I want you to try follow this in real life. Mock people you don't know, don't have a rapport with, over things that you know will clearly upset them. You're probably going to get beat up, alot. I can crack jokes with friends and expect people to laugh. If I go onto the street or a public place and start making fun of people I'd fully expect to get my ass beat. A reminder Bostria is on a public platform addressing people he does not personally know while representing a company and a brand. This is not an informal setting.
The main problem I see is that it is an investment for a unit that very few people would purchase, and CB does not want store exclusive models. But more importantly if CB has decided to make a major redesign down the line like they did for Tunguska, Shasvastii and now Exrah, any model released now would be out of date the moment it gets released. I get it it is frustrating to be out of rotation and Tohaa is occupying the same spot a major faction and a sectorial at the same time, I understand and sympathize, but it is a decision made, what I am sure is when Tohaa come back, they will get the proper treatment as any returning faction does.
I can follow it quite easily. Mocking anyone openly is going to generate a large amount of anger. From others it’ll generate indifference, laughter, anything among the range of human emotions really. I seldom mock people myself. I’m not that funny but those who will have assaulted me for having an opinion different to theirs will have a happy old time in jail.
We're long past that. Irrelevant. No, you don't. A shit decision served on a shit plate with a shit-eating grin. Uh-huh. In 20 years in Shitcast 3.0. Maybe.
@psychoticstorm Not sure what your problem is with Risitas. There's a lot of people who like him and many are on the fence about him.
Will do. Can't wait to experiment with taking the same troopers from a regular list and making it appear on turn 2 instead. With no change to their profile, except losing camouflage. Very refreshing.
I think that, as a Tohaa fanbase, we should let aside the grudge on Bostria or someone else for how he talked in the video. Being aggressive and insulting does not help at all and can lead only to shutting down the discussion. On the contrary we want to keep alive it and for this reason I think we should persist here and on the other CB social platform(CB, YouTube etc.) to ask (in a civil way) for answers. As I mentioned before we should also think to organize ourself in a petition that we can post on FB for CB.
Tohaa are in a similar boat to every NA2 army except JSA and Spiral at the moment; reinforcements but no access to all the new units (but some NA2s might get access to old units they previously didn't, eg Spiral get Diggers back in the weirdest of ways!) The big story for me is Tohaa aren't being squatted, their rules are still up to date, and they're stil very very strong. If you're set on new Tohaa models, you have a longgg wait ahead of you, is all.
No, I currently main MO. But I switch out my main every six months like clockwork, to get me to paint and learn em. It means I'll never be topping a league, but I do okay as it also means I know a lot of armies very well. I've mained FoCo, WB, Tohaa, SC, CHA, O12, NCA, CA, OCF, JSA, Corregidor and now MO. I'm skint at the moment (yeah I know, I wonder why? :D but when I look at a new army it'll probably be QK or OSS.
It explains a lot.So when actually you put Tohaa on the table last time.According to your schedule it was like in N2 MO is not an easy army to play good luck with them. Damn!You edited you post
What Tohaa have as an advantage is what I have best heard described by @RobertShepherd is the "Tohaa Zone" they are a robust army that few people play and even fewer have faced, making them a mystery to face and no established "best practices" in dealing with them are build in to most players, this increases their potential when facing most players, but drops drastically when the opponent knows what they are facing and how to deal with it. This is true to all armies by extend, I have noticed I play better against factions I also play.
So your advice for Tohaa players is to stop playing Tohaa,so everyone will forget them?And then pop out in a year or so in a tournament.
Anyway, I remember Bostria mocking YJ players when Uprising came out and nobody cared, this is hardly surprising
Relying on the opponent's lack of preparation, rule knowledge and strategic knowledge is about the most unpleasant way to play. The opponent will not be happy by being caught off-guard by rules he didn't even know existed and you are robbed of the opportunity to test your skills to the limit. Calling this an advantage is only true technically against newer players and the veteran Tohaa players (which are by now all Tohaa players) don't even need it. Other games have specifically altered the game rules in order to avoid gotchas by unknown rules and units (i.e. the pithing needle Borborygmos incident in MtG, a game so chockful of rules, it is Turing undecideable).
Again this is not what I said, but it is an inevitability with Tohaa. Infinity is a game were prior practical and not theoretical knowledge of the army you face matters a lot, there are a few armies that for various reasons, usually local player preferences, or models availability do not see frequently the table in a meta and those get an advantage by been unfamiliar. Tohaa been a relatively strong faction and a rare faction (never were a popular faction and their model range has shortages) usually get that circumstantial advantage in most metas. This gives the impression they are a stronger faction than they are to most players facing them, given that and what you said above I can see why would CB want to redesign them down the line and keep them in rules support till this happens.