Summary of AGL6 changes

Discussion in 'News' started by HarlequinOfDeath, Oct 4, 2022.

  1. HarlequinOfDeath

    HarlequinOfDeath Tha Taskmastaaa

    Dec 14, 2017
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    Hey teammanagers!

    Here you can find a summary of the AGL6 changes with a first commentary on them (in German but most parts should work with Google translate):

    What are your opinions on the changes?
    Croepoek, Ealthril and Wizzy like this.
  2. mazzacheammazza

    mazzacheammazza Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2017
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    I have mixed feeling, since most of them are good and I'am so hyped to try yhrm, but some not

    • 5 aristos have the same changes of AGL 5: Lunah, Hyppolita, Final Boss, Lei Gong an Eclipse. I found those change perfect so they are fine to and nothing extra to say about. Of course, Eclipse have the same card but the boost for the hidden status make her more useful.
    • Moonchild just have a minor twist to prevent abuse, so little to say.
    • Shona nerf was much in need, they went overboard with AGL 5, now she look more balanced.
    • Murtair is the most awaited change. I always hated how it could end up bogged down in melee, since he was unable to dodge away from enemy... and now is almost unstoppable. Fun assured!
    • Korie queen look.... weird. Now is very powerful, maybe even a bit too much but I need to test her; not a problem since she alwyas been a fave of mine.
    • Dart was fine in Agl 5, so I feel strange she get another boost. Well, at least look like we have a wide range of shooter, instead to have the Wild Bill and Lei Going be the most abused ones.
    • Mendoza look a game change. The fast recover from bench allow to move-move when back from the bench, move and attack with a skill energy 2, or use a skill enery two twice when back from the field. Damn, you can even make your whole team based over just this ability!
    • I not like Taowu play style, since I prefer buff my team than debuff opponents; draw more card rather then make the opponent lose one. But the change is nice, maybe I could try it more often.
    • I am puzzled by Bachmann, it was already so DAMN powerful. I always think it was the energy 4 who make him balanced, when i see he was changed, I was expecting some nerf or just a clarification.... and he got a boost O_O ! With energy 5... I will spam him even more.
    • Prism was damn good, a little nerf is fine. Also,she look more unique with the new card.
    and , in the end, the major disappointment.... Bixie. Poor Bixie, she got 2 boost in two AGL and and a new figure, but you sill are a damned soul. I think Gata will still be preferred over Bixie in this AGL again; the boost on initiative is welcomed but not what Bixie needed.

    I think Corvuse should either change doumu's gift to work with movement point (pay one point and use the skill once), so she can spend 2 energy to get 3 movement, and mix the one hex movement and the gift to them to move around the field. This will help a lot when you cannot move because you are 1 hex too far away from a blocked space perfect for your skill; you could move once before, in the middle or at the end of your gift movements; and move with the gift twice. Now, she either move 3 time with gift and not at all with on her foot, or she buy 3 moves on foot and uses the gift only once... tooooooo slow.

    Another option will be make doumu's gift to work to be able to target occupied space. She will be more funny, since she can now target enemy aristos, or you can move your team mate to help Bixie.
    #2 mazzacheammazza, Oct 5, 2022
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2023
    Croepoek likes this.
  3. csjarrat

    csjarrat Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I just wish there was an updated card pack issued. I hate playing card based games with pdf rules as a band-aid
    MikeWy likes this.
  4. HarlequinOfDeath

    HarlequinOfDeath Tha Taskmastaaa

    Dec 14, 2017
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    Overall I think all the changes are good and justified, we just need some revision of the rest of the Aristos and especially many tactics cards.

    Unfortunately, Bachmann lacked always something. And after the initial hype with his release he has been rarely seen and his winrate (at least in my matches: 28% out of 18 picks) was underwhelming. I think this buff is needed to see what how he improves with it.

    Bixie never was 'weak' as a character design. She always was a good scorer, but had one big problem: Being killed before she was able to act. Every strong damage dealer in the game had a higher initiative than her before AGL6. And after she was dead, she started with 1 Energy again. The second problem was fixed in AGL5, now we have to see how the initiative buff helps her.

    Her Placement costing Movement would cause another problem: Immobilize. Atm the only things to counter her are vision and fragging her. With changing the cost of her placement you create a third counter.

    That is an interesting idea. I like that.
    #4 HarlequinOfDeath, Oct 6, 2022
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2022
    Croepoek likes this.
  5. Ealthril

    Ealthril Well-Known Member

    Nov 22, 2018
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    All changes are really welcome.

    I have soooooo many things to try now lol.
    Aristos I played so few, such as Bachmann, or Mendoza, will see some time table. Just to look at their changes and give feedback.

    For sure AGL6 should have been Koorie season with this incredible buff... Bixié still lacks one point of energy to be efficient in my humble opinion. But let's see how this goes during the season.

    I'm really happy that CB continued to update characters and provide an AGL6.

    I hope that all the feedback received will allow them to launch a Aristeia 2.0 one day, with some new characters, new Hexadomes, updated rules, new toys lol. This game is so much fun !
    Croepoek and csjarrat like this.
  6. mazzacheammazza

    mazzacheammazza Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2017
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    Indeed, and she would be quite messed up by -2 mov. But I'd like the trade off: Mixing the movement on foot with the gift movement is worth the risk to be nerfed by those negative statuses.

    Energy 4 maybe a bit too much; she can do 4 gift movement, with the potential of 16 hexes of movement.

    Talking about energy I'd rather like "gain 1 energy" switch of celestial wind be activated more often: either by adding /changing the dice pool to have more blu dice, or make the switch cost 1 less shield. Right now, is one of the less used switch of the game: you rarely uses bixie to start with, you even less likely to attack with her; when you attack, you rarely roll 3 shield and sometimes you NEED the shields to not get killed by enemy defense.... I never seen that switch in play.

    Actually, another welcomed change is celestial wind as a "green" skill lieu of an "red" attack. Replace the *! effect with the arrow effect of the green skills, and we have a more interesting Aristo. Bixie could target allies and obstacles in addition to enemies, hopefully activate the place effect. If it goes well, she move 7 square overall, wich isn't that better than using domus' gift twice, but if her current position in the arena don't have a good gift route you, can give it a try, expecially by moving one allies in a good spot first. Also, you never uses shield to parry the random enemy *, so you have an higher chanche to roll those magic 3 shield!
    #6 mazzacheammazza, Oct 9, 2022
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2022
    Croepoek likes this.
  7. Ealthril

    Ealthril Well-Known Member

    Nov 22, 2018
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    That's a good idea yes.
  8. Noir Kara

    Noir Kara Active Member

    Jan 11, 2023
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    I do not see a TaoWu change. Where is it? Nm got it.
    #8 Noir Kara, Mar 7, 2023
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2023
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