Up coming tournament help needed

Discussion in 'Yu Jing' started by Space Ranger, May 22, 2023.

  1. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    There’s a local tournament coming up in my area. I’m debating if I want to do it. Over half my group plays Nomads of every flavor, and the missions seem in their favor.

    Cryogentics, area control, HVT control, 1 classified.
    Frontline, area control, 4 classifieds.
    Firefight, Kill Lt. and Specialists, 3 classifieds.

    All have terrain rules of some sort. +1 Move, Suer Jump, Decompression Zones
    2 of 3 need moving into the middle or further with most of your force.
    All need specialists but one you gain points for killing them.

    The midfield everyone needs to get into for all missions is going to be saturated with hackers, repeaters, pitchers, etc. Especially if I go second. On top of that, a lot of mimetisim with Vostoks and sisters. I’m sure Bran do Castro, Speculo, and Ninjas for Lt. killing.

    For me:
    By the needs for the missions, I think it determines the flavor of Yu Jing to use.

    ISS is a tough one. I only have the one doctor/engineer and if it goes down then so does my ability to accomplish missions. Or I can just hope I don’t get any Doc or Eng classifieds or need to use those skills for anything.

    IA is mostly out just due to all the hacking and what’s the point of playing IA if I can’t do HI? However, I could do more than one Liu Xing and fill up on Zhanshi. But that has a lot of problems.

    WB or Vanilla?

    MSV is a must, but WB only has MSV1. Haidao, Rui Shi, Hsien are MSV2 but hackable. Bao is Expensive. The Hsien SpecOp with tinbot seems good. Lunah is also always good.

    One of the missions has +3 for Combat Jump so, I’ll need to watch out for Meteor Zonds. But I always need to watch out for Carlota parachuting in. Tiger Soldiers would be good for me. They also have Terrain Total. Liu Xing could be awesome coming down on top of specialists!

    EVO will be a must for at least 2 of the missions where baggage is good for the mission but can also re-load some items. But I can also use Controlled Jump and Fairy dust.
    burlesford and LeGweg like this.
  2. Papa Bey

    Papa Bey Clueless Wonder. Still.

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Sounds great.
  3. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    I used this with good results.

    Dual Trio

    GROUP 1[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]9 [​IMG]1 [​IMG]1
    YĚ MĀO AP Spitfire / Pistol, CC Weapon. (1.5 | 32)
    YĚ MĀO (Hacker, Killer Hacking Device) MULTI Rifle, Chain-colt ( ) / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 29)
    YĚ MĀO (Engineer, Deactivator) MULTI Rifle, Chain-colt, Panzerfaust, D-Charges ( | GizmoKit) / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 31)
    ZHANSHI (Lieutenant) Combi Rifle / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 11)
    YĚ MĀO Missile Launcher, Chain-colt / Pistol, CC Weapon. (1.5 | 29)
    YĚ MĀO (Forward Observer) MULTI Rifle, Chain-colt, Panzerfaust, Flash Pulse / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 28)
    TIAN GǑU FTO Boarding Shotgun, Grenades, Jammer / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 23)
    GŬILÁNG MULTI Sniper Rifle, Shock Mines / Pistol, CC Weapon. (1.5 | 32)
    GŬILÁNG (Hacker, Hacking Device) Combi Rifle, Shock Mines ( ) / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0.5 | 30)
    SHAOLIN Chain Rifle, Smoke Grenades / Pistol, Shock CC Weapon. (0 | 5)

    GROUP 2[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]4 [​IMG]1 [​IMG]1
    SHAOLIN Chain Rifle, Smoke Grenades / Pistol, Shock CC Weapon. (0 | 5)
    RUI SHI Spitfire / PARA CC Weapon(-3). (1 | 23)
    PANGGULING (Deactivator, Repeater) ( ) / PARA CC Weapon(-3). (0 | 8)
    CHAĪYÌ Yaókòng Flash Pulse / PARA CC Weapon(-3). (0 | 7)
    CHAĪYÌ Yaókòng Flash Pulse / PARA CC Weapon(-3). (0 | 7)

    6 SWC | 300 Points

    Open in Infinity Army
    LeGweg and Chaserabinov like this.
  4. Weathercock

    Weathercock Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2018
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    Mission spread screams 'Daddyfei.' Daofei hacker is a must.

