Well, not a big fan of the design to begin with, but the bulkiness fits imo. Looks very corregidor-ish to me, so that checks out.
I was just thinking 'oh it looks Ok to me, chunky and bulky all is fine and room for the pilot, maybe apart from the repeat poses' ....then I read more comments and finally saw the little arms from his torso and thought - nope, fail. So yeah, that little addition of arms to show the pilot really does not work in this proportion - worse than the other TAGs'. Easily fixable by removing them though. The gun in air pose to show off the model is getting a bit tiresome, is it really that hard to check out the Szalamandra model for ideas on neat poses?
My 2 cents. Sadly those arm/knee guards and shoulders really don't fit for me. If the "screws"were inside as we see in render it would be better.On the render i really liked the thick neck the "space suit coat" around it, it is absent on the model as far as i see. I like the bulkiness but i really hoped i would look more curvy than blocky. Weapon is ok , maybe a better pose. Lastly i am ok with lots of detail but minus the screws why the legs have more detail than the rest of the model. I mean we look it from above back & front mostly. I dont hate it but i like the render better :D, we shall see the live version.
I'll wait for the painted model, but definitely not as immediately impressed as I was with the dossier.
"I take cover behind this piece of terrain a block away." "You can't do that" "Well it's the closest I can fit the model to it..."
Gonna wait for the painted model to judge, renders rarely do justice to the finished piece. Will probably just proxy with a Salamander if the Gator isn’t up to snuff.
I don't mind the design as a starting point - I will be modifying mine when I get it (because I don't like the look of that articulated ... whatever ... that joins the gun to the body.)
So the mini is finally revealed and looks much better than the 3D render. However why is the pose so awkward?
I don’t think the pose is that bad: it emphasizes the action of the additional support arm for the gun, which is pretty cool. I’m normally not a fan of minis one-handing long guns (even big servo-armored troops), but this one is pretty decent. That said I’ll probably try to give it a firing pose. The good thing about Siocast is that it’s easily convertible.
I wonder if this could work ... cut at the red line, attach the bit pointed out by the blue arrow to the spot where the black arrow points. Puts the gun in a more vertical position, changes the weight distribution to a little better balance, but places the hand at an awkward angle.
Might work @infyrana . If your options doesn't work you could still do this: Rotate the gun arm inwards and bring up the fist from the other side, putting a handle on the gun housing so that the fist can be holding it. That's what I'm thinking about doing, might require similar cuts so you could always start with your idea, then play round with it. If all else fails, make -several- cuts at joints and reposition a lot more easily.
The render was so ugly I bought 2 TAGs to convert a Gator. Now that the actual model is shown I feel like I got my money's worth from the conversion. That thing is hideous.
I like my lizard as a gator as I enjoy imagining the robot claws crackling with E/M as the little guy runs up the table. If I were to get this model though, I think I'd try to fold the MHMG into a stowed position and put a storm hammer or something in that hand.
Gator Squadron Conversion I really like this model but it needs a bit of fixing in an effort to make it less derpy. To this end I did some minor conversion work. This mostly involved repositioning the gun arm. I thing this fixed him pretty well If you are interested on how I did this and what it was like working with siocast check it out here: https://archangelelonginfinitythegame.blogspot.com/2023/02/infinity-nomads-gator-squadron.html
Indeed! Looks better. I still have doubts about some moments in this tag, but it is good to see everything are fixable. I am feeling pain when thinking about Chernobog. It's legs connection with body makes me think, that it would brake right after the first step... But that is another question. Thank you for gator conversion with a taste of hope T_T