What does YJ NEED?

Discussion in 'Yu Jing' started by Space Ranger, Apr 28, 2023.

  1. Fed4ykin

    Fed4ykin Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2019
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    Let all yan huo link, add Courage and (tinbot) albedo and you create an apexpredator. Additional benefit: we wouldn't depend on lei gong as a crutch so heavy and those beautiful yan huo see the table and get some fresh Air.
    Zuyong could use more specialists and a reshuffle of the TA profiles. The Shang ji invalidates almost every Single TA profile in some ways. He has a better gut, he also has a tinbot the only thingche hasn't is regen. So TA on paramedic and FO profiles would help a lot to get some of those TA order goodness of old back into IA.
    Zhencha could really use a killerhacker profile and a profile even with just a combi would be great for some Additional range.
    And Presse, give the Pool haidao some BTS!
  2. Weathercock

    Weathercock Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2018
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    I would grow thunderously turgid for this.
  3. archon

    archon Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    Fluffwise - who but not the biggest Hyperpowers should have HD+? Nomads have three troop types, Aleph has it on Asuras but also on line troops like Danavas. O-12 has the Interventor clone. Jazz even has a HD++ ;-)

    I would see Hactao with HD+ to make him more diserable and on Pan O my first guess is Mr. DeFersen.

    Speaking of avialabitlity: With the lone exception of Ariadna - which is a low tech faction - every sectorial has now their own MSV2 so all sectorials will be equipped with the same gear but one more and one less.

    Baos needs a general update. Both in miniature and ruleset.

    So true. The fluff tells us they are good at killing at range and the rules do reflect this by taking one point of CC and deny infiltration. Marksmanship would help a lot if BS 12 will make them to expensive. And they have to get rid of the 0,5 SWC on the MMR.

    PS: BTS for Haidao and 6_2 for Crane.
    #23 archon, May 1, 2023
    Last edited: May 1, 2023
    Chaserabinov likes this.
  4. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    Agree about KHD. Especially in the sectorals. Haidao sucks when he doesn’t have a Tinbot to back him up. For IA I’d like them to add a KHD to the Zhencha, for WB I’d love a Daofei and Guilang. ISS has some pretty good ones. Pheasant is a good KHD, then Deva and Kanren as well.

    I’ve always felt that ISS should have very strong anti-hacker ability. They are cops going after rogue AI, illegal hacking, and more. I want them to have more Tinbots added. Right now, there’s only the Wu Ming and Hsien. They should be on the Crane at the very least. Better yet, give to all of them!

    I know EVO kind of suck for specialists but the CA one does NOT. But suck or not, it is what it is and counted for everyone. The same with mercs. If you can take it, it counts.

    Sun Tze, to me, is a nice to have but not a need for me. Sure, it would be fantastic if he was made as good as other characters, but they don’t seem to want to do that with him. He’s been pretty much the same since 1st edition.

    I love my HI but I HATE when they can’t do anything in the game because they are immobilized or isolated. This is probably because we have a lot of Nomad players in our group but also some CA. I’ve almost given up playing YJ at this point. If I go second pitchers are sent out and hack me, and if I go first, all I can do is move in closer for them to send pitchers even easier. I've tried playing Non-HI Yu Jing but again the lack of cheap Specialists hurts sometimes.

    If I had the ability to add some specialists to existing troops, this is what I’d want. However, few of these takes care of my problem of having cheap specialists.
    Bao: FO and/or KHD
    Celestial Guard: Paramedic
    Daofei: KHD
    Guilang: KHD
    Haidao: Doctor (Preferably Doc+2 Wounds)
    Jujak: Paramedic and/or FO
    Sun Tze: Special Operative or Forward Observer
    Tiger Soldier: KHD, Edit: FO
    Zhanying: KHD

    NEED Anti-Material Weapons!

    Mostly in ISS. There’re missions you can be truly screwed on. So, they are just not played. Right now, this is what they have:
    Sophotech D-Charges AVA1
    Zhanying Hacker only D-Charges
    Crane Agents DA CCW
    Ninja DA CCW AVA1
    If any these guys go down, it’s now almost impossible to get full points for the mission. I’m not saying you can’t win but it’s going to be lucky to do it. It will turn more into a denial mission.

