On the French forum, it was said that the picture of Raveneye above, was to announce the next infinity campaign, which will be in connection with his story.
This makes sense. Raveneye is positioned above the Durgama region of Concilium Primus which is a remote, inhospitable region dotted with secret bases, laboratories, and rumour has it, the fabled Penny Arcade.
I wonder if the new units for both Hassassins and Steel Phalanx means new Hassassin basic infantry. Also, nice to see the online campaign is going to make a comeback. However, I guess the online engine won't be any better than the last time (which is sad).
Gimme all of them. All those new minis! Yes, I know I have a problem and the solution is to buy more stuff. I’d really like to see new hassassin basic infantry units in the box but on the Aleph side I’m really looking forward to a possible Ajax resculpt.
I could see some new Hassassin line infantry as Muyibs are now truly elite models (BS 13). "Initiates" that are in the high teens could fill a nice niche in Haqqislam. EDIT: And would be a closer match for Aleph Thorakitai.
I agree, we have the slot covered, basically, by Ghulam in Bahram. And I've said elsewhere we really don't need more units. At the same time, this is a possibility we need to take into account. I'm afraid this is beyond anything I could realistically hope for. Players are what they are. The system I would wish for would take into account the alliances made by factions during a campaign.
I don't see the disparity between Ghulam and Thorakitai as any worse than Fusiliers vs Zhanshi, or Rokots vs Alguaciles. With Crimson Stone they showed they were willing to move away from the three identical line troopers by having SMG, Rifle, and light shotgun sculpts, so a pair of SMG Thorakitai (one modeled with SMG, the other with Chain Rifle) and a combi Thorakitai verseus three Rifle+LSG Ghulam seems entirely plausible.
No we don't. :) Maybe they'll upgrade Daylami to Regular with appropriate cost increase to the horror of fans everywhere.
Perhaps novitiates? The hassassins are a religious order. Though novitiates is generally used as a Christian term. I’ll be really happy if the haqqi box has a new lasiq though I’m really hoping to see the shujae get its mini. Wouldn’t say no to the shakush tag either but that’s incredibly unlikely…
The Shakush won't be in the box. It will get its dedicated release around November as the other code one TAG boxes dropped around that time. Steel phalanx will get Achilles or something entirely new as the Marut already got his shine up. My guess shujae, nadir and Yara will a be in either the box, or the beyond box, or in yaras case a dire foes. Looking at the pattern in past releases, the named character will mostly ikely be in the beyond box or a new dire foes release.
Seconded. I'd put my bet on Ajax the Great. Achilles is, after all, S2. Though Aleph getting a second TAG (as is, thing named a TAG) is not out of question. Even if unlikely IMO. I'm betting dr. Rouhani as Dire Foes Haqq character. The way Jazz & Billie and Cadin Dunn made it into the Nomads vs. Ariadna one. And Yara Haddadd as the Hero Blister. Shujae & Nadir, well... might be in a Beyond box, might be in the main box. Or however are the Alpha / braxo expansion boxes called (I forgot, sorry).