Personally the only times I bothered engaging Jazz in info warfare, Mary killed her (and her bandit sidekick), otherwise as PanO my solution usually revolves around shooting her (I know original), Morans are a bigger existential threat than Jazz and to be fair they were before Jazz existed. Probably an expensive Haris or Core without composition bonuses can facilitate Jazz with a tinbot, but she is not the same as before her points increase and the fireteams rework.
Yes, the point wasn't that Jazz is overpowered, it was that you were pretending that she isn't highly dangerous to an opponent. You seem to be struggling with that.
Gromez has bts0, so is in trouble if she comes up against a khd ... she's trying oblivion as an aro on a 14, or 11 with repeater use, vs burst 3 trinity, and if it goes thru it could nuke her. Jazz however has bts 6 and trinity herself so her aro is 18 or 14, and tinbot+bts6 mean she ain't bothered if she takes a hit. Gromez is good, mary is good, Jazz is perfect and only really has anything to worry about vs hacking when an Anathematic spends a whole turn spamming b4 wip16 trinities at her.
Because as I said this is not a stealth and subterfuge sectorial, it is a brute force one and a solid TAG fits what the sectorial is, Corregidor plays closer to what PanO would play (if PanO was not so regimental) than any other Nomad sectorials.
Well, look harder then. Jazz is a top-tier hacker and makes an appearance in basically every Corregidor list, they have an amazing repeater network capability and good fireteams with optimized profiles. The Vostok is an amazing gunfighter, for example. The problem is they're a "brawler" faction as you say *and* a top-tier hacking faction, with no meaningful weaknesses making up the difference. If you wanted a "brute force" playstyle you should have played a different faction. Giving Nomads "brute force" tools in addition to being the best hacking faction is making a super-faction.
Before Jazz CJC had (and still has) Valerya, I think Bandits made more impact in CJC hacking than Jazz.
No. Combined Army used to be as good as them, ALEPH had options... but Nomads are above and beyond good at hacking in N4 and the game suffers for it.
Then take away Jazz, Bandits and Morans from the sectorial. Except they're in there - which means it's not a "brute force" sectorial, at least not exclusively.
Not the Australians, and they were the ones who were very high on the "Ariadna is unplayably bad in N4, Nomad hacking is fine" train.
I'm a bit surprised tbh! Haven't you played against core -6 jazz + morans + vertigo? It's been everywhere the last year. I love Bandits but yeah, they don't impact what you can do or where you can go or what your priorities must be in the same way. Jazz has been dominating the TTS Infinity scene for the past year. People run CJC over vanilla primarily to give her a core -6 I believe. Correct me if I'm wrong cjc players...
I'm learning so much about the Gator right now, terrific! Oh no, wait, it's just another topic hijacked by people whining about how Corregidor is tearing apart their entire universe.
No, nobody put Jazz in a core here electing the cheap order Billy is over tugging a Brigada alongside Jazz, Guided missiles are not that hot either.
Ah ok. Your meta is probably not that serious then - honestly. That kind of play is something I saw at top tables at LVO, in top on TTS tournaments, and so on.
It is a nice TAG, performs about as you would expect from a shooting TAG and faces the same difficulties any shooting TAG has, its HMG can be outranged, has no real protection against mimetism models, it is slightly better protected from hackling and is slightly more survivable in close combat. Its mine dispenser is an interesting hardware its Chainrifle is probably better as an offensive weapon than the heavy flamethrower TAGs of this category usually have, its worse as a deterrent weapon.
Guided is great when you have wide repeater network and can tag pieces with aro spotlight. Glad to hear Billy's getting a run out in your meta!