If memory serves me, there will be a second pack of ITS objectives. So maybe in that one. I'll have to check how much stuff we need this season (I did a cheatsheet for the previous three, we needed up to 6 TechCoffins in the last one, 4 Antennas and 4 Consoles), as there seem to be 4 pieces that can be both Antennas and Consoles here... Also, yes, these antenna-like small thingies seem to be the Beacons.
I did the math. To be able to set up any single mission table for the current ITS season, one would need: 6 tech coffins (Objectives pack covers 4 of them) 4 antennas (Objectives pack covers it in full - assuming that's the thing) 2 beacons (Objectives pack covers it in full) 3 panoplies (Objectives pack covers it in full) 4 consoles (perhaps the Objectives pack covers that... unless those are the antennas) 4 heating units 3 supply boxes (Objectives pack covers it in full) 1 objective room 6 extra civillians (that's assuming each player already has one, which is mandatory for an ITS game) 4 Low Gravity templates. Now, some of the 40mm objectives could be substituted for others. Eg. antennas could play the role of heating units in frostbyte (as it is the only sceanrio having heaters). However, in many cases the objectives are present on the same table as other objectives, so subtitution may be problematic. Based on the above, I'd guesstimate that the Objectives Pack #2 will have 2 more tech coffins (perhaps of a slightly different design, for a little variety), 4 consoles, 6 civillians (a good spot to test the Siocast for figures!) and maybe the templates. That being said, Objective Room is included in the cardboard Terrain Expansion Kit. Along with a single cardboard console.
This is from a later post on Ramper Instagram. "A cyberpunk rugby game". I hope that "ball" comment was about this and it's not just yet another Blood Bowl clone nobody asked for.
Where we need six? Mindwipe? Yes could be used as servers, but the "objectives" in the pack fits better as servers in my opinion. Antennas could easily serve as consoles as well. But Frostbyte stays problematic, when you use the antennas as heating device, you have to use the "objectives" as consoles. Which is okay but is not eye candy. All in all, for me and my meta this pack is some years too late. We have plenty of items to use for objetives. And enough HVT ...
Hmm… my wallet needs to consider this. Heavily. It is almost Christmas time and these could be my present to myself… but there are many other toys I want. Damn it. Oh, if only. Then I’d have a legitimate excuse to get the Chernobog other than wanting paint itbipp ok so that in game I can shout metal gear! at it while throwing chaff grenades and firing at it with a missile launcher. Interesting. Perhaps they’re doing the rugby/American football game that gets played on Dawn. Thought that was mostly done with dogface teams though. Hoping for a racing game to be honest, just for something different.
Of course you may mix and adapt, and more power to you :) However, the ITS rules say that so I'd assume we should treat it as a default objective markers here. And yes, you need 6 of them. And you're right on point here. If there were 4 panoplies in the box, you could substitute them for heating units (in Frostbyte), and the antennas as consoles. But there's a number of scenarios where we need both consoles and antennas. And they should be different enough to tell them apart at first glance. Nb. the inclusion of gun turrets (F-13 turrets) seems to imply they are there to stay in future seasons of ITS. Nice to have them, though I have crafted mine the last season already. All in all, with all my sympathy for the CB, I'd say the ITS objective pack could have been done better (it still ain't bad, mind you). Different composition of the pack, and a few changes in the ITS 14 rules, and it would be served with one box. Well maybe add a blister pack every year with whatever update feels necessary for a given season. Well, same with Objective Room and a lot of terrain, I guess. It is likely true for most old groups, who made their own (or bought from third-party suppliers) for years, as there was no CB stuff. My group does away mostly with Micro Arts objectives.
Really? You must be the only meta that does that. We just use anything with the right size base. You can easily tell which is which based on where they are on the table.
Takkure is RamPer’s already completed (and really enjoyable) cyber-rugby game that evolved from their home-brew DogBowl game from earlier EICs. This will be something entirely new.
Really? Even if I were to use just counters / cardboard tokens, I'd use, say, "Objective [token] A" for (say) antennas, and "Objective B" for consoles, if you catch my drift. As they are not the same, and should not be represented by the same objective token / piece... But oh well. I am kinda used to being the odd one around :D
Ahh. See, this is what happens when I’m away for too long. I’m out of the loop. Work sucks, I need a lottery win. Thanks for the clarification, I’ll have to give this Takkure a go at some point. Having just had a quick Google for it, will it be commercially available any time soon or is it kickstarter only for now? Also, since I’ve been away and have no idea what the new game may entail, do you (or anyone here) have any ideas/know something about what we can expect? Edit: aside from as @fari has stated that it won’t have anything to do with balls or races.
No more info than that. Only that it will exist. And I believe RamPer has plans for Takkure to be commercially available. It closes on GameFound today.
Eh, as long as somebody competent writes rules and we get another good non-Kickstarter game like Aristeia, awesome.
Sweet! Thanks for letting me know. I’ll keep an eye out for it and give it a go when it’s released. As for the new game, perhaps a street fighter/tekken style mash up with various characters? (I’m joking, though it is an entertaining thought).
I was thinking more a one on one literally in the street thing but, yes, Aristeia! Would apply here. So not a game with balls, racing or possibly beating the crap out of each other… darts? Infinity chess? (Ironically I’d totally be up for a chess game with infinity minis. May have to do that). Kinda thinking @Lucian may be right and it’ll be some sort of dungeon crawler, which could also be really fun. edit: getting off topic. Back to the releases. I’m very likely to pick up the ITS scenery pack as well as the rumoured second one if it’s released. Scatter like that which includes the consoles and boxes needed for missions is very useful and serves a purpose in other games too. I’d get more stuff from customeeple but the postage is quite high. Still out on the chernobog, I have no actual reason to own it other than it’s pretty.
The 3 teams for the 1st KS (core + extra team) are already in the Zenit Miniatures store. The 2 new teams will be available soon, probably early 23 Nahh, Ramper likes small, fast paced games... Maybe a card game? He likes to make card games. Spaceships? 15mm? An Aristeia 2.0? He made the rules rework for Yokai Quest