I know CB is pretty much the only company doing metal mini's in the current market and they look amazing, don't get me wrong but metal can be a pain in the butt to put together at times. The Penitent I think is made from Vinyl and it went together like a dream. The glue gripped and held almost instantly meaning I could put it together without having to wait a half hour between parts for the glue to fully cure and hold. Honestly if I thought CB could switch to this material without having to order new molds I would say I wish they could transition the whole infinity range to this. Did anyone have any negative experiences with this? Do you think this might be an experiment and future tag, and large heavy infantry releases might be converted to this?
Hy Hapless, I think the Penitent is made out of their second gen. siocast material. It's definitely better than the stuff earlier models like the Vostok was made out of, but I still prefer metal myself. Glad to hear it's been treating you well.
So far its still awful. just a pain to clean, still bendy, worried about any heat. Ugh. I wish they went back to all metal.
Because soft plastic/resin that can be straightened with hot water will absolutely die when it reaches 110 here. Hell, it can get up to 120 if it's feeling spicy. Metals, they can hang out in the car. This stuff not so much.
Oh do not worry about that at all, the test models have been baked, left to the sun and had other heat related tests. I doubt this material can be affected by ambient heat that is survivable by a human.
I am afraid maybe I got a really good print then any clean up I did my tools cut this stuff like butter. I was able to clean it quite well with a sharp exacto knife. Honestly I half wish the whole Bakunin Observance Action Pack had been in this stuff. Or the Dire Foes 12. I feel like I would have had a lot easier time with Robin Hook's leg. And Brother Konstantinos. Like I said Having to wait 30 minutes between gluing together parts for the glue to fully cure is a problem for me. But I can see the attraction to metal it is very durable.
The material is polyamide (essentially Nylon) made in machines from a company called Siocast. The good news for you is that pretty much all new releases on a 40mm or larger base will be on this material going forwards, and the upcoming Warcrow fantasy skirmish game will be all Siocast. There are a few different formulas but generally they all cut really well with a knife, but metal files will just tear it up, high grit sandpaper or nail files work OK though, and it's really porous so it take superglue and paint really well. A lot of companies are switching from resin or metal to it as startup costs are a fraction of hard plastic or PVC and it can be made in house, off the top of my head Warlord and Rubicon are starting to switching from metal to Siocast, Yedharo and creature caster are switching from resin to Siocast, Monster Fight Club already use it heavily for their Cyberpunk, Witcher, and Borderlands minis, Reaper use it for their "Bones USA" premium range, and Catalyst Game Labs are using it for their "Premium" Battlemechs.
I see. I'm familiar with Creature Caster, and the Catalyst Mechs as well as Bones. This is rather exciting.
Who cares. If their quality is lower being in house doesn't make it better. TBH, if they are going to switch over to it more and more I'll just stop buying from CB. There are other sources.
Anything on a 40mm+ base, so S3+, plus a few limited edition bits and bobs like Sargosh, Jackbots, and the Warcrow promos. FWIW all the Siocast I've worked with (Ludivine, Marked, Ltd Zeta, Ltd Sargosh, Jackbots) has been just as detailed as the metal minis and cleaned up fine with sharp knife and nail files.