As a number of other games have moved to this as the standard; is it possible we could get an option for this in tournaments in the OTM? I understand some people prefer the OP tiebreaker, personally, I'm not a fan, but an option for people who prefer the situation where getting paired against a new or unskilled player isn't a massive boon.
it is a tie-breaking option used in Swiss and elsewhere : For example in our recent tournament, both top players were at 11 tournament point. OPA/VPA is shown on the ITM website, but not in the OTM app. The idea is that the best player (between those with same TP) is not necessarily the one who scored the most OP but might be the one who gave away the less OP to his opponent.
Right. It also allows for forfeits before the end of round 3 without massively screwing your opponent. I had taken to making forfeits 10-0 300-0 in the favor of the winner because of this.
That´s quite an interesting idea. If I recall correctly, most missions tend to be build like that already (if you score A, you opponent cannot score A anymore), but there are also more than enough OP´s for the loosing opponent to achive, like classified objectives. That means even if it´s already clear you´ll win you are interested to suppress the opponent till his last order instead of leaning back and letting him achive some points. That´s interresting that you changed the "forfeit penalty" to that, I don´t think I ever saw it played other than that? May I ask how you had handelt it before? Did you just pause the game at the state of the moment of forfeit and called it game end in terms of points? That sounds like it would open all doors to some shady teamplay-tactics just to deny the enemy points. You´re way to treat a forfeit like a 10-0 300-0 victory for the opponent seems the only reasonable option to me.
That is an interesting concept, so far OPA iirc has been used for third tie breaker, switching them around will cause some strategy rethinking.
There are literally no guidelines for it, so it's up to the TO, which is honestly a problem I'd love to see fixed. I've seen a lot of people say the game should be "frozen" at the point the forfeit occurred, which would likely deny the player who was forfeited against all of their chances to score.
I've had it happen once where everything was tied, to which I asked "Did you two idiots do this on purpose to annoy me?"