I'm a bit concerned Scylla and Drakios might not have peripherals anymore. I kinda would have expected them to have FTO labels in the link options, sure having a peripheral vs not having a peripheral is enough, but often they label such situations with an FTO anyway just to make it abundantly clear. I'm a bit suspicious maybe they just come solo and the bots come solo too now and you can choose to link them, which is IMO a downgrade from being able to red-fury and flamer people simultaneously with Drakios.
It's hackable which presents a major problem in actually getting into the backfield to bully units there, that's a big reason why I rate it as a bad Crusher. It's too expensive for what it does and the Red Fury isn't the best gun for bullying Midfield guys. You're dropping 50+ points on this thing (in fairness to this conversation I had seen more profiles than were in this thread when I posted that and knew what the parachutist options were) which is a pretty big ask. Additionally most midfield skirmishers will be tucked into tight corners or prone on rooftops or other hard to access places, a Red Fury isn't the best gun for this. You want guns that are 0-16 not 8-24, and preferably some kind of DTW. Some kind of enhanced Rifle+Shotgun Haqq loadout would be preferable for this type of job. The baseline tactical awareness was unexpected though, which may give it some potential to see play at 400 points. At 300 points though I can't rate this unit at anything more than a detriment due to its high cost and the fact that a Red Fury isn't good enough to be a primary fireteam attack piece.
Wait a sec: Everyone is speaking about aleph and SP, but did someone notice, that the haqqislam Sunduqbot is an amazingly cool and unique new Drone? i mean: A camo-decoy but wit a weaponrange from cool to amazing (+1B), FD to cover nearly every area on the map with his prefered range, BS13 and the OPTION for Neurocinetics? This thing has the option to always be the perfect unit in the perfect spot. AND IT EXPLODES! This bot is by for the coolest of all the STR2 Bots, including the Vostok!
Massively LOLd. Oh those almighty omnipresent hackers, oh yeah. But of course, superjumping HI cannot do anything to rooflovers! Getting serious: I personally think, the best profile is para-para, elite mimetic parashutist paramedic with BSG, viral pistol, D-charges and MSV. Definitely not an autoinclude and potential deadweight, but also potential Mariam Serious Problems-hanum (all the Bokhtars are female by the lore). Sunduqs... meh. Asawira + 2 Daylams look way better.
There was always the requirement for a myrmidon office or a Charakter with the enomotacos rule to Form a Firefox Team in steel Phalanx. The rule for the myrmidons are the current Iteration of this. So it mochte Look weird at first glance it is in fast Nottingham new. It is new that troops can Form links withoit enomotacos still in steel Phalanx.
I think their point is more the max 3 Myrmidon Officers and max 1 Myrmidons, rather than the minimum requirements.
With every new Natural Born Warrior profile, the JSA fluff dies a little more. (and the SP profiles would not be a problem at all if not every random mining dude and nomad TAG would get it)
Natural Born warrior doesn't make you want to CC JSA models. Not without MA or CC over 20. As a JSA player you're pretty happy if the opponent takes an order to try and use a 57 points model to CC one of CC specialist.
I come from the other side. The number of profiles that my JSA wants to go in CC with is lower with every release. These days, you don't need MA, you need extra profile entries that give you +1B, +1DAM or -3 CC Attack, so they are not cancelled by the every growing number of NBW profiles. When I started playing, Senior Massacre was the only model with that skill. It is fitting that he has it, because his fluff is exactly that.
My regular Steel Phalanx opponent feels similar: his Greeks are less and less likely to solve things by CC.
First of all: Laughs in Uberfallkommando. second: Infinity is imho a shooting-heavy sci-fi scenario. Most Humans are quite fragile and start feeling not so good if something (or someone) starts putting holes in them with some sort of stabbing-thing. So you want to stay as far away as possible from stabbing-stuff. Melee should not be such an immense (or wide-spread) thing, and for me it´s still way too much units with a sole focus on "I walk towards you till I am in personal-space-area and then i take a single die and hope for the best (meaning: no single didget roll)" Melee always was a risky thing to do, even with units capable of doing it properly: At the end of day most melee-specialists take one die. And that can be everything from 1 to 20. Yes, they can barely miss, but still: most enemies also roll for a solid CC and its way more difficult to force them down to low single-didgets like u are able to do with shooting (cover, camo, range). Dont get me wrong: i love close combat. I love to tear heavy units apart with my beloved little kitty-girl and her 3 day-care-friends. But on the other hand i also play Knights. Non of them preform especially good in close combat if u dont hit Consoles or Antennas. And on paper the statline looks very melee-ish.
Myrmidons will be 0-4 in Myrmidons fireteam. And as previously, Fireteam Core is maximum of 4 members in Steel Phalanx. You'll see the full changes next thursday and I'll provide a changelog to not miss anything. Thank you and enjoy!
Very likely. I just noticed that she’s listed as Alephs “Iatromantis”. In Ancient Greece this was a physician-seer with abilities beyond the normal realm of medicine. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iatromantis I’ll be very interested to see what her N4 profile turns out like.
I agree. And it is not getting better when they seem to put low 20 CC stats with NBW on the new profiles instead of CC 23+ with MA. Following the current trend, CC attacks will eventually fade out of the game, which is not what I like. I think it was flavourful that certain armies had a valid strategy to solve their problems with a Katana instead of bullets. This leaves CC only for the "new" units with Burst+1, CC+X in their stats. And don't get me wrong, it was never a good idea to attack SP units in CC, which is totally fine. I just don't like the NBW skill from a fluff perspective when everybody and their Digger get that skill.