May > August 2023 releases - New heat wave

Discussion in 'News' started by Wizzy, Mar 15, 2023.

  1. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    Ok ok enough with Nomads. Let's move on.

    Exrah: New sectoral or not?

    I hope not. Now that would mean CA getting Morats last year and a whole new thing this year. I really just want some Exrah mercenaries or just a couple in Onyx or Vanilla and leave it at that. For now. If any Navy based force should get in update it's QK. I believe they were the first to have that in background.
    LeGweg and burlesford like this.
  2. burlesford

    burlesford Sheet guy

    Apr 14, 2020
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    They are for sure getting a new Sectorial. CB pretty much said so when they had this one slide where it said Morat are like the Marines of CA, Shas are like the Recon forces, and Onyx are the Special Forces, and then said Exrah would be the equivalent of the CA's Navy.
    Lesh', LeGweg and Abrilete like this.
  3. Knauf

    Knauf Transhumanist

    Mar 3, 2018
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    That doesn't necessarily warrant a whole new sectorial though. TianGou and Haidao represent the YJ navy, yet they only have two profiles embedded in a couple of armies. I can see the same thing happening for the exrah: the Caskuda (because they can't not re-release it) plus one or two specialized new profiles to supplement CA and OCF under the "reinforcements" update.
  4. A Mão Esquerda

    A Mão Esquerda Deputy Hexahedron Officer

    Nov 23, 2017
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    They could be a full sectorial, or with the knowledge that there are at least a couple of different "naval/reinforcement" troops, perhaps just one or two troops. Of course, the emergence of other space based forces (Kosmoflot, Starmada) plus the OG "naval" force QK means things could go either way.
    Gwynbleidd likes this.
  5. fari


    Feb 21, 2017
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    I'm more curious about the new Reinforcements rule than new sectorials...
    Lesh', Lady Numiria, anubis and 4 others like this.
  6. Rabble

    Rabble Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2021
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    I do feel exactly the same. It has the potential to be amazing... or just the opposite.

    But I am intrigued about the dichotomy of 'Reinforcements are need and Corvus Belli is Responding' which suggests lots of new miniatures/models... but at the same time the lore behind it is that since the Circulars are being attacked, it is harder to allocate enough resources at the battlefield. Which suggest quite the opposite!
    Abrilete likes this.
  7. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    I hope everyone gets some new profiles because I'm sick of Nomads and CA being the only ones for the last few years getting cool new stuff.
    Benkei and Daireann like this.
  8. QueensGambit

    QueensGambit Chickenbot herder

    Jan 31, 2019
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    Sunduqbut? Bokhtar? Hidden deployed Agema? Hell, Ariadna got bears in the last few years. O12 got an entire sectorial in the last few years.
  9. Brokenwolf

    Brokenwolf Protector of the Search for Knowledge

    Mar 8, 2019
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    Steel Phalanx also got everything they historically asked for: Mid-field skirmisher, linked HMG, and a TAG.

    CB also announced there would be a rules update later this year. I wish people would have perspective.
    Titus, csjarrat, Gwynbleidd and 2 others like this.
  10. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    Yes and that's the way it should be! Not just Nomads and CA. Corregidor 2021, Morats 2022, Bakunin 2023, CA again in 2023? You don't think maybe some others should get something new? There's plenty of existing factions that need new stuff.

    Haqqislam got some cool new profiles but has been screwed with getting new minatures. While Aleph got new figures for their Beta Packs, Haqqislam got a re-pack! That re-pack was also not just for Hassassin. Haqqislam has only gotten 1 new figure this year!
    burlesford likes this.
  11. nehemiah

    nehemiah Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2018
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    I am under serious doubt that Exrah will get a full sectorial right out the gate considering they are not getting an army pack for Gencon. I am expecting they will have units available through whatever the reinforcements rules end up being, and may get some profiles added to vanilla and hopefully Onyx Contact Force.
    Sounds like Neoterran Capitaline Army may get some units packed into the reinforcements rules too. Hopefully we will see some more resculpts for them beyond just the Squalo.
    RolandTHTG likes this.
  12. QueensGambit

    QueensGambit Chickenbot herder

    Jan 31, 2019
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    So what's the problem? I don't understand you, man. You constantly complain that only Nomads and CA get new stuff, no matter how many times people point out that it's just not true. In this case, you claimed only those two factions had gotten updates in the last few years; I listed a bunch of other factions' updates from the last few years; you agreed with me; and then in the very next sentence you're once again claiming that only Nomads and CA got updates in the last few years.

