I'm pretty sure about it ... I'll try to find the vid -so far unsuccesfull (can't go through the videos right now - last week a buddy of mine watched the red veil week during our painting and playing weekend ... since I was mainly painting I might have misheard something - but I remember distincly wondering: 'wow, did he actually just say that? interesting') damn, now I might have to rewatch the videos again
I'd bet my whole JSA collection it was never said that the Yu Jing half would be a sectorial starter in the same manner that the Haqqislam half would. I'd say the two have been mixed in the rumor salad.
Technically the Haqq vanilla starter will become the Ramah starter once that sectorial is released. Like the Combined Army vanilla starter became the Onyx starter with HSN3.
It does kind of make sense. After all, the Vanilla army is simply the collection of all the various sectorals. It also avoids a problem with the old system. Look at the Nomads. The vanilla box came with Algucieles. Great. Now out comes the Corregidor box, that should come with their core infantry troop who are... Algucieles... So they had to come out with Wildcats, which was okay. But not every army has two such options. What if the Moderators had come with vanilla. What would you have put in Bakunin? Moiras? It makes more sense to have a Corregidor box with Algucieles and a Bakunin box with Moderators, and if I want to play vanilla, chances are I will end up getting both anyway while if I just want to play Corregidor I don't end up with a box I HAVE to buy (only way to get the Algucieles I NEED to play Corregidor) that includes figures I can't use (Specter, Grenzer, and, for the Icestorm version, Revered Healer). The new system is, IMO, a great improvement.
Well, there is certainly 2 sides of the coin: box-wise, it's better to have a single box per sectorial, instead of those plus the generic one (specially if one box can pull double duty, as the official Vanilla and one Sectorial starter box). On the other hand, I would prefer to see Vanilla as another version of what StarCO and other NA2 merc armies are. That is, a limited collection, with AVA from 0 to Total, of troops that, in this case, would not link. Meaning that we would get the same vanilla we have nowadays, but with some troops not showing up at all. What I would not want is to see Vanilla as a very under-optimal option, be it because of the meta, the missions, or the Fireteams becoming slowly more and more powerful thanks to the mixing of units (or other factors).
Looking at where the storyline is going I could see a "not May" 2-player box being IA and Varuna. The story could be a counterstrike by the IA in response the the Pan-O support of the JSA secession. As much as it pains me I still think OSS/Vedic will be the last of the 5 sectorials this year for similar reasons. Aleph's attempt to calm everyone back down and redirect focus to the EI threat and the growing rumors of Tohaa manipulation of Human Sphere politics (giving their next group)
The concept isn't inherently bad. The issue is that Warmachine as too many models in each faction to allow many of those models to be viable options (although a LOT of this is REALLY about Warmachine missions + model rules interactions being hideously outdated/weak and the tournament system seeming to want to die on the hill of not announcing missions before list construction). Theme lists "solve" that issue by allowing models to be viable by reducing competition between them. However, they don't have enough models in each faction to properly populate basically any of the themes. So to fix trencher models they had to release a bucket full of new trencher models to have enough models to make a halfway decent trencher theme list. They've basically got to do this for every theme in every faction, and at their current release rates they are going to be at it for 10 years before they catch up. That simply isn't the boat CB is in. Their released models are generally clustered by theme already, which the existing sectorial options arose organically from those clusters. As more and more models come out for new sectorials, the game could easily transition organically away from vanilla lists. It isn't working for Warmachine because PP mismanaged Warmachine and PP is in damage control and taking their least worst option and not an organic transition from something that works to something that might work better.
Still think the 2 player box will be a remake of Ice Storm. CB has stated that they only want two 2 player boxes out at a time. In addition they just released the Beyond boxes. Red Veil is too new, so that stays. So to release a new 2 player box, Ice Storm must go. Since they won’t want to make the Beyond Ice Storm box obsolete and there are Varuna and Tunguska models in that box, I think think the remade Ice Storm will be Varuna vs Tunguska. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
Yes. In a video late last year or early this, before all the Uprising hype, Carlos stated that there are three methods to introduce new sectorials: (1) two player boxes, (2) army boxes and (3) 300pt boxes; and that they only want two of each out at any one time. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
What's the difference between an army box and a 300pt box? I had assumed the army boxes were 300 pts. Is that not the case? So the new JSA box is less than 300?
Army boxes aren't necessarily 300 points. I think the USARF one was something like 150. The JSA is about 225 or so, they said in the video that by adding Yuriko it got a 250 point list. 300 point boxes also tendo to be repacks, whereas Army Boxes tend to be all new stuff.
USARF box is about 180, JSA about 225. Unlike the 300pt boxes they also come with dice tokens, terrain, etc.
Army Box is like a large intro force with dice and softcover rules and paper terrain and is new player friendly and so far both times has coincided with a major new sectorial army release. 300pt box is a box of 300pts of models, a collection of existing guys repacked in an easy-to-start-a-new-army format.