    Give yourself lots of marker states. Nomads may be hacking hell, but marker states will give them a much harder time, so long as you can snuff out their sensors.

    If running vanilla, this would be competent in all three missions, and should have solid odds with most matchups. If you really need to lean on MSV, you can switch out the Hac Tao and squeeze in Bixie and Hsien instead.

    Find Me or Fall to Me

    GROUP 1[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]8 [​IMG]1 [​IMG]4
    HAC TAO (NCO) Heavy Machine Gun, Nanopulser / Pistol, DA CC Weapon. (1.5 | 65)
    DÀOFĚI (Hacker, Hacking Device) MULTI Rifle, D-Charges ( ) / Pistol, Shock CC Weapon. (0.5 | 56)
    DĀOYĪNG (Lieutenant [+1 Order]) Boarding Shotgun / Breaker Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 22)
    CELESTIAL GUARD Monitor Combi Rifle, Smoke Grenade Launcher / CC Weapon, Pistol. (0.5 | 13)
    KUANG SHI Chain Rifle / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 5)
    KUANG SHI Chain Rifle / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 5)
    KUANG SHI Chain Rifle / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 5)
    KUANG SHI Chain Rifle / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 5)
    BEASTHUNTERS (Surprise Attack [-3], Camouflage, Forward Deployment [+8"]) Heavy Flamethrower, Panzerfaust, AP Mines / EXP CC Weapon(+1B), Pistol. (0 | 17)

    GROUP 2[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]4 [​IMG]2 [​IMG]2
    GŬILÁNG (Minelayer) Boarding Shotgun, Shock Mines ( | Deployable Repeater) / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0.5 | 27)
    GŬILÁNG (Forward Observer) Combi Rifle, Flash Pulse, Shock Mines / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 26)
    LÓNG YÁ (Minelayer) Panzerfaust(+1B), Flammenspeer(+1B), Submachine Gun, AP Mines / PARA CC Weapon(-3). (0.5 | 17)
    HÙNDÙN (X Visor) Heavy Rocket Launcher ( ) / Pistol, CC Weapon. (1.5 | 27)
    SHAOLIN Chain Rifle, Smoke Grenades / Pistol, Shock CC Weapon. (0 | 5)
    SHAOLIN Chain Rifle, Smoke Grenades / Pistol, Shock CC Weapon. (0 | 5)

    5 SWC | 300 Points

    Open in Infinity Army

    Bixie/Hsien side list

    GROUP 1[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]8 [​IMG]1 [​IMG]4
    HSIEN Heavy Machine Gun, Nanopulser / Pistol, AP CC Weapon. (1.5 | 55)
    DÀOFĚI (Hacker, Hacking Device) MULTI Rifle, D-Charges ( ) / Pistol, Shock CC Weapon. (0.5 | 56)
    DĀOYĪNG (Lieutenant [+1 Order]) Boarding Shotgun / Breaker Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 22)
    CELESTIAL GUARD Monitor Combi Rifle, Smoke Grenade Launcher / CC Weapon, Pistol. (0.5 | 13)
    KUANG SHI Chain Rifle / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 5)
    KUANG SHI Chain Rifle / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 5)
    KUANG SHI Chain Rifle / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 5)
    KUANG SHI Chain Rifle / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 5)
    BEASTHUNTERS (Surprise Attack [-3], Camouflage, Forward Deployment [+8"]) Heavy Flamethrower, Panzerfaust, AP Mines / EXP CC Weapon(+1B), Pistol. (0 | 17)

