #2 hortanium, Sep 22, 2023
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2023
    Dupl1xitInf1nityCod3r likes this.
  3. Drunkergnom

    Drunkergnom Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2019
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    A short introduction for all newcomers.

    Our compatriots who arrived on this planet before us and honestly worked on fishing trawlers, providing locals with food, ask us for help. The port authorities trample on their rights, restricting them on weekends through forced catholic masses, and also forbids them to be armed and to be a member of the maritime industry workers' union! And this is in a situation when there is war with alien invaders on the Consilium Prima, and in many places reality itself is falling apart from the actions of alien powers! While O-12 ignores their problems (after all, this is not one of the few useful projects like the Polar Star, but only the rights of workers who supply the planet with food), we must come to the rescue and explain to the arrogant cowards from Panoceania that they are wrong. Remember, when the enemy came here, they ABANDONED their positions in order to save another maid outfit of their "beloved" Joan of Arc!

    Lieutenant Colonel Gnom-6
  4. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    The Ariadnans working the fishing facilities are vital to Concilium Prima from a logistics point of view, and deserve their voices heard. Haqqislam would be happy to assist in any way that they can to ensure your people are properly and fairly treated in this dangerous industry.

    Lady Numiria likes this.
  5. Drunkergnom

    Drunkergnom Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2019
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    Your presence will be disturbing at best. Some workers probably prefer to shoot your men on sight. And I don't guarantee that my personel will order them to stop; mostly, it would the opposite. Or you think that Xaraks Massacre is forgotten and forgiven?
  6. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    My friend @Drunkergnom ,

    The Xeraks Massacre similiar to the Nomads killed at La Forga at Wotan due to Ariadnan greed? Similar to the Panoceanians lost on your attack at the Exo Affairs Department also at Wotan when a Combined Army transport appeared? Similar to the Panoceanians at Panoc Multibase on Kurage who were making no offensive moves, and yet still were assaulted?

    Perhaps it is time to stop speaking of what other nations have done and look inwards toward yourselves and see why others did not trust you at Asteroid Blues and your control of a powerful set of weapons? Ariadnans had a history of attacking others of the Sphere because of selfish interests, Haqqislam had not. Haqqislam would like to bury the hatchet as it were. We are offering our hand, yet again, after Ariadna fought brilliantly on Raven Eye. Perhaps it is time you stop reminiscing on a past you paid for, and we work together on a future constructed together. A lot of Haqqislam and Ariadnan blood was spilled on the rock of Novvy Bangkok, I see no reason why it must continue.

  7. Drunkergnom

    Drunkergnom Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2019
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    Firstly, not a friend, but a lieutenant colonel. You didn’t try to survive the 10th penal squad with me, so you couldn’t call me a friend.

    Secondly, the very presence of armed PanOceanian soldiers at Dawn is both a threat and an insult. We were not taught to tolerate this. Since O-12 did not want to do anything about this, we took on it on our own.

    Thirdly, La Forja turned out to be defective and could have fallen anywhere. If it was normal, it wouldn’t fall apart.

    Fourthly, given the size of the population, our losses are much more painful. Among the workers, approximately a quarter lost someone on Xaraks. I will, of course, try to restrain their impulses, but the best defense for your people is not to appear in the danger zone. Suddenly, for example, Mikhalych would see your personnel, and there would be no one nearby to prevent him because we would take care of a passing kot. Do you think he won't take the chance to shoot? It’s better not to talk about the future at all; it doesn’t exist. Humanity is doomed nowadays, and it is our duty to fight until death comes for everyone.

    As a finale, I responsibly declare: Do you want to bury the hatchet? Do not approach the danger zone until it is covered. Artificial peace will not help.

    Gnom-6 out.
    #7 Drunkergnom, Sep 25, 2023
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2023
  8. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Myself, I'm not going to address the bad blood that happened in the past.

    I'll recall an another event. The defense of the Ravenseye Orbital, and what local Ariadnan Command - lt. col. @Drunkergnom included - was able to acheive in cooperation with the Waqf al-Badawi (albeit true, the ships performing humanitarian operations were independent operators - though affiliated with Waqf al-Badawi, and flying Haqqisalmite flag).

    Should someone want to organize a humanitarian relief NGO in Okolnir, Waqf al-Badawi is ready and willing to assist by sharing our know-how. I hope you'll pass that information to potential interested parties. I cannot offer actual on-the ground presence by the Waqf, as - first and foremost - I expect we'll be having our hands full elsewhere.

    Naturally, should any Ariadnan citizen turn up at a Waqf al-Badawi aid station, they'll be provided the same assistance as everyone else. That goes beyond any question.

    Feel free to contact me should there be any pressing manners requiring a humanitarian intervention in your area of operations. I can't guarantee we'll be able to help (if one thing is to be taken for granted, it is that in a humanitarian crisis, the resources available are always insufficent), but perhaps we'll find a way to make a difference.
  9. Lady Numiria

    Lady Numiria Cyberius TaskForce

    Sep 12, 2019
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    Dear Commander, please acknowledge that O-12 is very much preoccupied by the situation of all civilians within Concilium Prima's confines. Unfortunately, with the loss of a whole Circular, the almost complete destruction of a planet and the fight against alien terrorist groups, our hands are too full since nations are willingly fighting each others for petty jealousies, to a point that it's almost the Ur-Hegemony that is helping the Sphere and Concilium citizens the most right now.