    We got an Operation box, a Beyond box, a Dire Foe, a TAG, and a season exclusive mini in the timeframe you're talking about. Seriously, I don't understand how you can keep making these claims.
    Lesh' and A Mão Esquerda like this.
  13. archon

    archon Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    Sry I am late to the game:

    Because they are the Hyperpowers and it feels silly that they may construct this but they not use it even when we can assume, that there are economical reasons there.

    And it will not change the game. The last pages of this thread showed us, that the factions or better sectorials indeed have not all ... but nearly ... but most of them can not use one thing so much like others. But we still have faction identity I think.

    But with mime-3 and more BS ;-)

    I know it was mentioned already, but expensive? 6 points? Daturazi are expensive!

    But not that cheap.

    Bakunin 21 Point for Imp, reg, mime-6, MA, 6-2 move, double chain, back up heavy pistol and DA ccw that almost never start without a fireteam.

    Compared to:

    JSA 21 nearly the same role and capabilitys, but lacks mime-6 and is only frenzy - 20 pts if you are good with AP CCW instead of way better EM

    CJC even more cheap with 15 without mime-6, with LSG good CC because of NBW cheapest undoubtly but also without any BTS so most vulnerable to hacking.

    ISS - 24 points cheapest YJ HI without CC, without mime, without frenzy but can actual use his SMG at 13 base

    MO - 19 pts and maybe the overall the winner here gets all the CC stuff, a LSG and a PF and supreme dodge skill vs mime 6 ... but its lacks a model even if a teutons box exist, but without the bread and butter loadout :-(

    MAF - chainrifle wielding S5 thanks frenzy for 22 pts

    OSS - 21 for a solid HRL ARO piece without mime, frenzy, CC etc. but not linkable and only accessable if you buy at least one more proxy

    Haq is out of the game with 27 and Ariadna´s cheap HI lacks a wound.
  14. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    You obviously didn't read what I wrote.

    Those others you mentioned got some but not nearly to the same extent as Nomads and Morats have gotten. Below is the number of new figures (many of them new profiles). I believe there's still things to come out for both Morats and Nomads. Aleph is definitely getting something. No idea for Haqqislam.

    2020-fist half of 2023
    Combined 58
    Nomads 56
    O-12 49
    PanO 42
    Ariadna 38
    Aleph 32
    Yu Jing 29
    Haqqislam 17

    Nomads: 6 Releases, 23 figures (2 Wildcat, 1 Evader, 2 Tomcats, 3 Beta Pack, 9 Bakunin, 1 Dire Foes, 4 Coregidor FT Pack, Meteor Zond)
    Combined Army: 2 Release, 8 Figures (Hungries, Daturazi)
    Ariadna: 2 Release, 5 Figures (Wardriver, Pack Alpha)
    Aleph: 2 Release, 4 Figure (Agamemnon, Booster Beta)
    Haqqislam: 1 Release, 1 Figure (Shakush)
    O-12: 1 Release, 1 Figure (Roadbots)
    NA2: 2 Release, 2 Figures (Wardriver, Yuan Yuan)
    Yu Jing: 2 Release, 2 Figures (Lei Gong, Hulang)
    PanO: 1 Release, 1 Figure (Dire Foes)

