Maybe, but if you fix internal balance by nerfing the best things when the overall faction does poor compared to other factions it comes off as wrongheaded, like you just don't want that particular faction to be good.
I just wanted to participate in this shameful event. Finally decided to start painting my bulleteers just yesterday and this happens. I actually had a tournament list ready for this Sunday that is no longer legal because of this. Hilarious.
Correct, that's why the question is "Does this unit consistently make this faction win and how does that reflect on the faction?" Then you adjust the faction. The question isn't, "Is this better then the average in the faction?"
The serious thing is not the nerf to the bulleteer, but all the missed changes they should have made to Pano, and which once again they didn't. This is really nonsense here, if you want to balance the game rightly, you have to nerf the units that are too strong, but you also have to improve the units that are currently too below average; and Panoceania is full of the latter unfortunately.
I’m starting to think Corvus Belli has some kind of grief with PanO. I just don’t understand their decision making. As many have stated I’m not sure PanO needs a nerf. Ok, they shoot good, OK they have very powerful tags. But so what? Do you they need to cripple the entire faction and streamline even more to “just take tags”? Because nerfing the bulleteer is exactly that: push further the balance away from diversification of an already stiff army list down to the benefit of concentrating on its “power”, aka tags. I’m not saying PanO is a bad faction, but when I see Bakunin and the frankly INCREDIBLE army list flexibility with tons of fireteam options and on point specialised trooper I can only come to the same conclusion: PanO is becoming more and more boring to play with.
If I had to guess why the bulleteer got a points increase I'd say it might be due to it getting haris linkability in some of our sectorials namely NCA, MO and Shock. It probably didn't need the bump in points but that's the only reason I could see for it getting a bump.
Find a few points to fit Bulleteers if they’re that crucial to your list, or find something else if they’re not, rather than hyperventilating hysterically.
Man, I wish I had the lack of self respect required to bootlick CB to the point where PS would let me throw insults all around the forum with impunity. There was no good reason to increase the Bulleteer's price. This is just entirely out of touch with the game.
What a world we live in. When a company makes changes to army units in THEIR game, and certain players of that army seem to have no other option but to take it as a personal affront to their honour or self-worth as a person.
Players pay money for game products with the assumption that the game will be good. If they perceive it as being changed for the worst, they feel like they've been had.
I've no interest in playing Bulleteers, or the factions that can take them (I have respect for myself), but I've fought my fair share and honestly, the nerf feels very unnecessary. Bulleteers are very good, and they'll still be good, but they've never stuck out to me as being in any way unreasonable or egregious.