ITS 9 Question and Answer

Discussion in 'ITS' started by locksmith, Nov 28, 2017.

  1. locksmith

    locksmith comlog active

    Feb 21, 2017
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    Questions below were answered by HellLois

    1. DECAPITATION: 'Designated Target' and 'HVT & Classified Deck not used' contradict each other. Please clarify: Is the Designated Target deployed in the same manner as the HVT? ANSWERED Yes.

    2. QUADRANT CONTROL: The total score for the mission is 13. Is this intended? ANSWERED: Scoring should be 2 points instead of 3 points for 'More Quadrants'.

    3. DATATRACKER- "At the end of the Deployment Phase, players must declare which troops from their army list is the DataTracker."
    • Please clarify how this declaration is made. Is it intended that this be declared after Last Figures?
    • Are the Datatrackers declared in deployment order or by another method such as initiative order or a separate die roll?
    • ANSWERED: Datatracker is declared in Initiative order
    4. DESIGNATED TARGET, page 7 - " enemy HVTs are considered enemy troopers instead of Neutral Civilians, so they cannot be targeted by Attacks."
    ANSWERED: This is an uncorrected typo, it should read "...they can be targeted..."

    5. DATATRACKER: Please clarify how G:Jumper L1 interacts with Datatracker selection.
    • Can the Jumper be chosen, if so does the Datatracker marker move with the active proxy marker?
    • Must a single proxy be chosen, leaving the Datatracker marker behind when the active proxy marker moves? ANSWERED A proxy can be selected as DataTracker, but the DataTracker dont move to the other proxies. Remember that the DataTracker can't be in a marker state.
    • Is it not allowed to select G:Jumper models as the army's Datatracker?
    6. ANNIHILATION: The mission text indicates 12" deployments zones, the map on page 16 indicates 8". Which is correct? ANSWERED 12". The text is mandatory.(This is for all missions where the Text differs from the Map)

    7. DATATRACKER: If a manned TAG is selected as the Datatracker, what happens to the Datatracker marker when the Pilot Dismounts? Is this the same for Operators or different? ANSWERED When the pilot dismount the DataTracker marker pass to the pilot, the same with the operator.

    8. DATATRACKER: Is there any effect on a Datatracker if the trooper becomes Irregular? (Due to Isolation or LoL, for example) ANSWERED No. Nothing happens.

    9. CLOSED BATTLE LIST C: This list appears to be missing 25 points and 1 SWC.ANSWERED missing a Crusader with Boarding Shotgun.

    10. LOOTING & SABOTAGING: It is possible to deal 4 STR to the enemy AC2, making the possible score 11 OPs. Is this intended? ANSWERED No. The maximum is 3 OP.

    11. CAPTURE & PROTECT: Currently, there are no tasks for Specialists to complete in this mission. Is this intended? ANSWERED emmm yep.

    12: LOOTING & SABOTAGING: As written, D-Charges cannot be used against the AC2 because they lack Anti-Material trait in CC mode. Is this intended? ANSWERED D-Charges may be used against the AC2.

    13: HUNTING PARTY: Does Veteran L1 (or skills that include it such as Morat) also make a trooper unable to be 'Hunted Down'? ANSWERED Yes, you only can hunted down when they are IMM

    14. LOOTING AND SABOTAGING: The Is it allowed to use CC special skills against the AC2? ANSWERED Yep. why not?

    15. DATATRACKER: If a remote pilot (ex. Crabbot) dismounts from a DATATRACKER TAG, does this make an exception to troops of REM type being DATATRACKER, or does the DATATRACKER marker stay with the TAG model? ANSWERED the remote pilot will be the datatracker. Is an exception. Works like a pilot [​IMG]

    16. THE GRID: Can an Antenna in the Damaged state still be Designated? ANSWERED yes

    17. VARIOUS: Engineers and Objectives ANSWERED

    • Are engineers allowed to repair damaged objectives? No
    • In which missions are they allowed this?No one
    • If an engineer fails to repair an undesignated antenna in The Grid, does it lose STR? He cant repair, so he can't fail ^^
    18. SOLDIERS OF FORTUNE: (tournament extra) ANSWERED for example QK can include 3 yuan yuan, and with soldiers of fortune can include 4 more, butt yo have to use one CAP (SWC)
    • How is the SWC cost for mercenaries applied? +1 for 0-75 points or +1 for each mercenary trooper? 1 SWC for 0-75 points
    • How is the AVA for mercenaries applied? Is it in addition to Generic/Sectorial AVA or does it replace? in addition to Generic/Sectorial AVA

    19. LOOTING & SABOTAGING Can you affect the AC2 by placing and detonating D-Charges or do you have to use CC Mode? ANSWERED You have to use the CC Mode. The AC2 can only be damaged by CC Attacks with CC Weapons.