    It's a shame for all nations, and everyone should be preoccupied by the poor situation of our mankind on this very planet. If we have extra forces, be sure that the workers of Okolnir will receive the appropriate help by O-12 Oberhaus ASAP.

    Commander Lady Numiria,
    High Commissionner - Member of the Edda Defense Front Commission.
    Brokenwolf likes this.
  10. Drunkergnom

    Drunkergnom Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2019
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    I think that we can do everything by ourselves. Probably we need some prison cells for possible PanO saboteurs.
  11. Dupl1xitInf1nityCod3r

    Dupl1xitInf1nityCod3r Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2022
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    JSA Has come to wish Ariadnan success in their goals, and hope to maintain good relations with each other.
    Equally JSA has a interest in buying any fish that is recovered, not only to allow our chiefs to make sushi, but in order to help any civillian areas with much needed food. I hope any funds used to purchase these fish will help in Ariadna's success!
    Lady Numiria likes this.
  12. Pander22

    Pander22 Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Are we Ariadnan's innocent?

    of course not, ill be the first to admit it, I've done my fair share of redacted things for ariadna

    War is a game of response. Did ariadna start it? did yujing or pano? it doesn't matter anymore,
    We move forward or we die, old grudges and long scars go hand in hand.

    what's happening now, this is what we must address, all these frivolous alliances are a waste of time, Of course we should co-operate in the face of destruction but Ariadna is always in the face of destruction or assimilation into another nation, our backs have been up agaisnt the wall since ariadna was rediscovered, 0-12 stood up for us, never forget that helped us keep our independence

    However, If Ariadna cant stand up for their own people, or anyone else in these *alliances* put the said alliance before their own people and ignore the issue at hand I have one word for them


    Agent Rake
    Ariadna Black Sky Intelligence
  13. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    To: Ariadna Command, Okolnir
    From: Director of Waqf al-Badawi

    Waqf al-Badawi has been notified of a number of unaffiliated civillians (holding various NA2 passports) being present at Okolnir, and unable to leave it due to ongoing hostlities.

    Please consider estabilishing a humanitarian corridor to allow these - and other - civillians to evacuate from Okolnir and seek refuge in Bhai. It would be greatly appreciated if you could also provide the civillians with transport to Bhai, where they will be received in a Waqf al-Badawi aid station.

    No Waqf al-Badawi personnel will be deployed outside of Bhai area. We have already turned down an offer from an independent military contractor, who was ready to deliver some of the evacuees from Okolnir to our aid stations, as this could've been seen as a thinly-veiled form of a military interveniton in the area.

    Please keep in mind that, by the Internaitonal Humanitarian Law, safety and well-being of civillian population remains the responsibility of the military force and national entity that is de facto controlling the area. At this moment, this is Ariadna.

    Please be advised I will be also contacting PanOceanian Command on the same matter: humanitarian corridors work much better when they are agreed upon by all warring parties.

    Hoping for your prompt response.

    With kindest regards,

    Director of Waqf al-Badawi,
    Bhai University Campus, Concilium.
    #13 Errhile, Oct 4, 2023
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2023
    Wizzy and Lady Numiria like this.
  14. Drunkergnom

    Drunkergnom Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2019
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    Impossible right now. PanO using them as cover for their *REDACTED BY ALEPH, CURSE WORDS ARE PROHIBITED* Squalos and other terror units of corpo-slaves. Even if we could do - they will not release them. And in my opinion - your position is even more weak to CA attack. Bhai looks like trap even more than Okolnir.
    Edit: if my intel right - you want to send Druze board. This is extremely bad idea. When PanO would be blocked and forced to surrender - I'll drop civvies with my flyer. But it's too early.
    #14 Drunkergnom, Oct 5, 2023
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2023
    Wizzy likes this.
  15. Pander22

    Pander22 Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Ariadnan forces have secured passage for all civilians from Okolnir to Bahi, However we have advised civilians of the growing presence of CA forces in your "safe" Zone,

    Now that Okolnir is in the hands of Ariadnan forces, we feel that we are putting them at far more risk moving them into Bhai,
    Would Haqqislam command be open to allowing Ariadnan forces into the region as local support

    Agent Rake,
    Commander of Ariadnan Forces
    Bear Force 1
    Wizzy and Lady Numiria like this.
  16. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    To: Agent Rake, Commander of Ariadnan Forces
    From: Director of Waqf al-Badawi

    Thank you for securing the humanitarian corridor, that will allow the civillians to move to Bhai - should they desire it.

    I'm glad to hear the situation in Okolnir is stabilizing, and the local population feels safe enough to stay at their current location. This is a good sign, and also a step towards averting a humanitarian cirisis in the making. It is, after all, way easier to care for a civillian population where regular infrastructure exists, than do it at makeshift facilites of a refugee camp.
    Sometimes, however, such an alternative is not available.

    Should you decide the Ariadna Command in Okolnir needs any of the know-how regarding humanitarian operations Waqf al-Badawi has, please do not hesitate to contact us.

    As for safety of the Bhai area, we haven't noticed increased CA presence here. True, there were some skirmishes with overzealous Morat patrols reported, but as far as I am informed, the Sword of Allah has a solid grip on things.

    Regarding allowing Ariadnan forces in as a local support, this is not my decision to make: I'm just a man trying to save as many lives as I can. Please contact the Haqqislam High Command through the usual channels.
    Waqf al-Badawi would, however, welcome anyone willing to volunteer their time or resources to its cause.

    With kindest regards,

    Director of Waqf al-Badawi,
    Bhai University Campus, Concilium.
    Wizzy and Lady Numiria like this.
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