Hi guys and gals. Share your characters here! I'm currently playing a Tunguskan Merc who is the groups TAG Pilot (own my Gecko!) and main hacker. It's an interesting balance as I'm good at infiltrating networks but terrible in combat unless I'm in my TAG!
@Flipswitch. . . I think that the main problem of @Section9 was to understand if was a "Dedicated Personal Campaign" thread into which JUST the Players and G.M. would post or (as You later answered) it was a "Free Post For Anyone Interested To Share" kind of stuff. . . When I will be able then I will not only put a description of My Character (Haqqislamite Special Forces + Field Doctor) but also some Conceptual Art and a scanned (rather poor quality, unfortunately) P.C. Sheet, so that it could be useful to compare. . .
Yeah, I was wondering if this was the "introduce the character you are playing in Flip's campaign" thread. I will need to chase down some datafiles from the old computer, I have one long-running character and another that I created for the Wotan campaign. Gimme a couple days.
Darumar Huss reporting in. As being the GM, Faction Handler and Deus ex machina if the players ever get really stuck/story goes sideways I decided to be a O12 Police/medic working his way up in the Bureau Aegis Section Spatha while trying to stay on the right side of the law while making some enemies in the high places of the upper and under world. Good shot with his trusty Six shooter (modified heavy pistol) and a persuasive talk he is only hampered by his short fused temper and his urge to be an sarcastic asshat when confronted with authorian figures of power. To say that this has put a damper to his career plans is a slight understatement, as he recently got "promoted" to take care of a peneltay group of misfit criminals from around the sphere on their tour through different suicide missions. And here is his Tabletop incarnation:
Gotcha! Nah just post your characters up so I can see! If you want to be in I'm more than happy to introduce your guys as NPCs, that would be really cool actually. I'll dig up a detailed post of my own guy when I get home in a day or two. Ursun that guy is cool as.
Defo, that or just post ideas to share! I'm gonna try rolling a few characters tomorrow as some ideas. :) I find RPG stuff interesting as heck because traditionally I've never done them, but I do write novels as a hobby.
I GM more then I play nowadays but character ideas all always rolling in for characters (which might just become NPCs cause I'll probably never get the chance to play them). Latimer Dufort - Merovingian Commercial Agent. Grew up in the heart of Mairranebourg. Cut his teeth working the markets, graduated to the trade houses, and then worked the roads across Dawn. He's adventurous, slick, and quiet stubborn. If you have something to sell then Latimer is the guy you want to get it done. Clayton Cladiff - Tunguskan lawyer. Comes from a well to do family on Tunguska. A family of lawyers to be exact (evident by his father being a partner in the second biggest firm on Tunguska). Clayton was given everything to succeed by his father. The best schools, the best tutors, the best internships. When it was said and done though Clayton didn't join one of the many prestigious firms on Tunguska. Instead he opened up his own practice which infuriated his father and drove a wedge between them (a wedge which had been growing since Clayton's younger years). Clayton's work is personal and he gets results. Why his clients like him so much. Bending or breaking the rules isn't out the question either.
OK, some quick intros until I can get the data out of the old laptop: I'm currently playing Eduardo Macayana in Solodice's forum RP. Eddie (do NOT call him Mac unless you really need someone dead or bleeding out in the next 5 seconds) is a former Uberfallkommando who now works as an investigator. And other things, of course. Uberfallkommandoes are undercover operatives, so Eddie has a lot of those kinds of skills. He also makes a point to address people in their native language if he knows it at least honorifics. Growing up where he did in the submondo, he speaks Chinese, Spanish, and English. He swears in Chinese. Eddie is a tall, skinny dude, he is 7'4" tall and only about 300lbs (that's a good 50lbs lighter than Shaq or Yao Ming). He has charged a Total Reaction bot and lived to tell the tale, though the former employer for that mission has disappeared. He's also apparently taken down an Antipode in the ring, but does not want to repeat the experience. Major Juan Ramos, CJC Hellcat Regiment Major Ramos was my commander for the Wotan campaign, he had pretty beat-up armor except for a brand-new helmet courtesy of some Ariadnan asshole breaking his last helmet. Didn't play a lot of games in Wotan, so Major Ramos doesn't have much of a story.
