May > August 2023 releases - New heat wave

Discussion in 'News' started by Wizzy, Mar 15, 2023.

  1. FelipeMor

    FelipeMor Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2018
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  2. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Yep, because that page was written in 2020 at the earliest, after the Tohaa vanilla range was discontinued, and never showed them.

    Tohaa Vanilla have been absent from CB's promotional stuff since they retired the range in Q2 2019, companies don't tend to advertise products they don't sell.
    burlesford and A Mão Esquerda like this.
  3. Benkei

    Benkei Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2017
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    Except none of those sectorials except Shasvastii are coming back? Giving all they can how? This is kinda agreeing with Tohaa players.

    Also, going by the Exrah, Tohaa can look forward to having 3 or 4 miniatures that look absolutely nothing like Tohaa but generic scifi stuff 10 years from now?
    Jumara, Abrilete and Barsik like this.
  4. Daireann

    Daireann Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2020
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    Sad, of course, but I didn’t expect anything new for tohaa.
    Am I want them back? Yes. I am not sure, I would try to get them again, I am tired, but They are in my heart (and simbiomates are on my shelve)

    We should see NA2 reinforcement!
    I would be happy to get at least a couple of rifle brawlers. For now there are only one of that options for us.
    Today everything would be clear at last.
    Barsik likes this.
  5. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    I beg to differ. Today we'll just see the end of the teaser series for the remaining armies (CA, Nomads and NA2).
    for everything to be clear, we'll have to wait for the complete Reinforcement rules to be published, and Army to be updated with the new profiles.
  6. Daireann

    Daireann Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2020
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    Ok, true... too early to tell about everything. Only about, what new profiles different factions would get. (Or would not... anyway.)
  7. anubis

    anubis sarcastic exaggerator

    Oct 25, 2020
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    Well, Tohaa don´t have to proxie :-D

    oh.. too soon?

    That´s a very.... nice way to put it...

    First of all: I am NOT a Tohaa fan, and therefor not a player. I am gladly first in line to make jokes about this faction and i will never stop.

    "Oh, I got hit by 2 Missle launchers, a Sniper rifle and a nuclear bomb. I press the Button and use my symbio made to negate all hits. And the best thing is: this Equiptment comes with units, that i would run even without the Mates! Because CoC WiP14 specialists that I can use to fill my ARO-triads.

    CB: Ok, that seems unfun to play against. Letz nerf it down.

    "Cool, now I have Total Immunity till the Symbio is triggered. Let me just ignore all you´r non-lethal adhessive and stun ammunition, till you start hitting me with real weapons.
    You hit me with a missle launcher, let me just roll a single ARM. Hey, look at that, 5. Saved.
    Oh, and I also lost my weakness to fire, which kinda balanced all this shit."

    And yes, I am butt hurt, i know. But from everything I ever faced, this was the most stupid and unfun to play against, and I played against unopposed shooting out of camo back in N2.

    Damn, this is some realy unpleasent stuff...
    No new profiles, no new minies, not even reworks... Seeing this together with everyone else getting at least 2 new profiles, some old friends beeing back from the dead and fun to play options (even Yu Jing got something they are not just lamenting about) feels... wow.
    Thats not the unloved stepchild. Thats the dog bound to a traffic sign near the Autobahn and every other day someone comes by to feed it so he isn´t even allowed to die.

    It seems to me like someone just remebered last minute in the reinforcement-meeting "Oh wait, guys! There is still this plant based alien faction we don´t care about since 4 years. Should we...maybe.... give them something? Because they are super important for this whole story we came up with. And they have a very solid fanbase. And a lot of people like them. Shouldn´t we .... dunno...give them also some stuff?"
    And then everyone laughed, cause all knew: that was a hillariouse joke. Then they rolled some dice and decided, that some spiral core and bakunin units surely will do the trick.
    The "problem" I think CB has: They cannot let them die. They are a core part of the fluff, and they openend the door to a unique playstyle that (to this point) could not be copied by another faction, not even nomads. It´s not like NCA or MRRF that you can argue with "well, u still can play them in vanilla". Because TOHAA IS THE VANILLA.
    Releasing proper Tohaa-exclusive reinforcement would trigger people to maybe want to play this faction, just to see that this new releases are for a OOP faction.


