It's not recent. The Bakunin Chimera has been like this forever. I think there are others, but they do not immediately come to mind.
It was really just the Chimera until the Rindak and Diablos, I maybe should have put a comma between more, and recently.
No, not necessarily. Look at CHA Caledonian Volunteers: the cheapes one (packing just Light Shotgun & Chain Rifle. Though there are stat differences between the Volunteer & the Daylami) costs 6 points. And he's definitely Regular. Having Daylami LSG cost 5-7 pts is therefore, IMO, not out of question (notice that in the C! stats we've seen - which, of course, may not be the real ones - he's priced at 0,5 points per C1 rules). Now, it's not a hill I intend to die on - especially given today we should see the C1 official profiles, and the day after today the N4 ones - but definitely not something outside the realm of possibility.
Yeah, Ajax is one of my favourite models in the whole game. Luckily I have the current one in case a resculpt isn't to my taste as much. Can't believe he's almost 10 years old (Nov 2012 according to the release spreadsheet).
It’s not really a major deal but man, the Hoplite does not look arm3. The Thorakitai are (currently at least) arm3.
In the box description on the store Pandoras full name is "Pandora, Iatromantis of the Steel Phalanx". Iatromantis meaning "physician-seer" or "medicine-man". So she might be some kind of doctor profile.
Sometimes I think the bulky and heavy armored Units is more the indicator to havbe multiple wounds instead of insanly high Armor stats. A good example is the Teutonic knight in full plate armor compared to the Grunts in painted cardboard. Both ARM 3, but one with 2 Wounds. Also the ARM-stats for alle infanterie sized units tend to be between 0 and 6, so there is not much space for variantsy. didn´t saw any Free Game tournaments aswell in my region, but on the other hand: in the last 2 yeasrs i did not see a lot tournaments at all. i guess everyone tended to accept the 15 Units limit to be the "new N4 standard", an (at least in my community) it is highly appreciated to avoid the 20+ units lists, especially with a lot units become cheaper with the new edition
It's something I thought about when the edition first dropped, but with the points getting cut in various places it made certain armies combat groups balloon to levels that locally we felt were not a good idea to play with.
if thats their stats ill, pick a myrm over hoplite. on that note, hasnt hoplite (armor) always been arm 5-6? (proxy mk4, achillies v2, hector)
Yep, I really hope the Arm 3 is a typo. I am excited that the Thora shields are separate pieces. I should be able to GS copy them to add to my old models.
In the video Carlos called her an HVT, though for some reason I thought she was a hacker. Guess we'll see.
2-group caps are always a rule you can add as a TO. If someone gripes about it being outside the official ITS extras etc., call it a “special terrain rule that is present on all tables.” 3+ groups would definitely suck, especially now that Taighas exist. But setting a 20-troop limit would be interesting and doesn’t seem like it would get too out of hand for scale.
20+ units was the standard-META for some regions and it bored me to death. In a game with Orders beeing the most valuable ressource and missions beeing mainly quite order-intense you are fighting uphill-battles the moment you decide to deploy Limited insertion. Not seeing a lot tournaments where the Army size limit is canceled indicates, that I am not the only one who is pretty fine to run the game with the 15 unit limit. Imho it means more fun and more variety, also more of this "elite troop favor" of a skirmisher. I for myself just lmfao´ed the moment the new ITS intruduced tactical Window as the new standard, knowing that most TO´s running with the flow and a lot of players werent able anymore to just throw u to death with cheap ARO-dice. But thats just my personal taste and opinion, maybe it would be amazingly healthy for the game and fun for everyone to be run down by AVA TOTAL units you have barely enough orders to shoot them down in 3 turns.
Oh, we'll definitely see. But the heap of equipment she has seems to me much like a confirmation that she'll be a playable character rather "just a HVT". Looks kinda like a doctor / hacker hybrid, judging by the equipment. Now, the question is how she's going to fit into a Bahram list. And why. If at all...
This should dispel any doubt that she's a playable character. I don't know why anyone would have thought otherwise. The LE Mini for the battlepacks has always been a new playable character, available to both factions of the battlepack. The thing I am curious about is which factions she'll be available in for N4.
Because it has always been is a good indicator that things are going to stay this way - but by no means a guarantee. There are some pretty revolutionary changes to some units coming in the Blackwind. Apart from Hassassin Bahram and ASS? Oh, I'd guess she'll be present in OSS as well. Beyond that, well, no idea.