@Solodice. . . You are My excellent Game Master and so when I read You will want to play in some Games I could not avoid to signal that I'm opening to recruit Players for My "Mercs on Ariadna" Campaign (that @inane.imp is interested to join) should You want to import the Merovingian "Merchant Prince" (that will fit flawlessly) or even the Tunguskan Lawyer (that will have its own shining moment, as ANY Teseum confiscated by the Mercs become "Legal Propriety" of the Ariadna / Haqqislam / Nomads kind of Compact that sponsor the weird rag-tag band of Mercs). . . @Section9. . . Should You want to join the Game, Your Hellcat Officer could be a perfect Character too, and @inane.imp has yet thought of a potential Hellcat + Hacker AND / OR Gecko Pilot (to whom I had yet presented some further personalized customization options); they could be "Army Buddies" together and share a past in the "Corregidoran Orbital Intervention Teams" going far. . . . . . . . I'm not here to just "Sales Pitch" some of My stuff, so I will provide extra infos about the Character that I'm playing in @Solodice Game. . . Doctor Amyah Bubastys Hamunaptrah is a Special Forces Soldier + Field Medic that was born in Bourak more or less 40 Years before the current timeline. . . She hails from a Ughyur / Kirghiz Tribal (the "Chinese Muslims" of the Mongolian Border on Earth) Clan from the Father's Side, and a Rich Noblewoman of Egyptian Ancestry from the Mother's side. . . She quickly started to shine in the Medical Studies and (being a somewhat mousy and repressed tech-nerd) dreamed to somehow "Totally Recreate" anew Her own body (had serious body-shame issues, in part due to a slightly "Too Traditional" kind of Familial Upbringing and in part because was often side-lined, used and discarded by very Attractive Lovers). . . Entering the "Runihura" Super-Soldier Developement Program then Amyah illegally (and immorally !!) started to experiment On Herself Gene-Mods of radical types and "Proscribed Silk-Based Enhancements" that had been deemed too risky for the Djanzaban / Khawarji / Odalisque kind of "Packages". . . She succeeded, transforming from a sedate, unimpressive "Traditional Haqqislamite Young Wife" to a statuary Sex Bomb that would have not disfigured on the Beach of Acontecimento's New Ipanema or Maya-Vogue kind of Model V.R. Shows. . . She also obtained enhanced "Quickened Intellect" and Regenerative Capacities even slighly superior to the "Baseline Djanzabans" but the cost was quite high in comparison; Her ravenous sexual appetite (caused by many issues of the Somatic, Psychological and also Physical kind) was even more enhanced, causing may issues of "Inappropriate Behaviour" with Colleagues and Army Comrades, and Her mind started to slip down a very weird path, as Her "Gene Enhancing" need comptinuous uptakes of rare, costly "D.N.A. Stabilizers". . . As soon as She could be honourably discharged by the Haqqislamite Army (and disowned by Her traditionalist Family, as they said: "If You behave as a Kaffir Pornstar, at least be paid as a Top-Notch Odalisque Courtesan for this, and shame Us somewhere else !!!") then She happily emigrated to the Nomads Mothership of Bakunin, to fully plunge in the Vaudeville "Mad Cosmetic Biografts" kind of glitzyness. . . Even if Her mind continuously worsened (She escheved the "Pillars of Haqqislam" and instead adopted a "Fringe Module Hoax Furry Religion" that acts like the Animal-Headed Gods of the Ancient Egyptian "Pesedjet" Pantheon are REALLY interacting daily with their Chimera Faithfuls) She was not stupid and understood that the Black Labs of Praxis would have soon swallowed Her, either as a Biosculpted Hooker, a Pit-Fighter Gladiator or a "Dr. Moureau" Monster-Maker (or, possibly, all THREE in contemporary). . . She instead went towards the othe side of the spectrum, asking to Join the Moderator Corps of Bakunin as a Medical Consultant and Field Medic Operator; here She knew @Section9 's Eddie Macayana, an "Handsome Chimera" that She personally believe is one of the most "Perfect Specimens" that She had the honour of Gene-Checking the overcomplicated "Uberfallkommando Package". . . Even working for the "Furry Cops" was not enough to maintain Her costly Lifestyle (rare Genetic Therapies self-administered AND a Looooog spat of "Not Cheap" Lovers of ANY Sex / Kink / Disposition and Cosmetic Enhancement) and so when Eddie "Went Native" and became a Mercenary Agent then Amyah happily followed its trail, working for a Tunguskan "Troubleshooter Firm". . . Technically She is a competent Soldier, well trained with the Haqqislamite Medium Armour and Armor-Piercing Rifle (the "Pseudo Ak47" that is optimized for Sniper Marksmanship) and quite competent with Combat Knife, Light Shotgun and an Assault Pistol (at the moment borrowed to another P.C. that was unarmed as Amyah went even over the typical "Sharing Is Caring" mindset !!). . . Where She really shines as a Character is in the Medical Skills compunded by a very High Intelligence and carefully selected Talents; also She is technically almost a "She-Wolverine from Marvel" (for the Regeneration Healing Factor, as She has neither Claws nor Skeleton of Adamantium / Teseum) as a well-balanced Selection of Biografts and Skill Talents make Her slightly unstoppable. . . She have also the Character Flaws that when not acting excessively "Gluttonous Of The Life's Pleasures" (She is actively trying to Seduce, quite clumsily, ANY of the other Player Character AND any attractive N.P.C. on sight !!) then She need to takes even more Pharmaceutical Drugs than a Morlock on Withdrawal. . . . .!!!
Hey, some don't advertise it as blatantly as Clayton does. He's more, "what rules don't you want me to break."
