Hi. I have prepared an update for these days. But I have to solve a small problem. Excuse me. As soon as I have it ready, I'll see if we finally fix the problem. ^_^
A new one: Delete button on troops did not work ... not the first time. Again I changed some thing, but not much, get a bit annoyed and clicked several times: Now - 30 SWC ... Its PanO/Svarlaheima Winterforce Win10 / Firefox - new version
I'd like to point out that the problem has come back, and is essentially just as it was at the point of the original posting.
I did experience it a few times in N4, but not that much. However I've been fiddling with CodeOne lists for demos and it has happened almost everytime after a few deletes. Copying the armycode and pasting it back helped, but sometimes deleted the units that I wanted to keep.