In the last CB blog post about infinity, the following is said: «It is important to note that the integrity of the civilian must be maintained. That is, civilians cannot be targets of attacks. In fact, if you declare a template attack in their area this attack will be declared null and void and if any of the opponents cause damage to a civilian, then they automatically lose the game, and any Objective Points they would have obtained. In addition to this, as compensation, your opponent receives 2 extra Objective Points, without your total count exceeding a maximum of 10.» Can someone tell me where it says about losing the game by damaging a civilian?... because I haven't found it anywhere
IIRC that's from an older version of the rules, back in N3 when you could use civvies to body block templates. None of what they quoted is currently relevant to the game. Refer to the ITS document for the actual rules. ► A Civilian is a game element with a Unit Profile that does not belong to the Army List of any player. ► Therefore, Civilians cannot be part of any Combat Group and don’t provide Orders to any Order Pool. ► Civilians are Neutral, unless some rule, Special Skill or piece of Equipment states the contrary. ► Civilians do not block LoF. ► Civilians do not provide CC MODs. ► Civilians ignore the Effects and Damage they could suffer, whether from an Attack or any other source. Therefore, they lack the ARM, BTS, and Wounds Attributes. ► Some Scenario Special Rules or mission Objectives can modify this rule. ► Civilians cannot activate Deployable weapons or pieces of Equipment. ► Synchronized Civilians do not generate AROs. ► Templates that affect a Civilian are not cancelled, but will have no effect on the Civilian.
In summary, nobody in CB checks what is going to be written in the Blog and they write taking obsolete rules as reference. Marvelous. ¬¬
What is a joke is that it seems that the only one who works at CB is just the one who is not working because he is on sick leave... it seems that the rest of the staff does nothing at all, because the easy excuse is always that what is not done or is poorly done, should it be done, what a coincidence, by the one who is not working.
Why is this an issue at all? Why is this something you care about? Is it a mistake? Yes. Sure. Does it matter in any way? Not really. Its an article on their blog, not rules text. Even if it was rules text, its a simple mistake. People can make mistakes without some asshole coming to the place they work and making a huge deal about it as if it matters in any way at all. Behavior in this community has gotten really gross.
It has been explained multiple times in the past. When rules get redone, they don't have just ONE change that gets done. They often go through multiple changes - and mistakes get made with the remembering. Bostria himself was prone to this (on several videos for the game, he has quoted rules wrongly - because they ended up going with a change that he hadn't played). Is it a big deal? Only to certain members of this board who are on the block lists of many.
Especially for both the extremes of stupidity, who are only capable of either defending CB at all costs no matter what it does or attacking its at all costs no matter what it does. Just as much of an asshole is the one who can't see CB's mistakes than the one who can only see them. None of you who are in your radical extremism help at all to make the forum a better place, it doesn't matter which side if defending or attacking.
How long does it take between rule changes for you to stop using it as an excuse? It seems like more than three or four years, because the last time the rule mentioned in the blog (three days ago) was applied was from ITS Season 10: Xenotech (three ITS seasons ago).
Marketing people getting rules wrong is an old and time honoured tradition for games companies. Good to see respect for the craft from CB.
This is also the blog that only last year took down the image of Oniwaban as iconic Yu Jing unit and removed Shikami as recommended purchase when expanding from Red Veil. That aside, ITS is CB's most rapidly changing rules format and getting stuff that changes each season right can be difficult if you don't spend all your spare time immersed in the game.
Ah, the classic "if you have complaints, go away". C'mon. It's only a company, they do owe us quality in what they do.