    If I could I'd add D-charges to:
    Tiger Soldiers
    All Zhencha should have them
    Liu Xing (Edit: all of them preferred but at least one more)
    Celestial Guard

    Other Weapons that I really want but not sure are a NEED.
    Zhencha: Breaker Rifle, Marksman Rifle, Spitfire, or Redfury. (I hate how the Sombra is almost the same but has better weapons and un-hackable.)
    Bao: Marksman rifle of some flavor if not a Red Fury or Spitfire
    Yan Huo: As some have mentioned, they need work. They need to be the best guns in YJ. But they are not. I’m not sure exactly what they can do without raising the price though. Some ideas of heard that sound good are Marksmanship, Triangulated Fire, Visor of some sort, delete Bioimmunity to give Tinbots.
    Hulang: I really want to like them but right now I can't. If they gave the FD version something like a Heavy Boarding Shotgun I'd be pretty happy. The SMG just doesn't do it for me.
    #24 Space Ranger, May 1, 2023
    Last edited: May 2, 2023
    Chaserabinov and Daireann like this.
  5. archon

    archon Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    Multi Rifle (SO) have it already. Just no model (and if please make Spitfire also)

    Yes. Bao need a high burst weapon, I would be happy with Red Fury.
  6. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    You are right on the Liu Xing but I want it on all of them.
  7. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Long Ya: the unit exists and IA is dying to get a hold of a unit that fits that niche. Literally dying to alpha strikes. While none of the books I have has the Long Ya blurb as far as I have skimmed through; I don't see why the unit should necessarily be unique to Svalarheima if it proved effective with the invincible elements there, now that another 10-odd years have passed since their introduction. In addition, Invincible Army is mentioned as using deeply integrated remote elements and Long Ya would suit that perfectly. That being said, Long Yas are weird ones as the miniature is definitely S5 and the actual profile of the Long Ya would slot in perfectly to an upp-gunned Yaokong that is mentioned in the Invinicible fluff.

    Yan Huo: I've seen it mentioned that at this point Yan Huo HRMC or Yan Huo 2xML with Neuro in a Haris would neither be outlandish nor grossly overperforming. That's not quite what I had in mind, though. Personally, I'd up BTS to 6, move Neurocinetics to the Multi HMG, and grant Total Reaction to the 2x Missile Launcher profile and then remove fireteam as an option for them. This means you get one option for brute-forcing a hard ARO at range, one option to put up a brutal hard ARO, and one option that's both good in ARO and active but not excelling in either.
    A Neuro-MHMG Yan Huo would accomplish a similar objective as Long Ya in giving access to a good ARO piece, even if it comes at a very high cost tied up in what you could only describe as an active turn brick. MHMG profile would be the most expensive of the three chiefly because CB hasn't quite realised that Neurocinetics is at best performance neutral.
    The... danger... I see with this is mainly how at any time you increase a unit's performance as a solitary piece, it improves vanilla further and vanilla doesn't currently need improvements, even if the Yan Huo is a tiny bit of a niche piece there.

    Zhencha: I'm honestly happy enough with Krit having monopoly on deployable repeaters. Primarily I just want something that can act as body doubles for these costly dudes and to give another option to slow down some alpha strikes.

    Light infantry hacking: it's strictly speaking a cost issue. IA is running extremely expensive and has neither Yu Jing's brand of cost reduction in cheap regular orders nor the cost reduction everyone else uses with Frenzy on anything that's meant to be good. Outsourcing the support to reasonably competent light infantry with gear optimized to be cheap makes a whole lot of sense as it is something that can be sectorial-only and it would let the actual action be performed by the heavy bois.
    But also, Mongolian hacker experts on bikes.

    Beasthunter: It's very simple. A returning issue for IA is that everything is hackable and everything is quite expensive. Beasthunter is neither of those things and access to it forces opponents to respect IA camo markers a bit more for potential melee. Chiefly it gives an option that is repeatable to clear roof top repeaters. Roof top repeaters is the single hardest thing for IA to deal with.

    Grenade Launchers: Did they? I'm not aware of any that got culled.
    Theoretically Grenade Launchers can give an option to clear rooftop repeaters and the likes, but since CB nerfed the rangeband it's generally speaking a waste of time. Chiefly Zuyong "need" this because 40mm underslung grenades are just about the only gun attached gun you'll find on military units and it's a very common thing to see there, and Invincible Army is just about the only sectorial aside from White Banner that's primarily military and not security forces.

    Overhaul: I like challenges to overcome, but IA is primarily challenges. I'd rate it as one of the sectorials in most dire need of receiving an overhaul aside from the out of production sectorials. Plus, CB's already overhauled the sectorial in least need of it already so every sectorial is currently in the queue.

    White Banner is a very competent sectorial that mainly plays to the game's prevailing meta, both current and historical. There's very little it needs. Of course, I could write a list of stuff I'd like to see addressed, but I felt those three are the only ones that actually makes some sense. In Blue Wolf's case it's mainly to make the sectorial unique TAG "click".

