Sorry if these questions have been answered. Two part question, do we know how big the droppod marker is? I didn’t see it in the rules. I’m assuming it’s going to be around 40mm-55mm. And does the pod stay on the board??? I’m actually more intrigued by this one because it says you can use a piece of scenery in place of the token that fits the correct size. So we could potentially have placement of a terrain piece partway through the game for providing cover/closing fire lanes. And having a cool droppod model do throw down that stayed would be pretty cool. I always thought the 40k droppods were pretty neat. You could obviously have a cool model made for the deployment anyway I’m just curious. :)
I also missed that info in the rules pdf. The token is in the token pdf - I would say 25 mm but it could also be 40 maybe it turns out to be 30?
ALL objective markers are 40mm, Drop pod or otherwise. A few companies make a 3d model of one (like Micro Arts).
It is a token so the only effect it would have would possibly be preventing movement over it (and other markets been deployed over it)? Ill ask about it.
No, the rules explicitly say that it can be either a token or a scenery item. So whether it's left on the table is indeed important.
So we cleared that it is 40mm (man, it fits a lot of bodies!). Given the dimension of the old AirWagon, a larger token would have been fitting (pun intended) Token vs Model, the problem is as always the LoF cutting. Tokens are "open air" not having a S value, where Models do block LoF. But.. Can you deploy your model ON the Pod? Can you move OVER the Pod?
Okay no problem. thank you. :) That’s exactly why I was asking, because it seems that if you can use a scenery piece as is implied by the wording of the rule, it could be placed strategically to provide some small cover or some such tactic. I was just curious if that was indeed the case. I am happy to wait for confirmation. I think personally the cinematic and immersive nature of something like that is more what appeals to me. An excuse to get some cool pod models to paint and use. (I’m easily amused and entertained) ;)
I was thinking using a Corvus Blackstar from my pile of shame, shave off the inquisitorial logos and add the size of the token to the baseplate. Will probably not always be possible to fit it on the table, but it will look cool.
I do not think you can deploy on the drop pod as you must deploy in zone of control and I do not think this includes the base of the marker.
The parts of the base that is not "the token" would just count as the table. Anyway, it is not something I would bring outside the basement. I prefer my tokens to be able to fit in a small box when travelling.
Just being devil's avocate here... but aren't all troops inside their own ZoC? That would mean their base is part of it. I would suggest for the next version of the book to 1) state clearly the base's dimensions (heck, say it's an S3 and forget about measures there) and 2) indicate that once the deployment of the troops in the reinforcements group have finished, the drop pod gets removed.
just being the devil's prosecutor here... And about the size of the token. it has been updated immediately here: nut nobody (me included) looked here...
I did - but I still have to guess and it look a bit different from the Console etc markers that are a bit the way up. It would not be too hard to just describe it in the rules pdf.
I'm trying to think of a way to represent this in a fun way. Sure I could do a drop pod like Halo or something, but maybe I can balance a VTOL off the 40mm base somehow. Like the Advent Dropship from Xcom 2 or a Trauma Team Aerodyne Vehicle from cyberpunk.
Don't, use one if you want as a visual for photos, but you will have trouble moving models under it I have several advocations here, just ofr the fun of it! 1) from the border, but no direction stated, so it could also go the other way at the same time! 2) I see no "hollow cylinder" there, just "cylinder" 2) So if an uncamoed Anathematic Hacker is at the top of a building (let's say its partially an overhang of the roof) and I place my hacker plus exactly under the Anathematic's base in the lower floor of said building, without touching the 40mm base size edges, I could happily hack away (just not at the Anathematic) without generating ARO, or place repeaters for free from under it as long as I reached said position without LoF and using Stealth... 3) same overhang case here, only any unit and an AD troop that could be deployed freely on top/under said unit as long as the whole AD troop's base was inside the "shadow" of the defending troop's base...