Those sprues were mostly things you already had. Want another easily available gun that already has sculpts? Not really. But i would happily pay more for SWC boxes to come with full alternate and for the basic profiles of that trooper.
Hey, they just previewed a Shang Ji box. Less salt for everyone! XD (I'm genuinely happy for all YJ players, they look awesome)
lol, beat me to it. and after such a long wait, Chaksa for everyone too. maybe we get some Shang Ji profiles for Bakunin and White Company too
I like that! Too bad you don’t see too many conversions of Infinity models. At least I don’t see many. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You should check out the minis subforum! There's both a big shared thread where all sorts of people post conversion projects, plus a lot of people's personal threads include conversions as well. I've seen everything from simple arm swaps to from-scratch sculpting projects, and there's a slow but steady stream of new content coming in all the time.
I’d really like to see more Tohaa (beyond Spiral Corps), and Haqq. I like the release layout for Code One - even though I play N4 - because you’ve got what you need/want all nice and packaged. More PanOceania TAGs (just more TAGs period would be nice), and some revision and updates to Ariadna models wouldn’t hurt, but then I’m drawn to the redneck/Babylon AD feel they tend to have. IMHO. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Thanks Toadchild! I appreciate that. I’m not big into conversions unless I see something really cool, but advice and techniques are always good to stay up to date with. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I recognize I'm quoting an old post, but I feel Burlesford's point extends not only to the models, but to the game lore too. Lots of factions seem downright slapped together just to make their world work, and no more. I would argue Aleph and O-12 could be combined, given they have so little to fight about. I point this out because they could rectify this problem by combining them (they use very similar units and tech), or having their fluff writers create an instance or two that shows why they'd be at odds (at least with OSS. I recognize Steel P could be difficult). Even wierder, is that I'm looking at a lot of these units, and finding a disproportionate amount of effort being put into them. Nomads get the bulk of the attention, no contest, and it seems they've got some Haqq lovers among their count too, neither of which is in itself a bad thing (although I'd argue they can't write very tightly for either one.), but there are factions that just seem slapped together. I felt like the last units they made for Operation Blackwind, they just stuck some Laurels and togas on their 'high profile' units, and called it good before putting actual work into the Haqqislam side of the coin. Feel free to contradict me here, as I welcome constructive criticism, but while it seems they've at least done an acceptable level (even if not quite as thoroughly thought through) setup for some factions like Ariadna and Combined Army, others like Aleph and Yu Jing have gotten table scraps from their ideas department (for pity's sake their latest Lei Gong model a recycled Aleph Garuda jetpack while they gave the Nomads the game's first FLYING COMBAT DRONE as a brand new unit.)
I do not get what you say, Meteror Zond exists in the game as a profile from at least 2006 and exists as a model for quite a few years, this is just a resculpt.
Perhaps my selection for Nomad examples isn't the best, as I'll admit up front I'm not particularly fond of the faction. (a more appropriate example might have been one of the new Observance units, but I was trying to avoid pounding on their biggest new thing out of the blue, and was trying to aim for something a little further off the beaten path.) My point still stands that there are 3 new units with shiny long stories in Nomad releases for every release there is for other factions. It also does not change the earlier statement that there seems to be a lack of serious ideas from CB on ways to make the other factions adapt and grow. The only time they seem to change is to serve as a springboard for the latest wave of changes for factions favored by CB.
I agree, I think there are too many factions, as you say some of them seem to be artificially separated like the O-12 and ALEPH. Personally I would have seen better a generalist O-12, with a sectorial ALEPH. Similarly from Ariadna's lore, I would have seen more of the russians only in Generalist to simulate that they are the ones leading the faction, which would have freed up space in the catalog and given a reason to play the Generalist. At the moment, when I have time, I'm rereading some books of the warzone wargame, and the first thing that hit me when I re-opened them, was the volume of units in infinity compared to my old games. And necessarily this volume of units, ends up making it difficult to archetypate factions, either in lore or in scultpure.Finding ideas for more than 600 units and 42 factions is quite complex.
From my point of view, as a Nomad player, a lot of the new releases weren't really needed: 1. Lobos and diablos are not something that anyone would have noticed missing in Corregidor. They are not really instrumental for the sectorial and while cool in fluff, we sort of had that part of the fluff already. Speaking of Corregidor, even the Gator came out of the blue. 2. The initiated could have been sectorial-specific zeroes, more or less. 3. The penitent is also up there with the lobos and diablos. No one ever said "oh, damn, I wish we had another S5 HI in Bakunin". And their fluff isn't something groundbreaking either. 4. The demonist sounds like a really cool concept, but I find it detrimental for the balance of the game and the playstyle. 5. Robin Hook is cute and all, but she is also niche-y even for Bakunin and did not fill any significant gap. Her fireteaming with chaksa is just an attempt to make the longarms relevant, I feel. Sadly, they are not. On the other hand, I think the Aleph releases are spot on and I do love bringing back the Exrah. The squatting of those bugs was a sad event and I'd love to see them come back. Didn't expect a full sectorial, but hey, I'd love to see the designs and the playstyle. Hopefully next time we'll see the Tohaa return with some space bug spray on steroids to help humanity a bit.
I mean, its possible they could make something happen to put them at odds properly. I've often suggested a scenario where Bureau Toth's attachés/ representatives from O-12 learn to their shock and dismay that Aleph's higher functions have not been in the Concillium servers for weeks, possibly months, and that the singularity has been serving mankind from another, completely unknown location entirely. The discovery could lead to a series of raids on various Aleph facilities by O-12 in a desperate search to find it (but likely to no avail, since that would add to the much-needed grayness of Aleph as a Skynet-like AI that hangs over mankind like a sword of Damocles)
Agreed, they keep the gameplay itself tight (although I've noticed a lot of people seem to think Nomads get almost as much tactical flexibility as Combined Army). Its the design and looks of the units, as well as their place in the game's story-verse that is lacking to me.
I've got the original on a clear flying base from waaaay before the silhouette mechanic existed, before we had to paint lines of bases for LOF etc. It's a replacement of an utterly ancient model
The feast or famine phenomenon comes from the release cycle, right? CB have doubled down on the armybox-scale release style, which means longer to wait for your sectorial, but when it arrives you're smothered in goodies. I'm not a Nomad player, and I do think having Bakunin and Corregidor getting the love so close together wasn't the best choice, but I don't think that in itself is some sign of extreme favouritism. Next year when two or three other armies have had a range refresh the conversation (and complaints) will have moved on accordingly. Also, as an O12 player, thanks but no thanks to having my faction eaten by Aleph.
This approach is pretty much becoming the norm. GW and Para Bellum definitely also do it. It allows people to get tempted into buying larger bundles, saves from shipping, makes design and promotion more cohesive...