When was this? How many did they have to start with? Because Corregidor was starting from having more. Sorry, for me, having something other than Geckos and Iguanas makes no sense. The Shasvastii have vastly more resources and higher tech than Corregidor does. And the CC skill is important, as it makes it very questionable to attack close up. It's part of why the Raicho being religious is so cool - it can't be isolated. But to be honest, I wouldn't expect you to understand that.
It may not be favoritism but it looks bad since alot of people are taking it as such. This might be the last additions for the sectorial which should be the case. What else could they be given? Hopefully I won't look back at this comment and wag my head in shame if Corregidor gets another native unit to their name.
Perception is not reality. (Just because it looks bad to some people doesn't make their pov the correct one).
For me Nomads were always underdogs with dirty tricks to compensate that. And now for some reason they have capacity to produce "modern" TAGs on par with Yu Jing (and even better). Same goes for latest Nomad units, It just doesn't feel right fluff-wise.
They will get whatever YJ gets, but better. Evader is Haidao but better. (AMR3+NWI HI but more options and good BTS and able to make their own teams. For close to the same price) Sombra is Zhencha but better (infiltrator, climb+, arm3, NWI, BTS6, but NOT a HI, not hackable and better weapons.) Now Gator is Guijia but better. (About as good abilities and better better weapons for less points.) Sadly when did reality matter more than perception?
This is mostly why I stopped playing my own Nomads. It started feeling like I wasn't losing anything by switching to them from PanO and Yu Jing, and gaining a lot. I even usually lost less units in games. It felt less like an underdog or an innovator, and more like most other factions were willfully ignoring how war worked in their setting. When driving a car.
But it’s the Interwebz! It must be a panic! It can’t be something being blown wildly out of proportion, with only negative experience being relevant and extenuating circumstances being dismissed out of hand!
If it's about time for Corregidor to get a baseline TAG, when the hell is it going to be ISS' turn? It and Steel Phalanx (rework incoming) are literally the only non-Ariadnan factions in the entire game that don't get access to one at all, and Corregidor, the little prison ship that could, is somehow on their third, and it's state of the art. Just saying, #justiceforJingwei
Steel Phalanx not having TAGs makes sense and gives the faction character. I'd say the same about ISS but Weahtercock's cool design for a police-ops TAG is an example of how that could be bent. Giving Corregidor a full-on Main Battle TAG was a bad idea, but the cat is out of that bag already. Let's not support extending similar mistakes to other factions that don't need TAGs, -especially- SP.
There Will be hassasins vs Steel phalanx box coming soon and i Wonder from now to see which over powered New units Will be coming for Nomads
Actually, perception most of the time IS reality or informs it greatly enough to be. Unless what you are really saying is your perception is reality but other people's is not.
Actually, I'm betting already it will be HB's time to get outrageous stuff that make no sense in the faction (like, yes, its TAG), all the while keeping on releasing more optimized Nomad shit too.
Vostok, jazz and gator are the problems here: all three are best in show at what they do, all three were added recently, and crucially all three introduce new top-tier capabilities that cjc previously had no particular specialism in. It's a bit like rolling up a character in DnD with 18 strength but at the cost of low wisdom and charisma, then later on coming back and maxing out its wisdom and charisma. Yes the character has gained raw power but it's also *lost* a lot. It feels imbalanced, it's lost the weakness that helped define it, it makes the game design seem arbitrary, and other players are left scratching their heads at why they bothered to roll up that halfling cleric! Cjc were my first infinity army and i was looking forward to getting back into them with the release of crimson stone, but I just cant feel the enthusiasm for that wisdom 18, charisma 18 fighter anymore.
First and foremost, I would appreciate the conversation to be toned down, there is no need to become competitive among yourselves. To answer the question risen from my perspective, for me personally, Corregidor was and still is primarily a brawler army, I do not see the "best in everything" people claim, an 8/6 multi HMG TAG makes sense here in my opinion, I will accept Iguana maybe needing some niche specialization beyond be a TAG with repeater (that in on itself is a great niche), but Gator itself allows another category of lists to be created centered around the TAG. In any case while our local Corregidor player utilizes iguana greatly and has no issue with it, it does not fit my playstyle Gator is.
You're missing the point multiple people make. An army doesn't have to - and actually shouldn't - fit every playstyle. Otherwise the differences between them blur, sometimes becoming meaningless. If you want to play a list centered around a Main Battle TAG, take a different army than Corregidor. And if you want to make one specifically in CJC, make do with Iguana, use faction's strengths to cover for Iguana's drawbacks. Saying that it got a better TAG to be able to run a TAG-centric lists is like saying Acontecimento or Varuna should get cheap, smoke-throwing warbands, because PanO players want to run lists built around them. Or that Caledonia should get proper power armored HIs, and a heavy TAG, because it'll allow CHA players to play with elite heavy units. It also doesn't answer my question. You're saying "an 8/6 multi HMG TAG makes sense here in my opinion". I'm asking why.
in the current situation of corregidor , everybody even forget about MC Murrough and his synergy with intruder hmg. cause of these too many buffs. same story for interventor. incredible interventor is not even used cause of the Jazz is too good.