    Combined Army: 8 Releases, 22 Figures
    Aleph, 5 Releases: 16 Figures
    Haqqislam: 4 Releases, 12 Figures
    PanO: 5 Releases, 11 Figures
    O-12: 5 Releases, 10 Figures
    Ariadna: 4 Releases, 6 Figures
    NA2: 5 Releases, 5 Figures
    Yu Jing: 4 Releases, 5 Figures (Shaolin, Hundun, Tian Gou x2 not counting Madtraps, Qiang Gao)
    Nomads: 3 Releases, 4 Figures

    2021 New figure Releases
    Nomads 7 Releases, 23 figures
    PanO 7 Releases, 21 figures
    Ariadna 6 Releases, 15 figures
    O-12 7 Releases, 14 Figures
    NA2 9 Releases, 13 Figures
    Combined Army 5 Releases, 12 Figures
    Yu Jing 4 Releases, 10 figures
    Haqqislam 2 Releases, 2 figures
    Aleph 2 Releases, 2 Figures

    2020 New figure Release
    O-12 8 Releases, 24 Figures
    Combined Army 9 Releases, 16 Figures
    Yu Jing 7 Releases, 12 Figures
    Ariadna 3 Releases, 12 Figures
    NA2 7 Releases, 12 Figures
    Aleph 1 Releases, 10 Figures
    PanO 5 Releases, 9 Figures
    Nomads 3 Releases, 6 Figures
    Haqqislam 2 Releases, 2 Figures
    Abrilete and Bignoob like this.
  15. QueensGambit

    QueensGambit Chickenbot herder

    Jan 31, 2019
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    Lesh' and A Mão Esquerda like this.
  16. Rabble

    Rabble Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2021
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    Tanko with a Flammesper, Contender, Monofilament CC Weapon for 17 points. Yes, it does not have MIM-6 but has BS 13 and stealth and and is a threat in long range as well as a link filler where the cenobite is a link filler and a corner guard. The Rocket launcher cenobite vs the Missile Launcher Tanko is another thing altogether, as for the same cost they fill a similar ARO role, with better margins for the MIM-6 rocket launcher cenobite when there is no MSV involved.
    Abrilete, archon and csjarrat like this.
  17. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    You are correct, I messed up the calculations in my head because I assume Kusanagi will not be able to reach uncontested her 24" range... doesn't matter my fault on taking one link with full mods the other without, regardless the point I wanted to make remains a static 55-57 points (at its cheapest) order generating link from PanO can reach BS 18 (other links more of course) while a dedicated and specially structured link that costs half the standard 300 points game at its cheapest can reach BS 20.
    Don't let it take you down, I am forever known in the second Interplanetario as "the guy who spend 7 orders to take an Antenna in his second turn and failed", when randomizers are involved luck is involved and the outcome can be fickle, frustratingly fickle sometimes.
    Accepted, do not worry, everything needs context, morlocks are fine and if metachemistry rolls nicely they can be a pain to deal with, a smoke dodge at 19 is quite formidable, but as far as cheap troops especially linked to convert their irregular to regular orders go, Shaolins, Gakis and Kuang Shi are more efficient and Highlanders take the cake eat it and somehow still have it.

    I am open to debate if 6 points is fine or too expensive for such troops, admittedly coming from my recent experience with white banner 6 points shaolin was great and the first thing to be downgraded to 5 points when something did not fit.
  18. SpectralOwl

    Oct 5, 2018
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    Personally I'm hoping that's entirely for the space combat game and stays away from Infinity. The size of the game already seems to be causing CB a bit of trouble in terms of maintaining it, there's only really room left to grow for O12 and maybe Tohaa, and of course any new Sectorial further delays the relaunch of the multiple factions that have been pushed out of production.
    Dragonstriker, csjarrat and Bignoob like this.
  19. Bignoob

    Bignoob Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2022
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    In all honesty I think it’s pretty clear HI is a bit the last wheel of the charriot at CB in terms of releases
    Dragonstriker likes this.
  20. csjarrat

    csjarrat Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I second this. CB can't support the current size of the game without mothballing half of it, adding more units and sectoral forces seems untenable as it will force further mothballing to make room
    Dragonstriker likes this.
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