Including a Tohaa pilot signifies that CB wants to do something with them other than having them in the background or as Sygmaas. The pilot is male and his design is interesting. The chibi design emphasises the head of the character and his head is fascinating from a design perspective. 1. He seems to be a lot more emotive in his face than the HS Tohaa description would allow for. The concept of primarily a pheromone-based language is interesting and also falls apart if you think about it for more than a second. Pheromones are carried by air and the speed of air is significantly slower than the speed of sound. In addition, having a conversation using pheromones and the other person is downwind would effectively render them mute. Wearing a helm would also be the same as muffling your voice, especially a closed helm. 2. The angle of his "hair." In the original Tohaa design the male "hair" is angled upwards. This is what gave them this artichoke look while the female "hair" is a flat angle, this gave them a more spikey look, similar to a hedgehog. Gaseel's "hair" is a flat angle and he's obviously male. IMO this makes his design interesting instead of laughable. I think that the pheromone language while being present in the lore, is going to be downplayed a lot since it places a lot of limitations on the design of Tohaa since they have to be in a certain way. I think Sygmaa units are a good indicator of this, While the "hair" is still present it's less emphasised and incorporated into their helm designs. So, while the design of Gaseel is new, it's at the same time familiar, which is a good place to start with. Something similar can be seen in the Shasvasti models. They're still recognisable as Shasvasti as they have the same general design features as the original Shasvastic it's, if that makes any sense.
He's also in the colour scheme of the Tohaa Sectorial that's still in current production and availability.
That's impossible. The early releases of Tohaa have the male sculpts with a higher angle of "hair" and the females a lower, and in the latter releases, just before the line was scrapped, all models have the same angle of "hair." The Rasail Boarding Team was released in a box that featured both a male and a female Tohaa and they had them at the same, or close to, angle. The male model has none of the artichoke-look as the Kamael had. As I see it the Tohaa line has the same issue as the old A. S. S. line had. There's no common design philosophy in any of them. As an example of that look at the Kotail Mobile Unit and the Kerail Preceptor. From the waist down they have the same rules, both have Transmutation (W), Super Jump, and movement 6-4 (and look like they skip all the leg days). And yet the design is different enough to notice even though they functionally have the same kind of armour. The only difference on the legs is that the Kotail has Arm 2 and the Kerail Arm 1. And the legs of the Kotail look as stick-like as those of the Kerail. A. S. S. was also thought to be gone forever and now they have an Operation: X box. My thoughts are that Tohaa will either get that or an Action Pack. I'm leaning towards Operation since they're a mainline faction.
I do not know if the design means anything for the Tohaa, but since it is the first new thing we have seen for them in some time, I am willing to discuss it to death. I also noticed the difference in the hair, it is more chunky, than male Tohaa usually is, but I expect this could be a product of the art style rather than evidence of a design change. I really like the eye piece on him. I cannot think of any Tohaa with a visor, (that is not just a full helmet), so this headset is very unique, (oddly I have been wanting to make a Tohaa with an eyepeice similar to the one on CATS from Zero Wing, so seeing this makes me pretty happy). The other big thing I noticed is he has a symbiont without any armor plating, and is wearing pants rather than the usual armored speedo. The pants also have the the circular elements the Kiiutan have. The halos on his arms are showing the minescorp logo. so my overall impression is this is a Tohaa who has been in the human sphere for a long time, and is obviously a little unhinged since he is piloting robots.
I hold that down to the art style. Chibi designs always exaggerate the features of the character. Only the colour of the armour changes depending on how it was grown. The physical features of the wearer stays the same
I do like that all of the other pilots are posing for the camera and only Gaseel shows some character in his promo shot. Even McQueen has the usual Ariadna "F the man!" And his pose is a common insult in chibis. That makes Gaseel interesting. I wonder if that's intentional to hype people up?
It can be a great portent of what's to come if my reflections of the design pan out because all joking and the chibiness aside this facial design, IMOI, looks great. It has that good Uncanny Valley feel of something that looks almost human while at the same time looking alien. As opposed to the old design that just looked goofy And the nickname >.< urgh. It instantly robbed Tohaa of all the edge they had and made them a literal joke. CB tried to add some edge back into them with the whole "organised crime actually runs their government," and it just came off as a teenager being an edge lord. Tohaa being obsessed with the number 3 as it's the lowest prime number in the universe made out of a whole number - a great concept, give me more. Tohaa just seeing humanity as a speed bump for the CA and tricking the CA their way - inject that sh*t right into my veins! Tohaa society actually being controlled by organised crime - a bit weird and I can roll with it if I never delve too hard into it. Tohaa's nickname is artichoke because of their head shape - yep, whatever cool the species had from the above is instantly gone.
Nah, dude. The remorseless math-mystic mafia dude hearing "the artichoke joke" would be just raise a brow and go "Yeah, it kinda does look like one. And...? BLAM! Thought so." Tohaa would probably run a "we're the non-threatening artichoke aliens" con, as long as the schtick would remain useful, then drop the act and leave everyone else with bad and worse options.
The interesting part of that concept drawing is that it shows the characteristic artichoke head design while Gaseel has a "flat" head. Normally a chibi design would accentuate that characteristic and in his, it's completely absent.
Are you guys entirely sure this is not just artistic license from the artist not into specifics of Tohaa and assuming that's "hair" that flops back and downwards when he "leans back and cackles"?
Yeah, I understand that seeing something new being tohaa is exciting but there's nothing really to learn from this at this stage.
Other than there is a Tohaa who is obviously struggling with being separated from the howeworlds for so long because he has resorted to piloting robots.