    You'd honestly be surprised.
    I think there's a growing consensus that Jammers were done a dirty by the sheer number of nerfs and how similar acting aspects of the game such as hacking and pheromones were made stronger rather than weaker. It's also one of few things that's capable of stopping bears which is one of the key struggles lists face at the moment.
    Chaserabinov likes this.
  8. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    Jammers reminded me that Tian Gou need to be like Halfza and count as the troops they are with. Since the FT changes I never take a TG anymore. TBH I’m not sure I would again but it would help. I found they are too expensive for a troop that did almost nothing most of the game. I wish he cost the same as a Halfza as well.
  9. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    I used her as a 3rd Ye Mao, in a 3 member core and haris Ye Mao list, not bad but she restrains the Ye Mao as she has no Super Jump.
  10. Hecaton

    Hecaton EI Anger Translator

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Remember, Corregidor used to not have access to HD+ until... they all of a sudden did. Because CB decided that Nomads were going to be the one faction that has the most broad capabilities, and basically all of their holes and deficiencies were going to be patched over.

    No reason YJ or PanO shouldn't have HD+, really.
    Daireann and Space Ranger like this.
  11. Triumph

    Triumph Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Fucking been saying forever Jammers were never the problem it was just the over optimised Ghazi shit.
  12. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    They did fix the issue that made the Tian Gou presence obvious, at least, in that you don't have to report that the team isn't fully coherent anymore.

    Generally speaking, Holomask has no value on its own. Its value is derived strictly from either the gun it is hiding, the gun it doesn't have, the ability to hide its own value, or the ability to draw fire away from higher value troops. Tian Gou doesn't really have a strong gun thanks to all those Jammer nerfs, it hasn't got enough value to merit hiding, and it is a bit expensive to effectively be used as a decoy for most troops. This leaves attempting to fake a gun or capability so that your opponent is deterred when they shouldn't be and ironically enough Yu Jing units aren't really designed like that.
    This isn't necessarily an issue, but I do think that without decent Jammers Tian Gou are a bit. Meh.
  13. Amusedbymuse

    Amusedbymuse Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2019
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    With the N4 framework they could always try something like Jammer (Not Disposable) for some units other than Mutts.
  14. Triumph

    Triumph Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Mutts are fine now, simply splitting their profiles up solved the problem. Now they don't hard counter every damn unit in the game for a ludicrous cost it's fine.
    Amusedbymuse likes this.
  15. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    They are still quite powerful, I would not like to see them for example inside an objective room with unlimited Jammers.
    LeGweg likes this.
  16. Triumph

    Triumph Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    They're actually considerably weaker now tinbots and firewalls affect all comms attacks instead of just hacking.

    We had unlimited jammers in N3, even with objective rooms they were not a problem. The problem was the fucking Ghazi. Clearing Hecklers and Echo Bravos out of a room was fine, trying to do anything about 4 Ghazi was cancer.
    LeGweg likes this.
  17. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    I should clarify "they" refers to the Muttawi'Ah.
  18. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    It'll be difficult, but significantly easier than clearing it of a Kriigel or Volklak.
    You'll also note how the Mutta'whia no longer have E/Marat on the Jammer profile to aggressively and conclusively deal with heavy infantry and they also don't have smoke to deal with anything working an angle to shoot them on.

    The most egregious issues with Jammers were addressed; you can no longer use Sixth Sense to bait out incorrect skill declarations, you can no longer get +3 WIP and +1 B from fireteams, and Isolation is no longer a definitive end to a unit's career. Not to mention what has already been pointed out; that Tinbots (and Fairy Dust!) now grants "cover" bonuses.

    Aye. Although since it's only Muttas and Pi-well who'd be the problem, they could have Jammers (Disposable 2) and let the other three have free reign. Well, Pi-well would be the problem if Nomads noticed it.


    That said, Hecklers aren't ailing simply by having access to another major piece of meta-defining equipment, which is the other way to deal with it. Giving the profile another important piece of capability that works to the unit's strengths could fix a specific unit, grenades for PH 10 Tian Gou aren't it but combining up the Jammer with Killer Hacking Device or Lieutenant would be.
    Similarly, Mutta jammers are still popular. They're low enough cost and high enough WIP that it has very low impact on your list and mainly competes with Daylami et al for slots. They're also a troop type that I'd say neither player really seriously expects will survive to reach an armoury room anyway.

    However, I can not stress how important this is to my consideration here; the current game state is screaming for a slow-down effect for alpha strikers that reach the opponent's table - especially low-BTS opponents who reach that table half in very short amount of orders. Relying in what amounts to lucky rolls to affect this slow-down means you'll have to look at other options.

    But like I wrote, this is a "want" and not a "need". White Banner really is in a state where ignoring that Tian Gou exist is valid, or treating them as a handicap unit is not going to hurt the sectorial in general. The sectorial has evolved past a point where leaning on over-powered Jammers was the major draw of the sectorial
    SpectralOwl likes this.
  19. Triumph

    Triumph Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Jammer Ghazi no longer have E/Marat, so you can actually send a Firewalled HI at them to clear them out without getting it bricked in return.
  20. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    Yes ,you need two or three of them to combine what was previously done with one, still doable, but they have lost their superiority.

    I still do not see why Jammers should not be disposable (2).
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