New HB box contents speculation

Discussion in 'Haqqislam' started by vorthain, Apr 7, 2022.

  1. kesharq

    kesharq Lucky Dice-Roller

    Feb 9, 2018
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    Daylamis - looking great. i really like the irregular style of them.
    Barid - akward pose but otherwise great. I might need a second sculpt of him (FO anyone?)
    Lasiq - cool updated look
    Nadhir - not what I expected, but looking good
    Bokhtar - TacRock(tm) is back.
    Rouhani - again great irregular look. I have the Defiance version and need both miniatures side by side in order to
    Underworld Fixer - that one I definitely need as a proxy for any hacker in the game.

    just my 2 cents on my first impression of the pics :)
    #141 kesharq, Jul 22, 2022
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2022
    Rizzy and Gwynbleidd like this.
  2. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    I have two of the old sculpt. Been waiting for a 2nd sculpt for ages! :D
    Papa Bey, Gwynbleidd and kesharq like this.
  3. Gwynbleidd

    Gwynbleidd Non asto coram malo

    Sep 18, 2021
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    Can we all take a minute to talk about how goddamn pretty the new haqqi minis are? My wallet is already pissed at me. That lasiq is so nice as are the rest of this release. I’m going to need a bigger case for my haqqi…

    Edit: oh we ARE talking about how pretty they all are. Excellent. Now… give them to me early.
  4. kesharq

    kesharq Lucky Dice-Roller

    Feb 9, 2018
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    [QUOTE="Errhile, post: 439001, member: 606"It might be a standalone LGL though, magazine-fed in opposition to revolver or drum-fed LGLs of old.[/QUOTE]

    Perhaps a new Panzerfaust design? There is (currently) no Daylami LSG/LGL profile (just Rifle/LGL).

    I only fielded Daylami Panzerfaust Infiltrators up to now, so for me there is no need for other profiles:)
  5. Gwynbleidd

    Gwynbleidd Non asto coram malo

    Sep 18, 2021
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    Same. But these new ones look great. There’s a lot of conversion potential there too.
  6. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    I remember fielding basic shotgun ones as flank guards a few times. And the N3 Inferior infiltrators, but I had terrible luck with them. The N4 meta of Tactical Window mostly made them pointless to field IMO.

    Also, the weapon doesn't look like any of the Panzerfaust designs up to date. They were - in the man-portable version - always your run-off-the-mill recoilless launcher tubes.

    As for the LGL - right, Daylami LGL and HMG went the way of the dinosaurs at some point, I completely forgot... :D Well, what might it be, oh what might it be...? We'll learn that next week :P
    We have a Rifle / LGL profile though. Might be getting amended...
    And the one on the left - perhaps it is a Marksman Rifle...? Cetainly a candidate for a conversion for me, I own both old sets of Daylami, so I have two Rifles and a Shotgunner (and 2 Panzerfaust gunners).
  7. bladerunner_35

    bladerunner_35 Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2017
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    I am completely underwhelmed with Haqq. Their design is way to heavy and high-tech and all the sculpts works just as well in pretty much any human army.

    Daylami are a far cry from rugged desert warriors. Was hoping for much more Dune aesthetic.

    Nadhir is a huge let down. Very uninspired and a missed opportunity. It just an average LI/MI.

    AD troop is closer to the new Rasyat than the slender Ragiks.

    Lasiq is a copy paste of a Lynx.

    CB taking shortcuts or playing it safe.
    sololobo, Diphoration, Jumara and 2 others like this.
  8. Knauf

    Knauf Transhumanist

    Mar 3, 2018
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    The daylami lsg dude is excellent, probably my favourite from the entire set. Not too excited about the rest to be quite honest, but I'm having high hopes for the Beyond box and sweet Yara.

    Rouhani is also great. Love the open stance and that kitted out SMG.
  9. kesharq

    kesharq Lucky Dice-Roller

    Feb 9, 2018
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    Looking at the SMGs of Nadhir and Rouhani, I am quite confused about the design.

    Nadhir: the underslung device looks remotely like the one on the old Barid Rifle. There it was a Pitcher or Flashpulse. As the new pitcher now looks completely different, it might be a flash pulse - but there is no Nadhir profile with a flashpulse right now. It definitely does not look like a Flammenspeer to me.

    Rouhani: that device does look like a Blitzen (like on the Hortlak) or some kind of grenade launcher. The Rouhani profile says, it should be a flashpulse - but the device does not look like one at all.

    Maybe there are some profile changes ahead...
    Gwynbleidd likes this.
  10. Knauf

    Knauf Transhumanist

    Mar 3, 2018
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    The Nadhir is probably a Flammenspeer. Check the Tankos and Mowang for reference. I dont have them here with me, but I believe they have the dual barrel layout as well.

