Berserker can be used only in one of two options: either +6 to CC FtF, or not giving the bonus but making the roll a normal one... So 26 without FtF (in which case, I prefer 23 for damage 17 from MA2), or 32 with FtF ^^
Sigh, I always mix Berserker and Natural Born Warrior with the "choose between 2 options"... Ok, Berseker lets make it a normal roll with +6. Even more broken XD
OK, I did NOT read the first 10 pages of this thread to get caught up. Not worth the time with how my computer is pissing me off right now. I think Bostria is talking 'space' as in 'design space'. Not that YJ needed to lose any sectorial to get more. Vanilla YJ is already more biased towards close approach and aggression than most other armies in the game. JSA took that aggression to 11. I mean, JSA out-aggressioned the Morat Aggression Forces! Not if it's not in a form ready for public beta... And we still don't know what else is in the Uprising book besides DBS, Secessionists, and Ikari. That still leaves 2-5 more sectorials (depending on whether there are only 5 in the book or 8). There may be more stuff lurking in there. Yeah, that's a very good point. Sure, that's one game. But in general I agree with @Triumph 's point, and I never even fielded Shinobu in vanilla. My army lists for vanilla are more White Banner-esque, with Daofei and two Guilang being mainstays. This concerns me as well. Imperial Service lists were damn near cookie cutter for the Paradiso Campaign and early ITS due to limited specialists, which made the faction rather uninteresting to play. Vanilla armies should NEVER be uninteresting. Sectorials should be different than vanilla, which may result in them being more interesting for some people. But vanilla should never be boring. That is an excellent suggestion for compensating for the loss of Oniwaban/Shinobu. I loved the EM weapons on the Domaru and Blitzen on the Haramaki. Because in about 3 weeks, vanilla YJ will not have the option to take an Oniwaban/Shinobu. (Warstore is showing the book as releasing on Mar23, it takes about a week for it to reach my hands from Neal.) I admit, it's not real likely that I'd take a Ninja with an EM CCW in JSA, unless one of the hackers got it. But then I'd be taking a Ninja Hacker (whether Assault or Killer), CCW is rather immaterial to me at that point.
There's also Starco, which is the fabled white star company that gave us the Anaconda and(seemingly formerly since he's not in the sectorial list) Scarface... and that's it I think, @Bostria said in the BOW video here: at about the 4 minute mark that it has 4 armys...
Yeah, I'd forgotten about StarCo. (where's that :embarrassed: emoticon?) So it seems this book is all fluff and 4 new-ish 'sectorials', not Paradiso N3 or whatever the hell the published name of Acheron Falls is going to be. So I'm hoping for Paradiso N3 by Christmas 2018.
This is likely, with some sectorials probably trickiling down to general public before the book shows up. As things look like we're getting eight sectorials this year; four NA2 in the Uprising book, four faction ones in the next. I guess we'll see two sectorials released earlier, just like DBS showed up before the current book. The actual timetable is of course unclear, I hope we'll get some info from Adepticon seminar.
But I am talking from JSA point of view. Why would I there take it? Also, you say you never took shinobu in vanilla, shinobu was one of the reasons I decided to even go vanilla and not straight to ISS. Good thing is, my slowly growing collection was by pure luck more JSA orientated, so this split came great for me, and instead of collecting ISS, I will focus now on JSA.
Why are you even interjecting into this conversation then? People were discussing improving the Ninja by introducing new profiles to somewhat fill the void of the Oniwabans leaving Yu Jing. Nobody is talking about Ninjas needing to compete with Oniwabans for JSA.
I think the conversation has gone a bit too far a lot of times already, please discuss in a civilised manner and accept other posters may have different opinions. Thanks.
That was not clear from your posts. And in JSA, whether Sectorial or Secessionist, you're absolutely correct that there isn't much point in taking a Ninja EM CCW. Oh, Shinobu is cool, but I tended to run more of a White Banner army, with Daofei and two Guilang. 4 camo markers in the midfield, all within 8" of each other. Do you feel lucky?