    20. VARIOUS Is it intended that all stationary objectives be 40mm and moveable objectives 25mm? ANSWERED Yes, unless otherwise indicated

    If not, would you confirm the intended dimensions of each type of objective?

    • Panoply (40mm) 40mm
    • Transmission Antenna (40mm) 40mm
    • AC2 (40mm) 40mm
    • Console (40mm) 40mm
    • Beacon (25mm) 25mm
    • Tech-Coffin (40mm) 40mm
    • Supply Box (25mm) 25mm
    21. DEADLY DANCE Is the OP total 12 for this mission? ANSWERED No. (Bullet 3 under Main Objectives should be scored at end of game)

    22. THE GRID: Please clarify which of the following is correct: Bullets 2 and 3 are correct.

    • Antennas may not be targeted in any way before the second turn.
    • Antennas may only be targeted by non-damaging effects before the second turn. (example: designate, or place a d-charge)
    • D-charges can be placed on an Antenna before it is Designated, but may not be detonated until the Antenna is designated.
    23. POWER PACK: There is no Activate Console in this mission. Does it mean Active the Antennas? ANSWERED Correct!

    24. DESIGNATED TARGET: Can you synch with your own Designated Target in missions where there is one? ANSWERED : Yep.

    25. HUNTING PARTY: The text explaining how to apply the Restricted Range rule has been removed from the new PDF, indicating that this rule no longer applies. Was this an error? ANSWERED Nope

    25. HUNTING PARTY: Can Aleph Nominate a Posthuman proxy as LT if a proxy is in hidden deployment? ANSWERED Yes, but the TO marker must be placed on the table at that time.

    26. HUNTING PARTY: How many Proxies must be Isolated or Immobilized in order to count as Hunted Down if the Posthuman is selected as LT? ANSWERED the Aleph player chooses 1 proxy as LT. (Essentially, the 'G:jumper and Lieutenant' section of the G:Jumper rules is ignored in Hunting party. )
    #1 locksmith, Nov 28, 2017
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2018
  2. tox

    tox SorriBarai

    Feb 21, 2017
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    We need to summon @HellLois to resolve this...

    I think the answer is in the first paragraph of the "Destroy Antennas" section:
    In this scenario, the Antennas have a Scenery Item Profile (see Infinity N3), so they can be targeted, applying the Scenery Structures rules, but not before the second Game Round.
    There is no reference to Attacks in there.
    "Designate Antennas" cover the rules for its part, but in the Destroy section you find that you cannot target them.

    For me, you can freely Designate (rule has its section allowing it) but you cannot deploy a D-Charge (it's openly prohibited) on an Antenna during the first turn
  3. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    /me tries to recover his leg from this deeep pit of confusing Damaged and Destroyed (that happens when you don't check if the antennas have more than EST 1...)
    #3 xagroth, Nov 29, 2017
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2017
  4. zlavin

    zlavin Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2017
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    Damaged is not the same as destroyed.
    I dont see any discrepancy at all. You can designated a damaged antenna but not a destroyed one.
    xagroth likes this.
  5. Aldo

    Aldo Spare 15

    Nov 23, 2017
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    In Hunting Party, if I have an Order Sergeant (Veteran Troop) with Auxbot does the Auxbot receive an ADHL?

    Same with Guarda de Assalto and Devas with Devabots.
    xagroth likes this.
  6. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I understand why you ask this, but I think we all know the answer already; no, they do not have a classification.

    (If you're going hardline by-the-letter interpretation on the topic then I guess the answer is "yes, but you'll have to decide on deployment whether the Auxbot or the Order Sergeant gets the ADHL")

    @locksmith : Some answers are now redundant due to ITS S9 v1.1
    Q2 (Quadrant Control) has been fixed in
    Q6 (Annihilation) has been fixed
    Q21 (Deadly Dance) has been fixed

    New suggested question: 3rd bullet point in Deadly Dance - do you count number of dominated assigned quadrants throughout the game (i.e. 0 to 3) or is it specifically only on the last game round (i.e. 0 to 1)
  7. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    In Spanish:

    Dominar el Cuadrante Asignado al final de cada Ronda de
    Juego (1 Punto de Objetivo).
    » Disponer de un TAG Dominante en el Cuadrante Asignado
    al final de cada Ronda de Juego (1 Punto de Objetivo).
    » Haber Dominado más Cuadrantes Asignados que el
    adversario al final de la partida (1 Punto de Objetivo).
    » Eliminar al DataTracker (2 Puntos de Objetivo).