    GROUP 2[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]4 [​IMG]2 [​IMG]2
    BÌXIÉ MULTI Rifle, Zapper, Flash Pulse / Pistol, E/M CC Weapon. (0 | 41)
    GŬILÁNG (Forward Observer) Combi Rifle, Flash Pulse, Shock Mines / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 26)
    CHAĪYÌ Yaókòng Flash Pulse / PARA CC Weapon(-3). (0 | 7)
    HÙNDÙN (X Visor) Heavy Rocket Launcher ( ) / Pistol, CC Weapon. (1.5 | 27)
    SHAOLIN Chain Rifle, Smoke Grenades / Pistol, DA CC Weapon. (0 | 6)
    SHAOLIN Chain Rifle, Smoke Grenades / Pistol, DA CC Weapon. (0 | 6)

    4 SWC | 296 Points

    Open in Infinity Army

    (You may want to consider switching out the Hundun for another Guilang in this second one)
    #4 Weathercock, May 23, 2023
    Last edited: May 23, 2023
    LeGweg likes this.
  5. Weathercock

    Weathercock Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2018
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    If I were doing White Banner, I'd just fall back onto my classic. Again, if you really are hurting for the MSV, you can probably get Bixie in there with some work. Although I don't feel it's absolutely necessary.

    Wolves and Bandits (updated)

    GROUP 1[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]5 [​IMG]4 [​IMG]4
    DÀOFĚI (Lieutenant, Hacker, Hacking Device) MULTI Rifle, D-Charges ( ) / Pistol, Shock CC Weapon. (0.5 | 56)
    GŬILÁNG (Minelayer) Boarding Shotgun, Shock Mines ( | Deployable Repeater) / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0.5 | 27)
    LÓNG YÁ (Minelayer) Panzerfaust(+1B), Flammenspeer(+1B), Submachine Gun, AP Mines / PARA CC Weapon(-3). (0.5 | 17)
    PANGGULING (Deactivator, Repeater) ( ) / PARA CC Weapon(-3). (0 | 8)
    LIANG KAI Chain Rifle, Light Shotgun, Flash Pulse / Pistol, EXP CC Weapon. (0 | 21)
    SHAOLIN Chain Rifle, Smoke Grenades / Pistol, Shock CC Weapon. (0 | 5)
    SHAOLIN Chain Rifle, Smoke Grenades / Pistol, Shock CC Weapon. (0 | 5)
    SHAOLIN Chain Rifle, Smoke Grenades / Pistol, Shock CC Weapon. (0 | 5)
    BEASTHUNTERS (Surprise Attack [-3], Camouflage, Forward Deployment [+8"]) Heavy Flamethrower, Panzerfaust, AP Mines / EXP CC Weapon(+1B), Pistol. (0 | 17)

    GROUP 2[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]5 [​IMG]3
    SHÀNG JÍ (Tactical Awareness) AP Heavy Machine Gun, Chain-colt ( | TinBot: Firewall [-6]) / Pistol, Shock CC Weapon. (1.5 | 49)
    SHÀNG JÍ (Tactical Awareness) Heavy Rocket Launcher, Light Shotgun / Pistol, Shock CC Weapon. (1.5 | 38)
    ADIL (Chain of Command) Breaker Combi Rifle, Nanopulser(+1B) / Pistol, Monofilament CC Weapon, PARA CC Weapon(-6). (0 | 35)
    CHAĪYÌ Yaókòng Flash Pulse / PARA CC Weapon(-3). (0 | 7)
    CHAĪYÌ Yaókòng Flash Pulse / PARA CC Weapon(-3). (0 | 7)
    WARCOR (360º Visor) Flash Pulse ( ) / Stun Pistol, PARA CC Weapon(-3). (0 | 3)

    4.5 SWC | 300 Points

    Open in Infinity Army
    LeGweg likes this.
  6. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    I think more than half my army would be proxy for that! lol. I did like using a haris of YM with ML before. I hope I can test it out again. Unfortunately I don't think I have a good proxy for it. It still sucks they can't form their own core fireteam without others. There's no reason for it at all. And those they can actually be in a team with are as expensive or more.

