Hey guys, I'm new to tohaa, and I've been watching battle reports on them for a while now. Something that I noticed is that when using pheroware the opponent resets with -3, but I can't find the rulling for it. Can someone explain how it works, please? Thank you all!
What this is probably referencing is the penalty imposed on resets by the use of Symbiobombs. Pheroware doesn't normally impose any penalty, but when using the Endgame or Eraser Pheroware Tactics with a SymbioBomb, a -3 MOD is applied to the targets in any Face to Face Rolls.
Nothing to add,as RobertShepherd gave full answer.Just pay attention that only Endgame and Eraser gives -3 mod,Mirrorbal does not has it. Do not forget that targeted state gives -3 to Reset.
Got it. I couldn't find the answer, as I was looking in the wrong palace. That just made Jaan a little bit stronger... BTW, thanks Robert for the tohaa analisys in your videos. I learnt a lot from you. And gratz on being noticed by the great Bostria himself!
Nothing saying that the tohaa on the other side of the gate haven't changed tack and come rushing through with new stuff though
That's just grasping for straws in denial. CB is clearly foreshadowing complete removal of the unsupported and discontinued Tohaa.
Well, apart from the fact we know they're getting Reinforcements rules like every other faction, that's totally what you do when removing a faction from the game, give them new rules!
You know, this would be amusing before the Year of the Tohaa. In 2023 though I can only see this as being deliberately obtuse. Except we're not getting new units. We're getting repacks of old units and that's it. And this trend has been on how long? Yeah.
Oh common!Let’s give them some shitty rules so they stfu and they slowly disappear or even better buy new Nomads.And since we do not make new miniatures no new players will take their place and we write that they just flew to home,CB exact plan. In N4 did Tohaa get decent prices or good rules for units?
You think Tohaa have been given shitty rules? You might want to check again. Tohaa are in a great place rules wise.
Tohaa got very good pricing and rules in N4 from a competitive standpoint, doing very well in ITS, even though their miniature range was officially removed from production over four years ago.
And decent price on units you forget to add. Fractal the same loadot with Boarding shotgun better then Gao-Tarsos with the same loadout but costs less. Grif cost 0,5 swc less in Spiral Draal with AP marksman for 1 swc 40 points absolutly decent price kek
comparing units across factions is asinine. Forumites complaining that Tohaa has shitty rules. oh forums, please never change.
Huge fun of ARO sniper without courage(Gao-Rael). Absolutely in love with HI that catches wounds and stops being HI,as you can understand Frostbite my favourite mission.
you talking about that sniper with ARM/BTS 9 and total immunity? Or that HI with 3 wounds? Oh yeah. Total shit.
Take your salt to the YJ forum mate, you're in the wrong spot lol. Tohaa are a bit creaky and old in spots. Yes the internal balance is poor, but what is good, is very very good. Tohaa are fine as it stands. Be glad to see what life gets breathed into them with the reinforcements stuff. New profiles on under-loved models like neema and rasail could be exactly what the internal balance needs to freshen the faction up a bit
Aro sniper that has mim-3 or mim-6, msv and a symbiomate for near invulnerability? Viral sniper rifle to punch through bears and dogs and an msv to prevent smoke dodging? Tohaa are well covered for the aro sniper game. Cheer up pal.