Cool as TAGs are, I think YJ tend to prefer using Heavy Infantry as their assault troops- cheaper to replace, easier to heal, more mobile in urban settings. And when it comes to their HI YJ still are the kings, we just need CB to stop making fat MI the same thing but better. ISS really should get a TAG though, or at least Anaconda access, for the sake of the old missions that used them for scoring.
Gecko has become quite good. I think now it is well worth fielding on the regular where this wasn't necessarily the case and it represents a strong faction identity for Nomads where its stats properly convey the story that it's an older machine that has had custom performance upgrades making it capable of staying abreast with modern machines without being priced like peanuts. Show of Force isn't really a thing anymore so a TAG isn't a hard requirement. Yu Jing does get good things, it isn't like Nomad releases are cannibalizing Yu Jing releases, so let's leave Yu Jing out of this, shall we? Thread's about how Nomads get all the stuff, after all, and not Yu Jing grievances.
The point is less "Yu Jing should have more TAGs" (even though they should) and more "Yu Jing should have interesting stuff too" Compare Nomad HI options with Yu Jing options. Yu Jing has a ton of them, but many of those feel uninspired and bland. Meanwhile nomads have few options, but the ones that they have all feel distinct and interesting from each other. Yu Jing could use to have some passion and focus put on them. As could tohaa, etc. Meanwhile, Nomads ends up feeling 'overdesigned' in the sense that they already have cool stuff, and then they get MORE cool stuff. Interestingly, since the beginning of N4, Corregidor had 7 new units added to it. Morats had 8 (I am actually surprised by that). So this does put some weight behind the theory that CB is actually giving each faction they focus on the same level of attention. Which is a nice positive. So yeah, can we get some proper focus on stuff that is not nomads? Clearly they learned how to do it.
Is this still going on? I thought we'd moved on to CA being the faction I should feel bad for playing.
The only faction you should feel bad for playing is PanO… and then you ignore that feeling bad and start to revel in it.
Nah, Morats still have actual limitations (camo), and spent a long time being not super functional. They deserve some time near the top of the heap. Giving them a Pitcher hacker in links did suck tho.
Nah. CA's probably the stronger faction overall, but it's usually more fun to play against for more people since its listbuilding weakness of being fairly top-heavy and relying on limited-capability discount units to fill out an Order pool is equally easy for most factions to exploit (MRRF being possibly the only faction that really lacks an ability to deal with elites). Nomads' board control and Hacking makes their "poor command" weakness difficult to actually take advantage of for factions lacking dedicated assassins, leading to frustrating games.
I don't understand people who feel particularly threatened by Avatar lists. Then again they might be playing the game in a different meta.
Depends on what the list is, the old double-dick-punch of speculo and avatar on reserve when you were going second was brutal. Could end up on t1 in loss of LT with half your force gone. Easier if you're going first against it as you can carve down its order pool however
Tables play a big part of it, personally, I find that people who have crippling issues with TAGs also tend to have crippling issues with terrible terrain, and it's frankly more common than you think and prevalent amongst people who consider themselves experienced with the game. For example this is an actual table from a tournament This is a shining example of an awful table that allows a TAG or any big gun alpha striker with alot of orders to utterly devastate a player on turn 1 by running down a flank and ending their career.
This. This is a 1" deployment zone, that start 11" away from the side of the table. Not to be confused with a 12" deployment zone. This is definately the number one mistake I see on table building, having no depth of deployment. Going first on a table like this is going to be a trivial victory for any faction that can abuse deployment zone aggression.
Yeah the sideways sight lines there are insane, not just in the DZ. Where is this from? Also a good forward deploying gunfighter on that tower is going to have a field day.
Setting up tables to lessen the pain of aggressive alphastrikes is one of the most important metagame elements of Infinity. That pic is a great "How Not To Set Up Infinity Tables" demo. If I really had to play on it and had that DZ on the right, I'd do what I could with the tin-foor-building's fenced compound and the slightly angled hopper in front of it. Hope you've got plenty of your army out infiltrating though, because not much is going to fit in those few hideyholes.