    I - am - not - a - Tohaa - fan. But I understand that a lot of people like them. They look amazing, the design is alien enough to not make them "Humans with funny faces", they have interesting ways to play and strange equiptment (which I hate).
    Why not bring ANYTHING? A long overlooked special force. A new unit that was formed out of already existing troops that adapted to their isolated situation. Maybe a charakter out of ANY regimant already existing. Use it as MERCS for every other faction, if you don´t want to release stuff for just an OOP faction, Aida Swansons and Krakots and Libertos are already here, artichokes would fit quite nicely.
    I bet, no matter what they would have throwen at us, it would have been better then ... well... that.
    This is not what tohaa deserved, and it makes me sad, cause I always want to say and thinks and believe, that there is maybe some long term plan from CB behind, but this just looks like they had to come up if ANYTHING and....well...that´s what it is...
    #687 anubis, Jul 21, 2023
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2023
  8. Stiopa

    Stiopa Trust The Fuckhead

    Feb 21, 2017
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    I see two possibilities.

    One is that CB looked at sale stats, playing stats, and their plans for future storyline, and basing on all these factors decided, that Tohaa as a faction is a dead end. That it would be better to draw its players into different factions, while allowing Tohaa proper to quietly wither on the vine, so that they can be later discontinued without much harm and uproar. Personally I find this unlikely, as it would take much more than a single Spiral sectorial to get a significant part of Tohaa playerbase to play something else. If the past experience teaches something, it is that Infinity players are quite attached to their chosen armies. So - this plan would require more action on CB's part, instead of the inaction we're seeing.

    Second possibility, more likely in my opinion, is that CB indeed plans to revisit Tohaa at some unspecified point in the future, but for now they don't have the resources and ideas to do squat about it. Creating new Tohaa units would require giving them some models, and both these actions would require having an idea how future Tohaa will work in-game and how their models would look. After all, it hardly makes sense to release models that would fit discontinued aesthetics, but not necessarily a future one. This reinforces the opinion, that for now CB has no idea where to take Tohaa, which means that it'll be at least few years until something new for them shows up. And, looking back at how Shasvastii was or Merovingia still is handled, it fits with established company's modus operandi - even if on a slightly bigger scale, since we're not talking about a mothballed sectorial, but mothballed faction.

    I believe this to be one of the consequences of CB's main flaw in the recent years, one that I've already mentioned - constant escape forward, releasing an unending stream of new units, as well as KS exclusive miniature sets, new side games, etc. There's little attention and resources left to look back and revisit already released assets. And that's a mistake because it'll make it harder to balance the game going forward, it makes old balancing issues to persist, and it alienates a significant portion of the old playerbase.

    So, if designers would stop working on exciting new Corregidor, O12, or Aleph units, and made sure that all existing units are just as exciting to play, that would be great.
  9. UpirLihi

    UpirLihi Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Well, one can argue that CB has also revisited old units a lot, between the revamps of the Shasvastii, the Greek boys and now the Exrah. Bakunin is more criticisable in this direction, as it introduced plenty of new units that no one really asked for, like the penitent, the demonist or the initiated. Earlier Corregidor also had some in that direction, since the Gator, while a great TAG has nothing screaming Nomad to it. And was not particularly needed to make Corregidor playable. Likewise the Diablos and Lobos are still a bit of dead weight.

    But yes, the bloat due to side games and projects is definitely noticeable - triphammers, hunters, diggers (those actually helped Tohaa a bit), endless stream of Aristeia characters, now with Bixie and Maximus... I understand why CB does it, a kickstarter brings very significant revenue beforehand, which is important in the current, relatively volatile economy, but I am definitely not liking it. I'd also second that it would be wonderful, if CB can focus on the core game a bit more.
  10. Camo Token

    Camo Token Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2020
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    They said as much years ago. YEARS.

    Right now it's downright disrespectful and borderline a cruel tease. "A dog bound to a traffic sign near the Autobahn" indeed.
    burlesford and Stiopa like this.
  11. Camo Token

    Camo Token Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2020
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    Begging for respect should make you realize you're in an abusive relationship. We all should walk away from anything CB related after this video.
  12. Forthfaran

    Forthfaran Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2022
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    I will stay. I am not in an abusive relationship with CB.

