Often enouph, but I do find the attitude of dismissing peoples lists and ideas so casually not helpful, if players want to experiment why not? While local meta can enforce some preconceptions, I think the "internet wisdom", especially given how often is proven wrong, should not create an attitude that is dismissive to other players and preclude experimentation.
You never know until you give it a whirl. I know, personally, I’d not seen some specific combinations either in our local meta or discussed online, so I tried them and found they worked for me on the tables and opponents I had at the specific tourney. Now, they’re something I know I can use in the future.
Back in N3 I used to run a single group list in Bakunin, with no fireteam (Bak for 3 zeros) with a T.A.G. that used spot light ,before it wasn't an ARO, to leverage the HGL on the lizard and won games. Even placed first in the 2019 PAX unplugged event (1 close loss to dahshat 2 wins against aleph and OSS). I might have a thing for defying expectations. Unrelated: the loss to dahshat was one of the most fun games I've played with the most memorable interactions. It had soldier of fortune extra. Saito Togan gets to the lizard. I think he swung at it 3-4 times in CC. I remember the last CC ended in a tie. (I have a vivid memory of imagining the lizard grabbing sito's sword mid swing) my turn starts, I brought major Lunah as a merc. my turn I spotlight Saito then Lunah snipes him off the lizard (Lunah was a lot different then. Marksmanship X instead of triangulated fire. in N4 I wouldn't need the spotlight). Ended up loosing that game on mission but that little interaction was so fun. I'll always remember it.
A little update on the SWF front. I finally purchased what I want to use and try in SWF, 17 models in total, and in the upcoming weeks I will proceed to mount and paint it. To stay a bit on topic with this thread, I finally considered that it was needed to have some hacking presence in the army. And therefore either 1/2 fusiliers hackers will be present on it, depending on the mission. As well a locust killer hacker that will be used for those missions that require a mobile hacker with access to marker state such as MindWipe. In the other hand the one troop that really got me excited to jump into SWF is the Vargar Haris. I think someone mentioned that vargars were one of those 'bad units', but I find them amazing and the answer to quite a bit of problems that it can be offered agains SWF. I will do use Karhus, but not as a linchpin that is spread all over the army, but as the intended mobile haris that can both shoot, and accomplish missions thanks to access to both paramedic and engineer in them.
Pairing a Vargar and Karhu Haris in the same army is quite fun. And don't forget that the Vargar are one of the few places we have "smoke", with their Albedo. The great weapon choices, the mobility with Super Jump, and the Albedo means they can make some interesting approaches that an opponent might have thought were safe. As well, don't feel compelled to run a "Cohesive" Karhu Haris. Adding in an ORC w/TinBot cuts down on the effectiveness of an opponent's Spotlight and other Hacking, and with the SWF ORCs having Climbing Plus and 6-2 MOV as well, they can keep up with the Karhu.
Exactly! And the weapon choices they have are stellar, with little hidden surprises such as the wildparrot. I do count an ORC in the 17 model count, and indeed was planning to use the climbing plus/tinbot to use it along karhus in some missions that require a bit more of staying power and less specialists.
Another Spicy thing that I want to try in the future, after I finish painting this 17 model count, is to adquire two Boygs. One thing that has always been in the 'things that would be nice to have' in 012/Starmada was having a Haris of two Gammas and an engineer. Well guess what? The Boyg is a discount Gamma with better quantronic protection and some dodge bonus when the odds are totally against you in the FtF roll. That can cover all ranges if you include both the ML and the MK15 in the Haris, something that can not happen with the gammas... and that can link with a karhu engineer!
I’ve had the chance to try that one also, and it’s just as you describe it. Bøyg + Shona + Karhu is also effective, and if you have an EVO running Firewall for your Bøygs? Beautiful. “Hackers? Oh, sure, I Hack with the Heavy Pistol to the face.”
When I saw the Vargar box, I was amazed how great it was as a Haris straight out the box. So much versatility. Edit: While the Boyg ML got dunked on when it was released, has anyone tried it? A burst 3 BS14 ML has to have some benefits, right?
It does. As noted, the Yan Huo can do something similar, but the +1B being on all weapons helps, plus the additional kit (ECM, Dodge bonuses, better BTS) and better Fireteam options make the Bøyg a more attractive proposition.
And I presume the Yan Huo ML profile is heavily shadowed by the HRMC profile, that offers a neat B6 FtF roll when linked and a more easy to handle rangebands. And if people are not using a B6 HRMC to carve their way in the table with a 26.487% probability of rolling at least one crit every single time they shoot I suggest they should try it someday and have fun with it!
Yeah… one of the other fun things for the Bøyg is seeing the look on your opponent’s face when you, as a PanO player, declare a Dodge ARO instead of BS Attack. “Wait, you’re PanO, are you allowed to declare an ARO besides BS Attack?”
Can confirm that it works well. Makes for an excellent distraction carnifex if nothing else. For kitbashing may I recommend you use the mk12 from the kiel saan? With a little work it fits quite nicely on the boyg. I’ve done it myself and I cut the hand and missile launcher off the boyg. I then cut the boyg hand from the missile launcher and replaced the kiel saans hand with it on the mk12. A little file work on the arm and it fitted well. I green stuffed the butt of the mk12 in after all was dry. I do recommend you try them, it’s a very nice haris with a karhu engineer.
Yan Huo should be better than Boyg, Boyg is after all a "prototype" PanO field tests because they try to catch up Yu Jing supremacy in Power Armours.