Haqqislam Reinforcements

Discussion in 'Haqqislam' started by Brokenwolf, Jul 21, 2023.

  1. Brokenwolf

    Brokenwolf Protector of the Search for Knowledge

    Mar 8, 2019
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    So what do we think? I feel there are two major questions left:

    1. Does the Reinforcements "drop" cause AROs?
    2. How are the link teams counted versus the limit (Vanilla and Sectorials)?
    The Azra'il option is intriguing as if you are willing to sacrifice positioning, you could place your drop to be able to hopefully nuke something. A duo with a Rafiq or the good doctor would be interesting.

    I am sad that Sekbans are losing their spitfire profile, but being able to drop a link in seems worth the trade. I guess the Odaliques spitfire takes that role.

    The Burtuk seems like it would be a great template delivery vehicle in a link with either burst 3 e-marats or Heavy flamer.

    I will wait for the final rules before speculating on the Korsan.
    Cadwallon likes this.
  2. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    I'm strongly suspecitng the Azra'il will be getting a Reinforcements profile (geared fro close-range combat, like the N2-era one with AP Rifle, LFT & Panzerfaust). Because what's the point of a long-range gunfighter in a group intended for forward deployment...?

    Sekbans swap Spitfire for a Red Fury.

    I'm totally intrigued by the REF al'Hawwa. Al'Hawwa without Camouflage & Infiltration (because those skills don't happen on Linkable troops)?

    All in all, we've seen but a glimpse so far. We have to wait for the complete package.
    Cadwallon, Papa Bey and Brokenwolf like this.
  3. Brokenwolf

    Brokenwolf Protector of the Search for Knowledge

    Mar 8, 2019
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    I do hope that the Reinforcements Odalisque profile becomes the standard one. Combining all those profiles would make things simpler. Plus a burst 2 Nanopulser is always welcome.
    Cadwallon likes this.
  4. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    I think it will, more or less. Though it'll be a bit more expensive than REF one (REF seems to be cheaper on pricniple - since they show up late to the game).

    Also, game becoming 250pts/10 models + 100pts/5 models is going to change a lot, compared to the current 300pts 10+5 models standard. I think we'll be seeing different units on the table than before.
  5. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    It appears marker states don't happen on Reinforcements.
    xagroth and Robock like this.
  6. tacos

    tacos Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2022
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    I kind of feel like CB really didn't show us potentially the most interesting stuff lol. We really don't know a lot. I want to see what they are doing with Sekban especially, given how core they look to Haqq's reinforcements.

    The Korsan looks neat but kind of redundant, at least for vHaqq and HB. Maybe Ramah and QK will get better use out of it, and maybe the standard profile will have something like smoke or airborne deployment.

    The Burtuk seems cool, I'm a fan of those kind of toolbox units. No stealth is a bit rough, but I think that LRL profile could do work when linked, and it's nice that Haqq has a native combat engineer. Also linked gizmokits might be interesting for use with the Shakush. Or hell, just having a potential midfield engi for the Sunduqbut could be really cool.

    It's nice that Odas have had their profiles consolidated, and maybe that might make them more interesting in a haris, but the profile still doesn't really excite me. Maybe starting in the midfield with reinforcements might help them out more?

    I really, really want to see what the Azra'il looks like in reinforcements. If it is just the standard profiles, that would be huge given how immobile the Azra'il normally is. If they do give it a specific reinforcements profile, there's also a lot of potentially interesting stuff - something like an AP Spitfire profile feels maybe in line?

    The Sekban stuff is interesting to me, but also has the potential to be really disappointing. Sekban, at least imho, are one of the poster children when it comes to bloated, overpriced and not especially capable MI. If all they are doing is swapping their Spitfire for a Red Fury, that'd kind of suck. Both for Haqq reinforcements, and for QK. CB did give Moblots a pretty nice update, so I hope we see something similar for Sekban (durability, shooting skills, really anything tbh).

    I'm also curious to see if Hafza are going to get any changes - they are kind of fine as is, but CB could def do something more interesting with them. IIRC Bostria gave examples of Hafza having Commlink (+1)/(+2) in multiple videos, so it sounds like they getting some new profiles regardless.

    FTO Al-Hawwa and Hakim profiles sound neat. They could just be literally the same profiles without Camo/AD/Infil, which would be boring but fine, but what CB did with the Blade Ops for PanO (which I presume are going to have some regular camo infil profiles?) makes me think they could do some neat stuff with them. FTO Hakims especially sound cool.

    There's also a bunch of other stuff that implies that there might be some potentially interesting changes (wildcard AVA1 Djanbazan? No options for 5 man core link purity? Azra'il-Hawwa duo?), but those could also just be things I'm reading into too much.

    I guess the main thing I'm really, really hoping for is for Sekban to get a glow up. C'mon CB, they have some sweet ass lore, an awesome looking design, and could really bring QK back up if they were given some help.
    Brokenwolf and Cadwallon like this.
  7. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Though I've always thought of Camo Infiltration to be crucial to al'Hawwa's effectiveness. Withouth them, they're merely Mimetic shotgunners (as the al'Hawwa in ther box is the Hacker loadout) without much to stand for them.
    Of course, REF version may be quite an oddball, compared to al'Hawwa profiles so far.
    #7 Errhile, Jul 21, 2023
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2023
    Cadwallon likes this.
  8. Cadwallon

    Cadwallon Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I find some of link a little odd, like hawwa in fireteams. Azra+rouhani could be ver y cool. Korsan chain in haris. A good combate engineer, Who Can repair tag in mid/final turn.

    I think, malek reinforcements has good potential.

    For the little box i spected an azrail.

