Do you think grouping the minis according to the fireteams is doable or does it perhaps create too much duplication?
Maybe not grouping the minis... but I think it is possible to put a mark of some kind (perhaps with different colors) to indicate which troops can be part of which Fireteam and which are Wildcards.
Keep it clean. Its main purpose(?) is to help beginners identify miniatures. Maybe just mark Wildcards if that.
If you're the same guy as the one who suggested this on reddit: I've already decided to do that :) If not: Great minds think alike ;)
Here's a test with some of the community suggestions worked in: Unit logos and AVA worked in Exclusives made more intuitive Does this look good?
I want to discuss one more point. I'm actually not sure if I'm gonna keep AVA in there. First, it puts even more information on an even pretty full sheet, and secondly, it might confuse newbies (who these sheets are for) into thinking that's how many minis you NEED from this unit, which AVA is a very poor indicator for. What do you think?
It looks very good! Maybe make the logos a bit bigger? Haqq is a perfect example of very similar coloured logos and in the size it is displayed on default here they can be confusingly similar. Now just imagine Morats. The same applies to the "T" and the cross for TAG Raid and OOP I don't think that paticular informtion is really needed but then on the other hand, if said newbie sees nine miniatures without an AVA that newbie might think all nine models are needed. Maybe a disclaimer somewhere that informs about lower or higher AVA than displayed Models will suffice.
Looks great. AVA isn’t really necessary and it this case less is probably more. On the other hand it can serve as a sort of “to-buy” list and instead of AVA you can just write MAX.
Looks fantastic! My ideas: Logos bigger - that is the critical information, that ties all together - Army6 and gaming table. AVA is another approach - and too much for my taste. IF there is space to be filled, I would appreciate tactical data like who can be Lt or hidden deployed or holomasked etc. But actually I don't mind this chart to be of pure visuell information (logos and miniatures). The chart is not in a void. Beginners will understand infinity without it, it just makes the game more accessable. No need for any disclaimers. The gaming communities will introduce new players to this tool and will help them to understand the content. Thank you for your support!
Yeah, but if said newbie sees AVA TOTAL on the Ghulams they'll think they'll actually need all the Ghulams (or 5 Intruders etc.) :P Not really, since a lot of AVAs don't reflect how many minis of a unit actually see the table. I've never seen anyone field 5 Hellcats, 3 Aquila Guards or 4 Liu Xings, and newbies might think that's how much you actually want. This. I've already changed the size of the logos to more than double their size, but will cut out AVA again. I'll make the asterisks bigger too.
I like the idea to keep Focus on finding and identifying a model from army builder! So that casual and noob players are able to get a picture of the units they choose in the army builder or so that you can get a good overview how different factions and units look like in their visual design. So any additional information (which also would be available via army builder) is leaving this lean and focused idea in my opinion - but i guess this is what burlesford already said ;)
@burlesford - by the way will you post the updates in an aditional post in this one? Or is there any link (dropbox, googledrive, younameit)? Thanks!
I'll make another post here, similar to the last one. I don't want to overwrite the previous versions, as they're helpful for seeing the evolution of the factions I think. This time, however, instead of posting them all at once, I'll add them to the post one at a time, since it'll take me a long time to update them all. I'll start with the ones that received the most changes and add the rest later.
You might benefit from a Google Drive link or something too. Then you can keep the versions in different folders and all that. Just a thought.
Good idea. I did that. Here's the link to the open folder: I've also finalized the look of the new update. Here's the first of them: Spoiler: Nomads_CJC_v2.2