    Well my record with Vanilla is worse that with sectorals. I'm strongly thinking of WB.

    I made an ISS list just for the hell of it. I actually like it. 2 haris and one core. I miss the Su Jian but it might be a liability. I wish it had Stealth.

    Generic anti hacker Tournament
    GROUP 1[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]9
    DAKINI Heavy Machine Gun / PARA CC Weapon(-3). (1 | 21)
    DAKINI (Paramedic) Combi Rifle ( | MediKit) / PARA CC Weapon(-3). (0 | 15)
    DEVA (Hacker, Killer Hacking Device) Boarding Shotgun ( ) / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 26)
    HSIEN (Lieutenant) MULTI Marksman Rifle, Nanopulser ( | TinBot: Firewall [-6]) / Pistol, AP CC Weapon. (+1 | 53)
    ZHÀNYING (Hacker, Hacking Device) Breaker Combi Rifle, Chain-colt, D-Charges ( ) / Pistol, PARA CC Weapon(-6). (0.5 | 25)
    PHEASANT IMPERIAL AGENT (Hacker, Killer Hacking Device) Combi Rifle, E/Mitter ( ) / Breaker Pistol, PARA CC Weapon(-6). (0 | 28)
    SOPHOTECT Combi Rifle, D-Charges / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 31)
    YUDBOT PARA CC Weapon(-3). (0 | 3)
    WÈIBĪNG Yaókòng Combi Rifle, Flash Pulse / PARA CC Weapon(-3). (0 | 15)
    PANGGULING (Hacker, EVO Hacking Device) ( ) / PARA CC Weapon(-3). (0.5 | 15)
    GROUP 2[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]6 [​IMG]4
    NINJA (Hacker, Hacking Device) Submachine Gun ( ) / Pistol, AP CC Weapon. (0.5 | 35)
    CELESTIAL GUARD Monitor Combi Rifle, Smoke Grenade Launcher / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0.5 | 13)
    KUANG SHI Chain Rifle / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 5)
    KUANG SHI Chain Rifle / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 5)
    KUANG SHI Chain Rifle / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 5)
    KUANG SHI Chain Rifle / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 5)
    3 SWC | 300 Points
    Open in Infinity Army
    LeGweg likes this.
  7. Weathercock

    Weathercock Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2018
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    So, your ISS list has a few problems that make it pretty easy to pull apart.

    First off, your two haris teams both have the potential to be very order hungry and are competing for orders with one another, while your Kuang battery is fueling only 35 points of model that might not even see action for the first two turns. This is a pretty bad order split.
    Next up, you've got your CoC in the same link as your obvious Lt. All your eggs are now in one basket that your opponent will do everything in their power to break. You're easily open to losing your command structure from the top of the first turn and never being able to recover.

    You're also spending a lot of points on hacking with a faction that has terrible repeater coverage. You have all these redundant hacking devices, but it's not like you can realistically expect to trap an opponent in a multi-hacker ARO. You're just making yourself more vulnerable and spending good points doing so. Teams with the Hsien MMR do get some extra mileage thanks to their desire to push to the midfield and that awesome -6 Firewall, but it's still not something to consider in any way a primary tool. Especially if your meta is as loaded with actually strong hacking as you suggest it is, you're just opening up worse vulnerabilities.

    Sophotects suck.


    GROUP 1[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]10 [​IMG]4
    HSIEN (Lieutenant) MULTI Marksman Rifle, Nanopulser ( | TinBot: Firewall [-6]) / Pistol, AP CC Weapon. (+1 | 53)
    XI ZHUANG Combi Rifle, Light Flamethrower(+1B), Flash Pulse, Madtraps / Pistol, CC Weapon, PARA CC Weapon(-6). (0 | 21)
    CRANE AGENT (Hacker, Hacking Device, Hacking Device) MULTI Rifle, Nanopulser(+1B) ( ) / Pistol, DA CC Weapon. (0.5 | 46)
    CELESTIAL GUARD Monitor Combi Rifle, Smoke Grenade Launcher / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0.5 | 13)
    KUANG SHI Chain Rifle / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 5)
    KUANG SHI Chain Rifle / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 5)
    KUANG SHI Chain Rifle / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 5)
    KUANG SHI Chain Rifle / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 5)
    MAJOR LUNAH VIRAL Sniper Rifle / Pistol, CC Weapon. (1.5 | 29)
    NINJA (Hacker, Killer Hacking Device) Tactical Bow ( ) / Pistol, DA CC Weapon. (0 | 29)