    As for Rouhani, that attachment is also on the O12 Sensorbot, so it's probably a Flash Pulse. It's also used as a blitzen on other models, so it might be a muti purpose design.
    Gwynbleidd likes this.
  11. Gwynbleidd

    Gwynbleidd Non asto coram malo

    Sep 18, 2021
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    I too would have liked more Dune style stuff but then I always do… I think you get this more from the Ramah task force stuff than anything else.

    Indeed. Loving that underslung smg… speaking of which;
    Agreed here. The two underslungs are intriguing and certainly imply updates to the profiles.

    Yes… flash pulse or blitzen or something completely new but a multi purpose design is on the cards too.
  12. bladerunner_35

    bladerunner_35 Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2017
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    Looking at the better pics from Orka I think the Daylamis headsets are a nice touch. Can't remember if I have seen that before in Infinity but the old ones didn't have them?

    In a world with cybernetics old-school headsets are decidely low-tech.
    Jumara likes this.
  13. vorthain

    vorthain Veteran Novice

    Apr 24, 2018
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    I'm not really loving any of these. Can't really articulate why. They are mostly well sculpted but I am increasingly finding myself not happy with the aesthetic design choices in newer Haqq stuff. Maybe profile updates will sway me but I went from being pretty excited to uninterested in picking this up.
    Jumara, Modock and bladerunner_35 like this.
  14. bladerunner_35

    bladerunner_35 Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2017
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    This is the first major CB release for my factions that isn't an instant buy for me. Even though I've mostly played CA for the last two years Haqq is still my first love but with this release I am thinking I might be better of using the old scultps and proxying/converting the odd profile like Nadhir.

    Well, I'll probably get it at some point but I won't be happy about it.
  15. TenNoBushi

    TenNoBushi Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2017
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    It looks like a folded Panzerfaust to me.
    Errhile and Rizzy like this.
  16. QueensGambit

    QueensGambit Chickenbot herder

    Jan 31, 2019
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    So disappointing.

    The old (but not oldest) Daylamis in civilian clothes were great. They were the last thing that should have gotten a redesign. The new ones are just another generic space-guy-with-cloak thing. And, seriously, a sword? They're CC 15. And how did they manage to sculpt three models without even one of them wielding a Panzerfaust? I guess they might get a complete rework since they're C1 line troops so maybe they'll be regular, and they look to have new loadouts. (Ok, random guess: HB loses Ghulams and gets a totally new line infantry, called Daylami but unrelated to the previous Daylamis. Something like Rokots would be an enourmous buff to the faction).

    Barid desperately needed a resculpt so I'm happy we got one and will use it, that's a big relief. But, so generic. Looks like a random Nomads unit.

    Lasiq also needed a resculpt and this one is... fine. Gets the job done. But hopefully it will get a profile rework or it will never see the table anyway.

    Nadhir, wtf. Generic, Nomady, doesn't convey hidden deployment, looks like MI, and not wielding a goddam flammenspear. Seriously, does CB think the flammenspear is the backup weapon on these guys and we're using them for SMG attack runs?

    Jumpy-thing-with-a-new-name-I-can't-remember-who-cares: sure, I guess, doesn't look great to me but I won't even worry about it until I see the profile. If it's an HI with a red fury, odds are I won't be putting it on the table anyway. Not while we have the Asawira Spitfire.

    Rahman: the only good thing in here. Very nice model, and I needed him for Biotechvore. May have to chop off that thing attached to his SMG - there's no way I'm using it as a Flash Pulse if that's what it was supposed to be.

    tl;dr I'm not looking forward to buying the entire set twice just to get two Barids.
    Ariwch, sololobo and Diphoration like this.
  17. Rizzy

    Rizzy Armchair Strategos L3

    Jan 3, 2018
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    Consider me, I dunno, whelmed? The Haqq part is okay, but none of the minis stand out as an "I want that!" for me. Maybe the Bokhtar from other angles. The Daylami are okay, but not better than the ones I have.
    Lasiq, Nadhir and Barid are good sculpts keeping to the aesthetic, but stand awkwardly on their tactical rocks. Rahman is cool.
    Diphoration and bladerunner_35 like this.
  18. tox

    tox SorriBarai

    Feb 21, 2017
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    Maybe, just maybe, C1 does not have Panzerfaust and similar disposable element.

    But it is just a thought... Don't you ever dare to think CB would make something to fit their ruleset...
  19. QueensGambit

    QueensGambit Chickenbot herder

    Jan 31, 2019
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    Up until now, C1 has coexisted peacefully with N4. The worst thing to be said about it has been that it's kind of pointless and irrelevant. But if it's preventing them from making sculpts that work in N4, that would be super disappointing. Make a pointless product, then use it as an excuse to make your actual product worse...
    Jumara likes this.
  20. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    the fact is it doesn't.
    Only Mines, as the sole Disposable weapon.
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