  9. Knauf

    Knauf Transhumanist

    Mar 3, 2018
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    I'm hyped for the Burtuk. If the sculpt looks like the profile reads, that man will become a staple in my games.
    Brokenwolf and Cadwallon like this.
  10. Ariwch

    Ariwch Tournament benthotic lurker

    Mar 5, 2018
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    That's kinda funny that on the unit logo it's called burkut, not burtuk :)
  11. Muad'dib

    Muad'dib Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2021
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    I read back through the old N2 lore for al hawwa last year and they were described as sometimes working as undercover operatives on civilian vessels. I thought it would be cool if they got a holoprojector or killer hacker cybermask ability that would represent this, since I don't feel camouflage has the same "hide in plain sight" feel.
    burlesford and Errhile like this.
  12. kesharq

    kesharq Lucky Dice-Roller

    Feb 9, 2018
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    I like new profiles and new sculpts. I play HB and a very HB-style Vanilla Haqq,

    But right now, I cannot see using Reinforcements at all as I feel they weaken my current lists despite having a total of 50 pts more to spend

    In Vanilla I rely on Mukthar/Asa/Rafiq/Namur Duos in varied constellations plus multiple Camo Marker (Roadblocks & Button pushers) - here I already use Al'Hawwas, Hakims and Rafiqs so I do not need seemingly castrated profiles as REF.

    In HB I use 2 Haris-style link Teams and again multiple Camo Markers. All options in REF are imho inferior to the profiles I use.

    REF - as of now it is nothing for me
    Barsik and burlesford like this.
  13. Robock

    Robock Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    we need to play more 250Pts list; ITS 14 can be played at 250 and it uses the same battlefield dimension as 300. Only then will reinforcement be an easy add-on. Or not, actually, as 150-250Pts are played with 15 units while with Reinf you have to play with less so that the bonus 100Pts don't put you over the 15(or +1,+2) cap.
    Barsik and burlesford like this.
  14. burlesford

    burlesford Sheet guy

    Apr 14, 2020
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    For me the biggest issue is that it waters down faction thematics. As an RTF Player, I want to play RTF units. With reinforcements, I'm (rein)forced to play a bunch of Qapu Khalqi dudes to help out my RTF. For PanO, it's not so bad for me since I play NCA, but everyone else suddenly has Bolts on the table helping out their knights or jungle or winter fighters.

    Which also means (boring) mirror matches will be much more common. A reinforcements match-up of Caledonia and TAK will nonetheless end up with a bunch of French dudes fighting each other. Somehow that makes the game less interesting to me, not more

    Finally, it makes no sense whatsoever from a thematic perspective. Imagine the fight between CHA and TAK I just mentioned. Are we supposed to believe that they both call Equipe Argent, and the French truly send out two pods of the same force to shoot up each other? Or the combined army sends two squads of Exrah into a clash of Morats and Shasvastii to prolong a fight between two of its races? It just doesn't make any sense.
  15. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    I think this will be discussed more when the comprehensive picture of reinforcements will arrive, personally I do not think we will see many if any "mirror matches" as players will customize the reinforcements to fit their way of playing and filling the gaps they predict to have.
  16. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    They placed a Prowler in the Nomads linkable troops, and an IGAO in the Tohaa ones without camo state, so I suppose it's a way to drop the price, and give a toolbox.

    Since the Reinforcements are mostly a pack of troops using the old N3 "Mechanized Deployment", that makes the Hawwa lose only the marker state, so depending on the profile he can be a good objective marker (I always preferred the FO one to the Hacker, also because of the flash pulse as a defensive weapon if Discovered, so...)
  17. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Then again, they haven't shown us REF writeups for Igao nor Prowler. So, as we say, that's writing with your finger on a surface of water. Ephemeral.
  18. Papa Bey

    Papa Bey Clueless Wonder. Still.

    Nov 23, 2017
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    The format doesn't really draw me in. We'll see after GenCon when things are more clear.

    First, I'm curious to if it's possible for Reinforcement to be balanced against not-Reinforcement. Is 250+100 "even" with 300? If for nothing else not having to rebuild lists on the fly when I get to the local game store.

    Given the evolving nature of Corvus Belli's offerings over the last year and a half, does anyone think we'll ever see any more Sekban than the two for the initial box release? Does anyone feel that we'll ever see the Hafza with heavy rocket launcher model produced?

    I'm actually more concerned about what gets mapped back into the profiles we already have.
    xagroth and Errhile like this.
  19. Brokenwolf

    Brokenwolf Protector of the Search for Knowledge

    Mar 8, 2019
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    I think there is a decent chance for the Hafza HRL and spitfire. The new design makes me think they are really looking forward to new models. Plus they specifically mentioned them with the potentially improved com link rules.

    For Sekban, it really matters on the rules. Personally, I think they are currently fine. But if they get any boost, they might be another wave two Reinforcements box.
    burlesford and Errhile like this.
  20. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    I think the game is going - again - through a paradigm shift. And the way the models are packaged is meant to reflect what CB sees as intended method of building armies.

    Pretty reasonable for a new player, I guess, though rather irritating for an old hand like me: out of the Reinforcements Haqq box, I need only the two new units. Maybe three, if the al'Hawwa has a loadout different to the pre-existing models I own (inc. one converted with a BSG, so I have three). The rest is going to be a dead weight on me: I have the old Sekban (inc. converted Doc) and old Hafzas (inc. converted HRL, because for years, the profile existed without a model. Still does).

    Well. I'll proxy. Perhaps I'll buy the specific models themselves on a second-hand market, from a box-splitter. I still have lots of models I don't need nor want that came boxed with the new models I needed - and I'm not able to offload them. From my point of view, CB isn't doing the sales to me the way I'd need them to do.
    emperorsaistone and xagroth like this.
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