I think it was in MO, but I can't be 100% sure as MO has changed so many goddamn times it's hard to keep them straight
Would it be fluff + mechanical identity appropriate to give PanO the chain of command stuff Yu Jing got? Would that boost PanO's competitiveness significantly? The megacorp + church theme of PanO fits the mechanics. Squad discipline stuff is just one of many charm points Yu Jing has to stand apart from PanO (smoke warblands, glue, exploding slaves, various replaces-former-JSA-option power armored ninjas, and so on). Yu Jing just got a box set of Korean military orders more or less.
PanO already has Chain of Command especially in Reinforcements. The Bolt CoC has been a thing since N2. The new Knight of Holy Sepulchre has CoC too. As contentious as Singh is in SAA he also has CoC. But as of Reinf - every PanO faction has access to the 28pt Bolt CoC
Remember as of the reinforcements update CoC has changed how it works so his functionality has improved.
Please tell me how the AD (which is Infinity definition of "suicide troop" (even more than old fashioned ghazi)) and "CoC safety net" goes together on one unit ?
It's a solid late-game combination. Not good against Speculos or other dedicated assassins ganking your LT early, but he's an unhackable specialist (which is somehow unique among PanO Combat Jump troops last I checked) who can drop in and grab objectives later in the game. Good with a LT you plan to use actively but conservatively, like an ORC HMG who might eat an unlucky missile crit early in your turn or be stood up for ARO on Turn 2, as he can benefit a lot from an extra Order after your pool is worn down. He'd be much better if PanO had good aggressive LTs who weren't vulnerable to T1 assassination by Hackers or Impersonators, though.
I don't tend to suicide run my troopers for starters I try to employ them in a fashion that won't get them killed. Additionally he's an asset that cannot be touched until you deploy him onto the table. If the player suspects their opponent is gonna make a run there's nothing stopping you from swinging him into a tidy little hole at the end of your turn. Whether this happens consistently matters not. It's better to have and not need than to need and not have. IF you don't end up needing the COMD safety net. He's a CoC who can deploy almost in Sil contact with an objective in Powerpack since deploying on the opponent's side of the table doesn't count as deploying into his DZ. He's a relatively solid CC drop troopers who can push buttons along the way.