So, It has been a long time since I've been on the forums. We are starting to play again. And then the updated N4 drops and it has left me with a question. This a English translation rule question. How does ARO BS attack work when a model performs a Move+CC or Move+Move (berserk). This affects both BS attack Normal rolls and BS attack template. Troopers in Engaged State are considered to be in Close Combat. (pg.58) By declaring BS Attack on a Trooper in Engaged State, the BS Attack against a Close Combat rule must be applied (see p. 46) (also pg. 58) BS ATTACK INTO A CLOSE COMBAT If a BS Attack is declared against an enemy Trooper that is engaged in CC Combat a -6 MOD must be applied for each Allied Trooper engaged in the CC (in addition to any MODs for Range, Cover, Mimetism… for the target). (pg. 46) BS ATTACK... Not be in Engaged State during the Activation phase of that Order. (Activation phase -has no definition in the rulebook) The closest thing I can find is this in the Order expenditure sequence. ORDER EXPENDITURE SEQUENCE Each time the Active Player decides to use an Order (of whatever type) to activate a Trooper, follow these step: 1. Activation: The Active Player declares which Trooper will activate. (pg 21) ... Also same page ALL AT ONCE... Normally, I'd say the model is engaged in CC at the end of the order. So anyone shooting, regardless of when they declared a BS attack ARO, would impart the engaged state. This would impart and -6 to ballistic weapons and cancel template weapons. However, in BS Attack it "implies" they only count as engaged if they started (before even expending the order) in the activation of the order expenditure sequence. Or, does All at Once, take precedence?
If you choose to BS Attack someone at a position when they weren't in the Engaged state you do not take the -6
Thank you for your responses, but this doesn't make sense: MOVE (pg. 35) SHORT MOVEMENT SKILL Movement, No LoF, No Roll. REQUIREMENTS ► Players will check the Requirements of this Skill when declaring it. ► The Trooper’s base must always be in contact with the surface on which they intend to move. ► Any surface they move on must be at least half as wide as their base. ► The Trooper must be able to finish their movement on a surface that’s equal to or larger than their base. EFFECTS ► Allows the user to traverse the battlefield up to a distance determined by his MOV Attribute. ► By declaring Move, the user may move up to the first value of his MOV Attribute in inches. ► If the user declares Move again in the same Order, he may then move up to the second value of his MOV Attribute in inches. ► Move must follow the General Movement Rules as well as the Moving and Measuring rules. BS ATTACK (pg. 45) SHORT SKILL / ARO Attack. REQUIREMENTS ► Be using a BS Weapon, or a Skill or piece of Equipment capable of making a BS Attack. ► Be able to draw Line of Fire (LoF) from the position of your Attack to the position of the target, unless the BS Weapon, Skill or piece of Equipment used doesn’t require LoF. Please note that LoF gained from being in Silhouette contact does not count for this Requirement. ► Not be in Engaged State during the Activation phase of that Order. +++(NOW THIS LINE MAY INDICATE SOMETHING. BUT NOTHING DEFINES WHAT THE ACTIVATION PHASE OF THAT ORDER IS. I ASSUME IT IS EVERYTHING AFTER SPENDING THE ORDER UNTIL DICE ROLLS ARE COMPLETED? OR, IS IT THE INITIAL PHASE WHEN CHOOSING WHO TO ACTIVATE BEFORE YOU SPEND THE ORDER?) *** EFFECTS ► The user employs his BS Attribute (or Attribute specified by the weapon) to fire upon one or more enemies. ► When declaring a BS Attack, the user must choose which of his BS Weapons, Special Skills or pieces of Equipment to use, from those available in his Unit Profile. ► If the attacker has more than one target and a BS Weapon, Special Skill or piece of Equipment with a Burst value higher than 1, they must distribute their attacks as part of the BS Attack declaration. ► All shots must be declared from the same point. ► If the chosen weapon has more than one Type of Ammunition available, you must choose one for the entire Burst, as part of the BS Attack declaration. ► Troopers with the BS Attack (Guided) Skill listed on their Unit Profile: ► During the Active Turn, they may perform a BS Attack against a target in Targeted State, without requiring LoF. They will perform a BS Roll with a +6 MOD, ignoring all other MODs except those imposed by ECM or TinBots to Guided Attacks. ► Unless the Skill itself indicates otherwise, the B will always be 1 regardless of the actual B value of the Weapon or any MODs applied to the B. ► This BS Attack always applies the Impact Template (Circular) Trait, even if the weapon used does not have the Trait. ► The distance to the target cannot exceed the weapon’s maximum Range. ► The target cannot be in an enclosed room, a possible trajectory for the Attack must always exist. ► BS Attack (Guided) has a limit of 5 Attacks per Turn for the Active Player. ► Only weapons that use the BS Attribute may be used with the BS Attack (Guided) Skill Kinda a wall of text (sorry, couldn't figure how to minimize it), but I don't see anything that answers the issue. to me it comes down to two contradicting issues. And though infinity has lots of examples, it has no example of the most likely situation leading to CC. ALL AT ONCE (PG.21) In Infinity N4, Orders and AROs are simultaneous regardless of the Skills declared. For example, if an activated Trooper declares