Anytime... It's MUCH more accessible to face 4 camos in the midfiled when you know it's Yu Jing than my usual "hi, we are Shasvastii/Ariadna, this white sheet is my courtesy list, and these 15-20 camo markers on the table are my troops". Frankly, what I hate the most when facing those armies is the bogging down of having to face so much camo. I'd love if generics where redesigned to have a limit of 3-4 camo'ed miniatures (mines won't count against this limit) and 2 TO Camo or so (and vanillas without TO having +2 camos). It's not that I don't know how to deal with camos, it's just that... it's such a damn chore I feel like "ok, you win, I'm gonna have a beer instead of playing this shitty round" >.<
I hear that. But even cypherkk, my Ariadna-and-Shasvasti opponent, doesn't like trying to break the Daofei Camo Roulette (which often also has a HD Ninja Killer Hacker lurking nearby)
I just had a chance to actually watch the Beasts of War video in which Carlos discusses the future of (vanilla) Yu Jing. Some quick feedback thereon: On the one hand, the part where he really does talk about drinking the tears of Yu Jing players was absolutely horrible. I can't think of a worse thing for a corporate representative to say to his consumers, and can now better understand why so many of my YJ brothers and sisters are so angry. His flippant comment was reprehensibly reminiscent of the worst of GW's past excesses, and I really do have to suggest that CB rein him in (or give him some public relations training) come the future. He came across as an arrogant clown to me, and I don't even play vanilla YJ - not the sort of guy you want as a spokesperson for Infinity, IMO. On the other hand, he did make it pretty clear that JSA's defection "opens up" (whatever that means - how many sectorials does PanO have? Is there a quota for sectorials?) some room for a new YJ faction - pretty much meaning (to me at least) that Invincible Army really is coming. Though he did then add all that stuff about playing IS until then, and hanging in there during tough times - which is nice and true, but still won't make the time waiting for IA to drop go any faster. Still though, it looks like there will be light at the end of the tunnel for YJ players (to me at least.) So I think my original, basic take on this still stands - I wouldn't give up on CB and YJ just yet. But when it comes to Carlos as a CB spokesperson - yeah, the guy's a train wreck. As always, just my two cents and YMMV.
I wouldn't take it so badly, Carlos is primarily a vanilla Yu Jing player. He sees the adversity as fun, and the aggravation of Yu Jing players as life imitating the fiction. They may have miscalculated just how much rage there would be and how personally players might take the wounding of their faction.
@the huanglong: No skin off my apple, really - I play IS, and since my Ninja didn't go away I'm (personally) fine. And I can also get the fun of making the underdog Superpower seem a bit more, well "underdoggy." But the way this was rolled out (by Carlos the CB spokesperson) seemed like a real Junior Varsity effort to me - good intentions perhaps, but horrible execution. Pissing off a significant portion of your consumer/fan base is not good business/public relations. And since I really like this game, I'd hate to see CB go the way of GW.
Wait, was there a dedicated Video on Yu Jing Vanillas Future or did he say that in one of the other JSA-focussed Videos? If not then maybe CB should make one of those or at least an article or something like that, coming from Warhammer and GW's questionable ways of handling stuff like that, now would be the time to be transparent about things, hell, with the new proxy rules they could just put out rules for a new YJ sectorial right now, and we could use our nonusable JSA minis instead, until the actual minis get released.
@Sword_36 Well spill over from the Spanish section say that they will release a article this week most of us figured that to mean ASAP and we would have it yesterday. But this is C.B we are takling about so we are lucky if we have it by Friday.
damn...come back from a hiatus and this is what I find? Tough! And I was liking all my JSA troops in vanilla...used raiden, aragoto, oni, keisotsu, tokusetsu etc...ah well...(just hope CB doens't pull a gwsquatmove or something...:P)