Hi Noticed a change to the rules for minelayer between the wiki and the new pdf This is a fairly big change as it means you can never use minelayer to place a mine inside trigger area of an enemy model. Before it was only prohibited to enemy camouflage markers Is this intentional? If so, my speculo minelayer is going to be real sad
I think it is, but only affects ALL versions of Minelayer (it explicitely states weapons, deployables, perimetrals...). I think we have to thank the arrival of Bakunin's 21pts minelayer with deployable repeater infiltrating at 11 upping the ante from just guilangs and somebody realizing that with 8 or less you can have a camo marker and a repeater ready to lock a costly link or enemy TAG
@HellLois can we please get a list of changes posted? Please don't make us trawl the entire document looking for differences. Like, I'll do it, but I won't be happy about it.
Dep Reps are unaffected. They neither have a trigger area or count as perimeter weapons. Outside of the single speculo profile probably people aren't going to notice this change much.
I’d say it affects Morans dropping Koalas on forward elements of the other player. I haven’t been playing N4, but I remember a restriction like this existing in older versions of the rules.
Given that forward elements, the good ones anyway, are almost always camouflaged this doesn't change things too much as they were already prevented from deploying in ZoC of camo markers.
I agree that camo markers are the favored midfield elements, but non-camo infiltrators, forward deploying fireteams, etc all exist. As does the option to roll the dice and deploy a minelayer on the opponent’s half of the board.
It makes me want to take deployment more often so I can put down my own mines first, or something to keep the opponent from putting down theirs. This will be more of a reason to use Kanren! Holoechos will count as troops. So A minelayer will not be able to place near them. Also I’m more likely to put a Bashi in my DZ to guard against IMP.
It barely affects anyone bar the speculo. I’ve seen once someone over infiltrating a Moran up the board and I said good on them this also creates a situation where if a player drops Jaan with bombs on your doorstep, that reserve liberto can’t place a mine near him I do t understand what this is supposed to be doing other than nerfing the speculo minelayer, that nobody was complaining about in the first place
It is a definite boost for mid filed units that are not camouflaged (for example PanOceania). But more importantly it makes the choice of choosing deployment and deploying first not an important one instead of a rare occurrence.
I found out first hand that it sucks for speculo now. I played one yesterday and it was impossible to get a mine near anyone. I ended up not using it in the hope I could put them down later. Unfortunately, he did the right thing and rushed with MBH and took out the speculo first.
Jaan has to deploy without the impersonation state for that to work. Minelayer specifies Troopers and Camo Markers, IMP-2 is neither of those.
Impersonators are Troopers and Markers. The two are not mutually exclusive. You technically can't place a mine next to an impersonator because Minelayer won't let you place one next to an enemy Trooper, which an impersonator is. But if you extend the, "allies perceive impersonators as allies" rule to impersonator then you can.
It’s really hard to decide to deploy first if you don’t have to. For example: you win the Lt. roll, then choose deployment and then to deploy first. You lost the advantage of being able to counter deploy your opponent. If you choose to go first, more likely than not, the opponent will make you set up first anyway.