Move + BS Attack and chooses to shoot from its starting position (to take advantage of a favorable Range), and its target reacts with a BS Attack, choosing to shoot at the end of the Movement (again, for Range purposes), then both actions are still considered to be simultaneous for all game purposes. MOVE + BS ATTACK (OR VICE VERSA) (pg.45) Since the Skills used in an Order are simultaneous, a BS Attack can be declared at any point during the route followed by the Move Skill. If the Burst is divided among several targets, all shots must be made from a single point. Usually, the attack is made from the position that offers the biggest advantage: a clear LoF, targets out of Cover, optimal range, etc. COMBAT (pg. 46) BS ATTACK INTO A CLOSE COMBAT If a BS Attack is declared against an enemy Trooper that is engaged in CC Combat a -6 MOD must be applied for each Allied Trooper engaged in the CC (in addition to any MODs for Range, Cover, Mimetism… for the target). The above is where the contradiction resides.
It's a "warning" text at the beginning of the rulebook, easily missed but widely known accross the community: N4 v2 p20: "Even if declared one after the other, both Skills in a single Order are performed simultaneously. For example, if you declare Move plus BS Attack, (the Short Skill that Troopers use to fire their weapons), you can make the BS Attack at any point during the declared movement route, and not necessarily at the end of that route." You can then choose a point where the unit isn't engaged in CC.
The Activation phase is step one of the Order Expenditure sequence, the one labeled "Activation" when the active player declares which trooper will activate.
Look at page 38, where it has the example of a trooper moving up to a corner, and then back away from it, and the trooper shoots from and receives fire at the corner. Look at the cover rules and note: "If the target is in Total Cover, the attacker may not perform a BS Attack with Weapons, Special Skills, or Equipment, that requires LoF." The first trooper starts in total cover, moves to the corner, and ends in total cover. The two troopers are declaring BS Attacks at the point where the total cover rule doesn't apply. This doesn't mean what you seem to think it means. All this paragraph is doing is providing an explanation for why BS Attack vs. CC Attack or whatever is face-to-face regardless of who declares what first.
Following the order expenditure sequence would seem to indicate the common practice of aro BS vs a model moving into contact is not legal. We shall assume an open plain as the actual battlefield and models in question do not matter for this, we shall assume that our active model (model A) is within its first move characteristic of the reactive model (model B) and we can step through the steps of an order. 1. Activation. 1.1. Order Expenditure. The Active Player removes from the table, or otherwise marks as spent, the Order he uses to activate the Trooper. Nothing to see here, as this is straight forward 1.2. Declaration of the First Skill. The Active Player declares the first Short Skill of the Order, or the Entire Order, he wants to use. If movements are declared, the player measures where the Trooper can move and places the Trooper at the final point of its movement. Emphasis added where relevant for our order sequence, so we know the model in question must be able to declare the chosen skill at this point in the order declaration, this is the first check for the "legality" of our actions. In this case on an open field with no effects in play there is nothing which prevents the declaration of the move skill. If for example model A was in the immobilized-A state you could not declare a move as the only skills it could perform are the Dodge skill. Next and also emphasized is the fact that we move our model as part of this first declaration step. This is important because after moving our model model A and model B are now in the Engaged State 2. Reactive Player’s AROs 2.1. ARO Check. The Reactive Player checks if they are allowed to declare AROs with their Troopers. Players can check from the Active Trooper if any Trooper or Game Element is inside the Zone of Control (ZoC) of the Active Trooper. Model B now checks if it can ARO, this is again straight forward and model B is granted an ARO 2.2. ARO Declaration. The Reactive Player declares the AROs of those Troopers that are allowed to declare one. Troopers are not forced to declare AROs, but if a Trooper can declare an ARO and fails to do so, the chance to declare an ARO is lost. Again Emphasis added, much like before Model B is limited by the actions dictated by any game states it may be in. In this case the Engaged State says that it is limited to "Troopers in this State can only declare CC Attack, Dodge, Idle, Reset, and Skills that specify that they can be used in Close Combat or in Engaged State." 