For that newcomers, they are a Race of Insectoid-like humanoid who carry a special rule called "Exrah" who prevents them from being unconscious (basically, just dead) and all had ARM 3 and Movement 6 (15 centimeters). They had been erased by CB due to design issues, and have a lore justification based on the "families" lore of the whole race. The Concordat Exrah (the old name) was ousted due selling CA tech to Human Sphere and the Comissariat took the place with a big eye upon them. So, what do you expect to see? Personally, as a 10+ year old player of Infinity, I'm SO hyped!
Maybe we’ll come full circle and they’ll go back to weird bug aliens instead of new biomech creatures?
I really hope that we get something really alien, I'm a bit bummed that there aren't that many aliens in Infinity. I'd prefer more instead of human factions
Well I personally prefer "more mecha" style than full organic, but this doen't mean that has to be antropomorphic D:. What do you expect in the profiles set? I hope for they stay at Exrah rule (no unconscious) and 6-2 with SuperJump and quite cheap as they use to were.
how that no unconscious rule worked? they were just 1w and went straight to dead, or they were kinda 1.5-2w models? I wouldn't mind cheap options in CA, bit of tired of that 14pts for a line troop price baselines.
Since these are going to be the "navy" of the CA, I'D expect the main theme to be zero-gravity troopers. Their exoskeletons could easily be styled as their alien pendants to space suits and they might use this opportunity to bring some more visual diversity back into the CA lineup, similar to their previous organic designs. Rules-Wise, there is no way they are not releasing a Caskuda down the line. Other than that, I could see zero-grav parachutists, maybe a bespoke Exrah admiral/commissar S2 LT (maybe even with Mnemonica, replacing the Skiavoros). Whatever it's going to be, this is a very pleasant surprise.
This is a really cool option, although no Mnemonica in no UR models. I also would enjoy a lot a Guard Option! BTW, I also hope for Iskaller to come back! That Combat Jump with Hacker was so cool!
I'd very much prefer them to review Onyx before releasing new toys, but it seems to not be the way it works right now. The fact that they'll be based on a different group of Exrah gives CB so much freedom from previously established themes, that it's impossible to tell whether they'll resemble old Exrah in any way, or will they be a completely different beast.
Thats true, they were vulnerable to E/M, but I don't think it will fit now for the current rules because they dont seem to have Total Inmunity. Exrah have two "species" , the ones who carry the "Exrah" rule with no Unconscious state, and the normal ones (for example the Caskuda). Caskuda as S6 tag with Jumping Explosion and low distance weapons (such as Heavy Shotgun +1 B) could be so interesting. Perhaps also a EMC Hacker -3 or Tinbot. HI Exrah will be also so interesting. Even I can imagine an Albedo HI Exrah Infantry with lot of Movement, and perhaps with Total Inmunity + EM Vulnerable.... really cool concept, IMO.
That's all? any other requests? Indeed the combined army needs other disproportionately strong units, surely with this release the CB will not miss this opportunity.
I'm hoping to see a lot of NWI models in this sectorial, but not shock immune. This would make shock a cool counter to them and would help keep the models expensive in the CA line. basic line troopers with NWI would be hilariously annoying too.
What do I expect for the Exrah? I expect that they’ll get developed only for the space combat game and not feature at all in Infinity. Because the half of the background that no one’s mentioning is all of the stuff about the big pilot bugs, and the other stuff that doesn’t really have any place in the skirmish game. One-wound-incapacitation super jump I can do without. :)
I can see a comeback of one troop. The Void Operator. This is because of the Naval emphasis. I think they are going to be in vanilla and Onyx. I don' think they are getting a new sectoral. At least I hope that's the case. Does anyone really want a whole new sectoral right haver a re-do of Shasvastii and Morats? "Void Operators are the commercial agents of the Concordat Fleet. The Operators pilot the shuttles, crew the orbiting stations and repair satellites. However, they are mainly in charge of military actions in deep space. Their exo-chitin is covered in spiky sensors which transmit to them all the information from within a circumference of 360º in real time to compensate for the effects of combat in zero gravity conditions. They are known for winning battles using close combat techniques and in lethal high-risk attacks which give no respite to their adversaries. They specialise in boarding and capturing vessels, fighting them breech to breech. Where they feel at their best is in the middle of the cold and darkness of deep space."