    Which I translate as:
    1. Dominate the Assigned Quadrant at the end of each Game Round (both player 1 and player 2 had a turn)
    2. Having a TAG Dominating inside the Assigned Quadrant at the end of each Game Round
    3. Having Dominated more Assigned Quadrants than the opponent at the end of the game
    4. Kill the Datatracker
    I have "hard translated" point 3 so the correlation between english and spanish is clearer. Also, the text between () in english is mine.
  8. Robock

    Robock Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    that doesn't solve it. the end of the game, means you score it at the end of the game. What do you score ? Other mission will have you score Supply Box at end of game (instead of in the instant that you grabbed it). Other mission score at end of game for antenna destroyed throughout the game (and since you cannot destroy it twice, it really doesn't matter, unlike supply box where you could drop the loot).

    In here, you score for "Having Dominated" (past tense) which means having dominated in the past, so current end of turn 3 but also in 2nd and 1st turn. but it could equally means past tense in the sense, that you score the end of round objective first and then you score the end of game objective. Each player's value for Having Dominated could range from either 0-1 or 0-3; and then you compare if your value is "more", "less" or "equal" than your opponent.
  9. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Ok, maybe it is not as clear in english as in spanish. In this scenario it is possible to Dominate, during the 3 rounds, 1, 2 or 3 times your Assigned Quadrant (1 per Round). Your enemy can also dominate 1, 2 or 3 times his Assigned Quadrant, since there is no need for them to be the same, just that you have more points in the one you have to each round.

    Now, to get that single Objective Point you need to Dominate your Quadrant a number of rounds equal to at least the ones your opponent did +1. So if he dominated 0, you get the point if you dominated your assigned Quadrant 1, 2 or 3 times. If he did it once, then you need 2 or 3. If he dominated 2 times, you need to do it 3. And if your opponent dominated 3 times, he will get the point unless you also dominated your quadrant 3 times, in which case no one gets it.

    Now you can say "Only an Official CB staff response will satisfy me", but I see no reason to.
  10. Robock

    Robock Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    ok that is what i thought too (dominate a number of round(s) more than the opponent did) but i know others were reading it as only the very last round, the one at end of game, counted.
  11. sam2064

    sam2064 Member

    Dec 1, 2017
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    ITS Season 9 The Grid

    When attacking the antenna scenery items which if any of the following can be used or can confer bonuses (to damage or burst).

    Martial Arts
    Co-Ordinated Orders (multiple troopers in contact)
    Fire Team bonuses Orders (multiple troopers in contact)

    There is some confusion where some State “enemy target/trooper” as to if this is interchangeable with “scenery item”
    #11 sam2064, Dec 1, 2017
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2018
  12. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Yes and no.
    We need it in English, 'cause in English it is indistinguishable, and the way CB typically writes ITS objectives you'll have something that puts more emphasis on an objective in the last game round (more as a catch-up kind of deal) - cumulatively conditional scoring would be new or at least unusual.
  13. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Well, let's look at it from the ITS Errata:

    So they removed "round" in an effort to bring it in line with the spanish version, where you have to count how many quadrants you controlled along the game, and if you did control more than your opponent you get that extra point.

    Yes, I am aware pg 41 is the second page of Power Pack in the PDF. I assume the errata are for the people who have the printed ITS document, since neither Power Pack nor Capture and Protect have Assigned Quadrants.
  14. Bobman

    Bobman MERC

    Feb 22, 2017
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    For the Grid where does it say you can only destroy Antennae in the opposing half?
  15. tox

    tox SorriBarai

    Feb 21, 2017
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    Nowhere. It was a Jedi Mind Trick. (i.e. previous text not deleted and fixed in the 1.3 version now on line)
    Hecaton likes this.
  16. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I assume is about this (pg 46, Destroy Antennas paragraph 2):

    It refers to faction, not side of the table
  17. Bobman

    Bobman MERC

    Feb 22, 2017
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    Thanks. Played a tourney at the weekend where they played it that way and I couldn't find it in the Doc.
  18. Hecaton

    Hecaton EI Anger Translator

    Nov 23, 2017
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    How? There's nothing in the "Designate Antenna" section that says that Forward Observer or the Designate Antenna skill can ignore the "no targeting" restriction on the 1st turn.
  19. Hecaton

    Hecaton EI Anger Translator

    Nov 23, 2017
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    There's nothing that says you cannot designate a destroyed antenna in that scenario, which is the awkward bit.
  20. toadchild

    toadchild Premeasure

    Feb 22, 2017
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    The problem solves itself if you're using objective markers.

    • If the Scenery Item or the piece of Equipment was represented by a Marker, simply remove it from play. If it was a physical piece of scenery, place a Destroyed Marker (DESTROYED) beside it.
    UNDRHiver likes this.
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