    GROUP 2[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]4 [​IMG]1 [​IMG]1
    DAKINI MULTI Sniper Rifle / PARA CC Weapon(-3). (1.5 | 20)
    DAKINI (Paramedic) Combi Rifle ( | MediKit) / PARA CC Weapon(-3). (0 | 15)
    PHEASANT IMPERIAL AGENT (Hacker, Killer Hacking Device) Combi Rifle, E/Mitter ( ) / Breaker Pistol, PARA CC Weapon(-6). (0 | 28)
    PANGGULING (Hacker, EVO Hacking Device) ( ) / PARA CC Weapon(-3). (0.5 | 15)
    MOTORIZED BOUNTY HUNTER Submachine Gun, Chain-colt(+1B) / Pistol, PARA CC Weapon(-6). (0 | 9)

    4.5 SWC | 298 Points

    Open in Infinity Army

    In the list above, I've cleaned up the fireteams and the order groups. You're now able to concentrate more orders behind your primary fireteam. Your Pheasant is now in the Dakini team (although personally, I'd opt for the minelayer version), safe from assailants that were previously threatening your Lt and CoC in the same attack run.

    Cranes are typically garbage, but the hacker profile has some niche viability alongside the Hsien MMR. You get a beefcake hacker who can dumpster most assailants in CC and you can use its overinflated price point to your advantage in moving those points around to claim ground for domination objectives. Xi Zhuang (or a Zhanying with madtraps) is way more important than a second hacker. The ability to use madtraps to fork AROs on tough opponents is key to allowing the Hsien MMR to outfight enemy gunfighters that it would otherwise have a difficult time with.

    I've opted to replace the Dakini HMG with an MSR. There are points to switch back if you'd like. I prefer to use them defensively, or to plink away at targets from severely slanted range bands and I don't like spending too many orders on them in general, so your mileage will vary depending on your usage preferences. In either case, it shouldn't need a huge amount of orders to do its job.

    Ninja is downgraded to a KHD. Realistically (in order of decreasing likelihood), you'll really only be relying on this guy to either press buttons at the last second, tie something up in CC, or blow the skull off a single troublesome weak hacker.

    Lunah over the Sophotect because Lunah is awesome. Between her and the Dakini, you can net yourself some decent defensive coverage.

    Combined with Impetuous (use with discretion) and her mobility, the MBH makes for efficient use of group 2's orders on the active turn, helping to cull off chaff that would otherwise get in the way of your Xian team, or just not be worth its time.
    #7 Weathercock, May 23, 2023
    Last edited: May 23, 2023
    Space Ranger, LeGweg and Golem2God like this.
  8. LeGweg

    LeGweg Lucky dice roller

    Nov 25, 2019
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    IA has plenty of BTS 6 / firewall -6 units

    Do you think it is possible to run a Haris and just throat-punch hacking lists ?
    I mean, with a KHD haidao and proper firewall coverage it could get really funny, and we got some stealth units to mess with

    Something like that :
    15 orders in one group

    - Haris of Shang-Ji, Zuyong do the long range ARO and ARO hunting (firewall -6)
    - Daoying is quite hard to target thanks to camo. I took the minelayer one to have 2 camos and confuse alpha strikes. Reveal turn 3 for special sniper attack
    - Bixie / Jeong / KHD haidao / Firewall TA zuyong will work the objectives. Bixie has VMS for mimetism units AND stealth to go alone hunt hackers in active. Jeong fixes all carbo HIs
    - Chayis as ARO tools / KHD hacknet proxies.
    - On active turn, you can form a pure invincible core if the game is in your favor and just run trough the table. Hole in hacknet ? Run. Hole in fire lanes ? Run 15 orders


