I have seen a low-res photo of the new Moran dossier. Has anyone got a good copy they could add to this thread?
Not the new Moran... ;) But it could actually be a nice proxy! Except for the helmet, maybe. Probably quite easy to convert the helmet into a Koala though! Maybe to replace the old Moran I own, in addition to the new one so that I can play 2.
Cut out helmet and put koala instead... and a pistol in the fist instead of backpack. Agh, no, I don't need any more morans
well . not bad. not good. I would expect to see new koalas. Not seing the back side of the minis but i would love to see a clear image of a repeater.
According to the Hortlak Janissaries Dossier or the Tanko Miniature its a Blitzen. Maybe Blitzen and Flaspulse are the same weapons using different ammo - or CB revised the look of the Flashpulse