I am currently working on sheets that list everything that is currently OOP for each faction. I understand that's not what you're asking for though, which is a sheet that lists everything. I'm not sure how these would work, but I'm gonna think about it.
I suspect at that point that single sheet would be absurdly impractical and unwieldy to use, i like your approach MUCH better
I finished the sheets for every faction that list everything that is currently out of production (HVTs and Spec-Ops excluded). As always, you can find them all on Google Drive: Out of Production Sheets Here are a few previews though:
That's the Limited edition version from ITS 10 or something. Why do I even go through the trouble of tagging everything?
Alright, here are the last two Sheets – Spec-Ops and HVTs. After this, I think I've listed every single mini CB has ever released. Find them here on Google Drive. Two notes: For the Spec-Ops, I only listed entries for things CB has released as Spec-Ops. Theoretically, since there are sculpts for Nox and Order Seargant Spec-Ops, I could have made entries for every single Spec-Ops entry in the mobile Army App. However, that would have only resulted in a giant sheet filled mostly with question mark boxes that will likely never get replaced, which is why I decided against it. For the HVTs, since they come from so many different sources, I decided to write where you can (not) find these sculpts underneath each entry on this one. Have fun collecting!
Hey guys! I've been hard at work creating new sheets for the new reinforcements, as well as updating all the other ones to the newest developments. Lots of stuff has gone oop (goodbye Spiral Corps!), and a few new things have been added. Before we get to the details, though, here's the link as always to the Google Drive folder where you can find high-res versions of everything: https://drive.google.com/.../1h5S2BOO9VzziQO9FbkmUWOtznVG... Alright, here are some highlights of v2.2.3: Samsa (Character, Medium Infantry) added to Spiral Corps and JSA, as well as all vanilla armies ecxept CA Burtuk (Burkut?) and Korsan added to Qapu Khalqi Maximus added to OSS, vanilla Aleph, vanilla PanO, NCA, and Varuna Caskuda added to vanilla CA and Onyx I incoporated the newest designation in the army app of "playable but out of catalog" to those sheets that are affected (Tohaa, CHA, MRRF, QK, Acon, NCA, Spiral) Since the 112 Motorized is OOP as of the end of this month, I finally separated it from the normal 112 profile in all relevant armies. Fixed the missing entries in the Spec-Ops and HVTs sheets. Some of the stuff that's oop now: All of the Tohaa range except the Greif, the Cube Jaeger, Minutemen box, Mavericks, Foxtrot BSG, Galwegians, Phaesant Red Fury, Jayth box, Govads, Kaplan, Scarface & Cordelia, Tarik Mansuri AP Rifle Let me know if I made any mistakes! There's always at least one Spoiler: Reinforcement Sheets for all factions
With thanks to burlesford for their cooperation, the identification sheets are now viewable through the Human sphere wiki also: https://human-sphere.com/Identification_Sheets