    To me, the message of the Tohaa-Reinforcements-Video was very clear: CB is not going to expand Tohaa. They have it on the lifeline and add rules like reinforcements to it and that's it. If you want to play this OOP faction, you can still do it. That is the effort CB is putting into Tohaa - you can still play it. Nothing more. And they are very clear about it.

    In this forum I see Tohaa players in a turmoil between fear (Tohaa will be deleted once and for all) and hope/hype ("they have added a Tohaa-racer, this means we will get new modells/units/... in Infinity"). The second part is confusing me. Yes, it is human to cling to hope, but all this "hype" about unrelated or marginal information pieces can only lead to disappoinment - especially if CB is so clear about the current state of Tohaa.

    I wasn't around when Tohaa was in production and I would like them to return to Infinity. But to me, CB's stance is very clear - no Tohaa, except some rule updates so you can still play them. For anything more I would not count on anything else but a direct statement of CB that they will give Tohaa new models/units/...
  13. Gwynbleidd

    Gwynbleidd Non asto coram malo

    Sep 18, 2021
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    As I originally did when I started Infinity. Had a bunch of WW2 minis and one Lasiq, my first Infinity mini.

    edit: though this time I’ll just use, you know, my current Infinity minis…

    Same energy. My wallet is cringing at these new releases. Gonna need to find some spare pennies…

    Two?! Not three? Gotta have extra on hand for those conversions. Though I admit this thought pattern may be what is terrifying my wallet.
    A Mão Esquerda likes this.
  14. Rabble

    Rabble Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2021
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    I just want to say hat the level of support that CB is will to provide to all their ever released armies even if they're OOP is stellar when compared to another famous company that resemble more closely a 'not so healthy' relationship with their customers.

    There are 'rose-tinted glasess'... and then there are 'looking through a murky dark glass'. Respect what is done right. Other companies would have not only not provided updated rules for your models, but forbid to actually use them directly. CB is one of the most consumer-friendly ones in the sector.
    Jumara, Time Bandit, anubis and 9 others like this.
  15. anubis

    anubis sarcastic exaggerator

    Oct 25, 2020
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    Aah, time for an all-time favorite of mine :)
    ZomboMeme 03112022082239.jpg

    Ooooooh boy, that´s, sadly, so true...
    I don´t know the feeling of beeing abbandond by a Company and punished for playing a faction if you not played Bretonia in WH:F or 5th edition Black Templars.

    In case of Bretonia, you got 3 (or 4) editions of ....naaa maybe a Errata for Rules no more existing, and after that you first lost the System you existed in and then the Army overall. You want to play Bretonia? Better find some old timers that still own a WH:F rulebook, fitting Army books and an Army (with the modells still on the square bases), together with a book of errata and FaQ. Aaaaah good ol´times :-D

    And Black Templars in WH40k? naah, you´re Codex is so old, that the rules are either stupidly obsolet or stupidly good. Balancing? Errata? Clarifying? "We sell Miniatures, not rules. ... well...we SELL rules, but we don´t care about." Let´s just place Black Tempalrs in the normal SpazeMarineze Codex, 3 Options are surely enough. Please pay us more, because bigger book. Hey, after more than 10 years, a new stand-alone codex for Black Templars, with a stupidly overpriced Box. Hail us. Oh, and a new rulebook, damn, now your new codex is useless again. Bummer.

    And is still cheaper than getting rid of Soul and Firstborn for a handful of Bolt-shaped whitemetal.

    You don´t have to proxy when you play Tohaa :-D

    ....still too soon?

    seriously: CB has a very benevolent politic in terms of proxie. Again, there are other companies with a more strikt way to go. And we learned, even with the new modells on the Horizon, there are enough people that feel themselfs like converting and interpreting their own way of new miniatures (like me, playing my converted puppetmistress since years, and damn i like her more than the original modell)
    burlesford and Arkiemon like this.
  16. TenNoBushi

    TenNoBushi Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2017
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  17. Solar

    Solar Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2017
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    "But Nomads are the most OP" alright then
  18. anubis

    anubis sarcastic exaggerator

    Oct 25, 2020
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  19. fari


    Feb 21, 2017
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    pls CB, go home, you're drunk. Caskuda is insultingly cheap, both reinf and normal profile
  20. Solar

    Solar Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2017
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    Gonna be nasty to face although going 2nd not great if you deploy sub 200pts I expect
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