The bases look excellent. Are you using an airbrush or is it all done by hand? I think the nomads look great too so I’ll be interested to see what an “updated” version looks like.
I use an airbrush and regular brush. Here is a pic from a better angle to see the bases. And group shots of my Druze and QK as they currently stand.
Thanks for letting me know! I’ll have to get my airbrush skills levelled up. The bases look great across your armies. I love the OSL you have on the nomad ones above. The differential lighting you’ve got on the hex pattern parts on the bases and the TAG is striking. Great work! Completely jealous of your Druze and QK forces too. They look incredible. I’ve literally just bought enough to do both these forces so I hope mine turn out half as good!
Yes, from what others have said and what I can see from the lists they’re a bit limited in what you want to take. There are some solid profiles still there for good cost though especially in DBS. Some really great sculpts too for both armies. The Druze in particular are all in some excellent poses and I managed to pick up the limited Ed hacker for cheap on eBay! I love the KTS too. The newer models are even nicer than the old ones and they’ve got decent profiles. I’d be painting them all up already if I hadn’t spent what little time I had doing the djanbazan and other haqqi minis. With work being hectic in the next few weeks they’ll have to wait on my desk. I’ll look forward to seeing more of your work, it’ll give me a push to try getting my minis done faster!