3. Declaration of the Second Skill. The Active Player declares the second Short Skill of the Order, if applicable. If movements are declared, the player measures where the Trooper can move, chooses the route, and places the Trooper at the final point of its movement. Again Emphasis added, much like before Model B is limited by the actions dictated by any game states it may be in. I may sound like a broken record at this point, but it is relevant to remember model A is also restricted by its game state and thus would also be restricted by the skills available while in the Engaged State 4. Reactive Player’s AROs 5. Resolution: Check that the declared Skills and pieces of Equipment meet their respective Requirements, measure all distances, determine MODs, and both players make Rolls. If any Skill or piece of Equipment doesn’t meet its Requirements, the Trooper performs an Idle. The most relevant part here is that the order declaration must adhere too any restrictions at the time of declaration, because the movement is performed as part of the first skill declaration in our example, the new state gained as a consequence impacts all other declarations in that order activation sequence. If Model A wished to shoot on its way into CC for some reason, as shown above it can not declare a shoot as its second skill because it is limited by the engaged state. Instead the order sequence would be as follows (abbreviated for space) it could declare BS Attack as its first skill as there is no restrictions on its action at that time, then Model B can also declare BS Attack as an ARO as its declarations are not restricted, Model A then could move into contact during the resolution step each skill checks its requirements, most important for the 2 BS Attacks declared each model was "Not be in Engaged State during the Activation phase of that Order." i.e. at step 1. The above is rules as written, the text from page 21 only refers to the performance of the skills i.e. choosing where in the actions Skills take place but does not remove restrictions for when skills can be declared.
I'll be quoting Wiki rules here as I don't believe the relevant rules have been altered in v2 of the rules and accessing v2 rules is difficult as is properly copy-pasting from them. Requirements Not be in Engaged State during the Activation phase of that Order. For example, if an activated Trooper declares Move + BS Attack and chooses to shoot from its starting position (to take advantage of a favorable Range), and its target reacts with a BS Attack, choosing to shoot at the end of the Movement (again, for Range purposes), then both actions are still considered to be simultaneous for all game purposes. Step 4 Measurements for the BS Attack are made and the dice are rolled. Face to Face Roll: Active Player: 2 Dice in CC. Reactive Player: 1 Die in BS. As we can see, we are told by the rules declaring BS Attack in response to a trooper moving into melee is possible, both in rules and in examples.
IMHO this reading of the rules is wrong and forgets the paragraph just above "All at Once In Infinity, Orders and AROs are simultaneous regardless of the Skills declared." the "order expenditure sequence" is a decomposition of the activation to represent this "All at Once" concept. Thus, moving the figure when declaring the first move skill does not mean that the movement is performed before the rest but just allows the opponent to know the path and "the final point of its movement" in order to know who can declare an ARO. The move skill like the rest of the skills is effective during the resolution (step 5)
I quoted the second passage that was explanatory because it was more relevant to the interpretation mistake that Crazedloon did. The movement rules literally states that the movement takes effect immediately. That's not a rules interpretation mistake and All At Once will ensure that the movement trajectory "sticks around" until the end of the order. The mistake is allowing All At Once to extend the Engaged State beyond the position that is in base contact.
Sorry if I’m late to party here but had this yesterday where the question was asked: active model declares short move that engages them with an enemy model. reactive model declares bs attack as ARO. active model declares Cc attack as 2nd short skill. this seems legal to me because: requirements of declared skills are checked at the resolution stage of order expenditure, not at the time of declaration. additionally from the wiki: Skills can only be declared from a position that the Trooper has already been in or moved through during the current Order. Therefore the Active Trooper cannot declare a Skill from a position they have not reached yet. This is the restriction on skills declaration: where did the active trooper start? Where did they pass through? Where did they finish? so an ARO checks the requirements of their declared skill based on where the active trooper has already been in or moved through. hows that sound?
Assuming the reactive model gets LoF to the active model before it enters silhouette contact, It is legal.
This is legal only if the reactive model has LoF to any point of the movement BEFORE the engagement take place.
By similar logic, how wrong am I in this scenario: active hacker has a KHD & has a high CC. Their 1st short skill declaration is to move from total cover to silhouette contact with reactive hacker. Reactive hacker gets to declare an ARO, their options include; CC attack, BS attack (because they were facing where active hacker left total cover), dodge & reset. if reactive chooses dodge, then active can choose trinity. If reactive chooses reset, then active can choose CC attack. In both those cases the active hackers 2nd skill is unopposed. So reactive hackers best choices are cc attack, bs attack or a hacking aro as all of those would be face to face rolls?
Dodge and Reset are the worst ARO to declare in that case... CC Attack? FtF to any kind of attack incoming. BS Attack? FtF to any kind of attack incoming. Hacking Attack? FtF to any kind of attack incoming.