    Firewall -6 goes both on attack roll AND saving roll
    On your average BTS 3 HI:
    A WIP 15 opponent will touch 45% of the time
    And a damage 13 ammo will go trough BTS 20% of the time
    A DA carbonite or DMG 16 oblivion will be a success 15% of time
    With BTS 6 it's even better going down to 8%
    And those are unopposed, pure tanking shots. With 1 KHD in your army, opponent will have to burn a lot of orders.

    Other tools in faction could do the job:
    - Hac Tao with stealth can obliterate hackers
    - Liu Xin drop on fireteam
    - Grenade launcher on hackers
    - Firewall -6 invincible pain train with Kokram
    - Zencha hunt with stealth + camo

    I really think we often underestimate IA, especially in these hacking times. It could really be cathartic to purge nomads lists if you are in a pinch.
    Chaserabinov likes this.
  9. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    I have used this against Nomads never the less.

    The Haris did some heavy work especially killing the hackers, but surprisingly the most network dismantling was done by Guijia and her Super-Jump.

    Of course the Nomads tried to alpha strike take her and succeeded but with so many repeaters and hackers around her it was only for one order and she could not do much, the fact that the Chaiyi survived the attack was a bonus.

    Guijia (test)

    [​IMG]10 [​IMG]2
    DĀOYĪNG (Lieutenant [+1 Order], Hacker, Hacking Device) Boarding Shotgun ( ) / Breaker Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 30)
    KOKRAM FTO Feuerbach, Chain-colt, D-Charges / Heavy Pistol(+1B), CC Weapon. (1.5 | 42)
    HǍIDÀO (Hacker, Killer Hacking Device) Boarding Shotgun ( ) / Breaker Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 24)
    ZÚYǑNG (Tactical Awareness) Combi Rifle ( | TinBot: Firewall [-6]) / CC Weapon, Breaker Pistol(+1B). (0 | 31)
    ZHĒNCHÁ (Hacker, Hacking Device) Boarding Shotgun ( ) / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0.5 | 41)
    Zhanshi YĪSHĒNG Combi Rifle / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 15)
    YÁOZĂO PARA CC Weapon(-3). (0 | 3)
    MECH-ENGINEER Combi Rifle, D-Charges / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 15)
    YÁOZĂO PARA CC Weapon(-3). (0 | 3)
    GŪIJIĂ MULTI Heavy Machine Gun, Heavy Flamethrower / DA CC Weapon. (1.5 | 82)
    [​IMG] GŪIJIĂ PILOT Submachine Gun / Pistol, Shock CC Weapon. (0 | 0)
    CHAĪYÌ Yaókòng Flash Pulse / PARA CC Weapon(-3). (0 | 7)
    CHAĪYÌ Yaókòng Flash Pulse / PARA CC Weapon(-3). (0 | 7)

    3.5 SWC | 300 Points

    Open in Infinity Army
    LeGweg likes this.
  10. Brokenwolf

    Brokenwolf Protector of the Search for Knowledge

    Mar 8, 2019
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    Firewalls only take a maximum of -3 damage off the Saving roll. A Firewall (-6) means -6 on the attack roll and only -3 on the damage roll.

    LeGweg likes this.
  11. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    Still decent, but it is a nuance one must know.
    LeGweg and Brokenwolf like this.
  12. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    Against damage 16 Oblivion. Your chance of a save is not good. Better than nothing but still sucks.

