She's also got MSV1, which I for now assume/hope is a copy paste error. I don't see the profile being very useful without MSV2 in internal competition at her price point unfortunately.
She has her logo now and fireteam chart is updated. Msv1 is still a thing tho. Her WB options are limited to White Banner Fireteams as expected. If she is in fact supposed to have only msv1 then Im cancelling my ITS pack order. Funny thing is if I knew from the start she is msv1 I wouldn't mind and would still get her. But after being hyped for msv2 getting something worse is no longer satisfying.
If the MSV1 is intended, that's one hell of a bait and switch. I preordered the ITS14 pack for her based on her previewed profile. If it were MSV1, especially without touching her cost, I definitely could have sat that one out and waited for a general release. I really hope it was a mistake, because that's a really shady way to do business.
I'm disappointed in MSV 1 instead of 2 but I still think she's good for all over her other abilities. I might still get the ITS pack.
CB often update profiles between spoilers and public release because of internal and external feedbacks received in-between. It wasn't and won't be the first time such things happened. It could also be an error, so wait & see.
I wonder if no duo in Vanila is a mistake or intended. Expected her in duo as Shan ji can. But without both msv2 and duo feels totaly overcosted in useless. Mb in WB only, but doubt
She's not a Shang-Ji in WB or IA, she's a Shang-Ji compatible in WB and IA so I would honestly be surprised if she got a Duo at all in Vanilla. I think her kit is sufficient to run solo in vanilla, provided she gets MSV2, but with MSV1 the profile needs less competition and I think only Starmada has that to offer this profile. To be clear, she's better than Tai Sheng for a similar price, but Tai Sheng isn't a high bar to clear as it currently stands. While she's better than Lei Gong, she's hackable and more expensive and Infinity does tend to favour sufficiently competent units above highly competent ones.
Aaaand my preorder is getting cancelled. I hope it was genuine mistake and not post factum realization that making YJ subforum so excited about new unit might be too much. And Im only half joking, who knows if they just saw how happy we were and realized that she might be too strong and now they play dumb.
She's good at 400 points. Any of my lists that run Tai Sheng can easily find a reason to make a swap. Yes she's not getting a look in at 300 points the lists don't have room. However, Infinity at 300 points is shit, I keep telling you all this. The lists are boring as fuck and have little to no viable variation and the game is an alpha strike fest.
I would love to play at 400 points after reading your arguments but its not possible in my meta. People want to play the game as close to the standart intended way as they can. Hopefully I can convince my friend to try 400 points with me sometime. She is still the only NCO WB gets but after being hyped for smoke abuse in the midfield getting msv1 is just too much to be happy about her for some time. Good I have my blackwind and 2 new factions to play with, I can leave YJ for some time and wait untill Im no longer dissapointed with Bixie.
Oh no, the chinese witch didn't get all the rules and now a little worse at shooting. Cancel pre-orders, start a howl. Yj players as ussual)
Well I wonder how you would feel when you payed for something and then found out that your getting something different and strictly worse? Looking at your comment I assume you would be very happy and actually praise someone who tricked you right? Maybe even kiss their ass as thank you. And yes I said tricked on purpose, if the MSV2 was a real misstake they had a month to inform us that it will actually be MSV1, but they didnt bother.
No, you dont get it. I don't justify CB, just once again laughing at the greed of yj players. CB created monster that can do anything at this game and when she was nerfed a little, everyone start crying. And it's not the first time.
And here you don't get it. I wouldn't mind if she had msv1 to begin with. I wouldnt mind if she had msv2 at the start but somewhere down the road they decided to nerf her AND INFORM US about it before allowing people to pay for the box. But no, they changed her and didn't even bother to inform players that what they think they pay for is not equal to what they actually pay for. You say its not the first time and you are right. Its not the first time they do some shady shit, or treat their customerst like they are idiots. And it just happened to YJ more than to other factions. Yeah some of the salt it overreacting, but some of it is completly valid.
Penthasilea downgraded to mimetism -3 patroclos vanished, diomedes aswell Magister knights vanished Teutonic´s berserker gone, swapped to glorified magisters Order sergeants limited in AVA and Fireteam-usage Knights of Montesa from Midfield-control-monster reduced to Knights errant T/O F/O s reduced to crappy SMGs and lost Combi Rifles And thats stuff i already BOUGHT Ö.ö Well i guess its time to burn some Dark Elve Armies :-D no, honestly: MSV 2 to MSV 1 is a downgrade. Yes. Still has 3 lines of skills / Equiptment, uncluding Dodge +6, MOV 6-2, BS 13, SJ and C+, MSV1, NCO (shall i remind anyone of the hellish scream the moment Gator got that skill? Without any access to CAMO-Leutnant +1 Order Units?) AND its not N3 anymore. MSV1 isnt the worst Visor there is. It´s "shooting through smoke" and it is "canceling most of mimetism". damn, we realy have a very different opinion and experience on "Companies treating their costumers like idiots" but you do you. It´s your time, nerves and money.
Wow you guys are a sad lot if you really believe CB intentionally did a bait-and-switch. It's just one of their usual fuck-ups. Same as every time they preview profiles.
They really need to get on top of that shit, though. Previewing profiles that are strictly speaking better in advertisement than what the end product is like isn't healthy in the long run. It's a lot better if they err on the other side of caution. She's still a good profile, but she's gonna be a lot more lukewarm with MSV1. It's not a cost issue, she'd have been well received at a higher price with the profile previewed as in specifically WB and IA the MSV2 close quarters slot is wide open. Let's be real here, though; she definitely takes whatever spot Tai Sheng has and she makes Crane Agents look like absolute couch potatoes and an embarrassment to the Emperor. That is not to take away from that she does face some stiff competition from the non-HI units that we love and know are good that are about 10 points cheaper in White Banner. However, in IA she's gonna be a natural recurring alternative to Krit and she's gonna make Hulang become Who Lang? It is good. Not great. Good. She's not gonna solo-carry IA on her back like we thought she would, but she's not a bad little mid-edition get. If you're still unsure at least cancel your pre-order and wait for general release when you've had time to try it out. They're pretty much forced to accept it due to their advertising cockup. Stop it. Actually look at what Ktulhuist posts. They don't have a leg to stand on here unless someone validates them, so don't validate them.
I'm disappointed but I don't think the sky is falling. It's just another screw up that makes them look bad. Also another making sure Yu Jing doesn't have nice things. She's especially good right now due to the new ITS rules in some missions. Since Shang Ji have Terrain (total) in some of the missions, they gain Super Jump. So she can be with them and they can all use it. Otherwise she can join Ye Mao. Sad though she doesn't have the T(T) herself so she doesn't get the +1" move in other missions. This is the team I'm going to be doing in missions that give SJ Super Jump. BÌXIÉ MULTI Rifle, Zapper, Flash Pulse / Pistol, E/M CC Weapon. (0 | 41) SHÀNG JÍ (Tactical Awareness) AP Heavy Machine Gun, Chain-colt ( | TinBot: Firewall [-6]) / Pistol, Shock CC Weapon. (1.5 | 49) YĚ MĀO (Hacker, Hacking Device) MULTI Rifle, Chain-colt ( ) / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0.5 | 31) 2 SWC | 121 Points BTW I'm not sure if mentioned, but she can join a Zhanshi team in IA.