    I'm thinking Liu Xings to fall on some hackers!
    LeGweg likes this.
  13. Weathercock

    Weathercock Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2018
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    Sounds like a great way to lose some Liu Xings.
  14. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    yeah probably :cold_sweat:
  15. LeGweg

    LeGweg Lucky dice roller

    Nov 25, 2019
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    Never seen this rule until today, thanks for correction !
    My bad, calculations are wrong then, it raises up to 18% for carbonite and 22% for oblivion.
    Brokenwolf likes this.
  16. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I'm getting 23% for both of them using a generic WIP 14 hacker, or 13% if you're trying to Reset, but worth keeping in mind that this is 23% per hacker for free since Nomad repeaters are so cheap and free of consequence.

    You need alternatives that allows you to deal with the situation without giving out those free opportunities, and I'd argue that you need alternatives that can do this while maintaining superior firepower and outranging the repeater network or that can leverage their active turn advantage from up close while standing inside a repeater network.

    Tinbots just aren't enough.
    Tinbots are there to prevent your list from having an openly and easily abused disadvantage when facing an opponent with a more casual level of hacking - it's fine against Yu Jing, PanO, O-12, Ariadna, and even Aleph, but not so against Nomads, WhiteCo, and Combined. Tinbots are not a solution to this problem, they are a mitigation to it, they don't replace the need to have alternatives from other troop types.
  17. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    Have we reached a conclusion on the force at least?
  18. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    I just found out it's going to be a two-list tournament. But the missions are all pretty similar.

    Things I think I need:
    Breaker and Viral for bears/ariadna (actually mostly likely McMurder due to Corregidor, I don't think anyone is playing Ariadna in the group)
    hacker protection
    Camo or other hard to kill Lt.
    My own assassins to kill specialists and Lt.

    Here's a vanilla one I've come up with. But as usual I don't have the tools to get a lot classifieds done. Not a single D-charge.

    Tournament 2
    GROUP 1[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]7 [​IMG]2
    HAC TAO (NCO) Heavy Machine Gun, Nanopulser / Pistol, DA CC Weapon. (1.5 | 65)
    DĀOYĪNG (Lieutenant [+1 Order]) Boarding Shotgun / Breaker Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 22)
    MAJOR LUNAH VIRAL Sniper Rifle / Pistol, CC Weapon. (1.5 | 29)
    HÙNDÙN (X Visor) Heavy Rocket Launcher ( ) / Pistol, CC Weapon. (1.5 | 27)
    BEASTHUNTERS (Surprise Attack [-3], Camouflage, Forward Deployment [+8"]) Heavy Flamethrower, Panzerfaust, AP Mines / EXP CC Weapon(+1B), Pistol. (0 | 17)
    NINJA (Hacker, Hacking Device) Submachine Gun ( ) / Pistol, AP CC Weapon. (0.5 | 35)
    SÙ-JIÀN Heavy Shotgun(+1B), Panzerfaust / Heavy Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 50)
    Zhanshi YĪSHĒNG Combi Rifle / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 15)
    YÁOZĂO PARA CC Weapon(-3). (0 | 3)
    MONSTRUCKER Submachine Gun, Chain Rifle, Drop Bears / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 12)
    YÁOZĂO PARA CC Weapon(-3). (0 | 3)
    GROUP 2[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]1 [​IMG]3 [​IMG]3
    CHAĪYÌ Yaókòng Flash Pulse / PARA CC Weapon(-3). (0 | 7)
    SHAOLIN Chain Rifle, Smoke Grenades / Pistol, Shock CC Weapon. (0 | 5)
    SHAOLIN Chain Rifle, Smoke Grenades / Pistol, Shock CC Weapon. (0 | 5)
    SHAOLIN Chain Rifle, Smoke Grenades / Pistol, Shock CC Weapon. (0 | 5)
    5 SWC | 300 Points
    Open in Infinity Army
  19. Triumph

    Triumph Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
    Likes Received:
    If your concern is just McMurder you don't actually need any special shit. He's BTS3 anyway, and impetuous so he caps out at ARM4 just hose him down with an HMG
    #19 Triumph, May 24, 2023
    Last edited: May 24, 2023
  20. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
    Likes Received:
    I'm trying to cover both. Just in case. But yes you are right. If I can I will.
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