I played an antipode in a oneshot - my GM wanted to do some love craftian horror survival scifi, and I just wanted to test the antipode stuff. My main antipode was nicknamed Silky ('Silk Stomach') after the random occurrence that replaced my insides with silk. With his two NPC companions Claw Slash and Little Shaker (named after the real-life host's dog's general behaviour :P ), he followed an old Ariadna veteran on her employment to colonize Paradiso (we played during the colonization race for Paradiso). Unfortunately, the ship got a lost in the wrong wormhole and emerged in the wrong place. Luckily for Silky the planet was ripe with things to hunt and eat, even though the amount of tentacles was kinda offputting. Silky hit a staggering 3 personality, 4 intelligence, 7 willpower, 12 awareness, 14 brawn, 10 coordination and 16 agility. I was locked out of half the possible skills, but auto succeeded or reached absurd numbers on the rest. He died to a misremembrance on the GM's part. We met something like the Neoterra Emerald Dragon on steroids, and I tried going into melee. He misread the 1+3 dmg after failing a hit against it as a 1+8 dmg autohit upon entering reach/or trying to strike it. That kinda makes close combat impossible, and as it had already wounded me in its own turn, I instantly went down. I'm not that sad though, for honestly, reaching 20 in a stat makes it incredibly boring to roll combat. The GM decided to restart it as a campaign, but I will be jumping over to something that'll actually be fun rolling with. A Svalarheima nisse or maybe an Ariadnan with an antipode control device? Bring in Silky with normal antipode stats as an NPC minion.
[ Had to go to the old forum to get Major Ramo's intro... old computer is pissing me off! ] Major Juan Ramos checked his orders again. They hadn't changed, his company was assigned to augment the security detachment at the La Forja mobile shipyard, currently deployed to support the Wotan wormhole blockade. He sighed loudly, it was never a good sign when they assigned an additional company to "guard" a mobile shipyard. It was usually a sign of a whole lot of operations about ready to happen. "Human Sphere forces in area: "Yu Jing Frigate Shanqiang. The Spear-class frigates can carry at least a company of troops and four dropships, though Yu Jing forces are not known for their Zero Gee training. Primary threats would be Tiger Soldiers and the new Su Jian systems. "PanOceania Defense Cluster Sygtir. Victory-class defense clusters have massive railgun and missile batteries, and each individual station carries one or more platoons of defense troops in addition to the crew. Zero Gee threat troops are limited to the Order of Santiago knights and Crusader Brethren, though there are unconfirmed rumors of Hexahedron operatives as well. "O12 Mobile Base Indra-3. O12 Mobile Bases tend to be lightly armed, relying on small craft and their status as O12 neutral territory to minimize deliberate attacks threatening station integrity. Instead, typical offensive operations are boarding and infiltration. To guard against this and maintain maximum neutrality, the Ariadna Expeditionary Force is providing troops. The only confirmed deployments are elements of 1st Scots Guards Regiment and 5th Ranger Regiment Minutemen, but expect typical Ariadnan threat patterns, lots of ambushes in depth. "A Caravansary has been established in a nearby asteriod, the Ilik Alfundaq. Not presently declared as an official Haqqislam Freeport, though that can change at a moment's notice. Expect Bashi Bazouks, Sekban Naval Infantry, and Djanbazan, other forces unconfirmed." He stared at the picture of the area, seeming to plan assaults on every ship and station in his view. [ will upload an image as soon as computers cooperate, but this was originally the Phase 1 map ] Then he pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed again. His office was pretty bare, though it had an odd mix of hardcopy and e-paper manuals on the shelves. If you don't do something often enough, you can forget the critical details, and the last thing you want to do in space is forget critical details of systems when the power is out and there are holes in the hull. Hence the hardcopies of manuals. Worst comes to pass, you can turn on a flashlight and read. His Hellcat gear was hanging on the armor mannequin, and he took another check of the off-white armor before donning each piece over his orange space suit. Sure, he had an assistant who would be more than happy to check it for him, but you just don't go into hard vacuum in gear you haven't checked personally. Just like you only jump with the wingsail rig that you packed. That way, if something goes wrong, you only have yourself to blame, you must be responsible for your own gear. And then you doublecheck your buddy's gear while she doublechecks your gear, because space is utterly intolerant of the slightest inattention or error. There were still a few scars on the armor that were visible after the repair nannies went though, the process and appearance was much like living scar tissue. The stars across the greaves were from fragments of a Morat mine. The crease across the right pauldron was from a Dragoes' railgun, the faint line running from left shoulder to right hip across the chestplate from a Domaru's blade. The small stars across the back were from a Haqqislamite shotgun. The black helmet was brand-new, though, an Ariadnan rifle had shattered his last helmet. Fortunately, that had been planetside, because even a hairline crack in your helmet was fatal if you were in vacuum. After settling his combirifle in the 3point sling, he turned back to his desk and placed the last of the manuals and a few small trophies in his deployment case. Walking out of the office carrying a half-cubic-meter box, he loaded that onto the cart with his duffel, and headed to the transport...
Keep 'em coming lads, I am enjoying reading them. I'll get around to posting some of my groups stuff when I get chance, I've taken to rolling a new character every few days to sort of load up NPCs.
Hello y'all. My group currently have 2 Infinity RPG campaigns running. One we've been running for a damn while now (over 9000 xp) and one that one of our regular players have started recently. In our long-running campaign, i'm playing the less-than-reputable Posthuman Pretas. Named so due to having been part of a failed early attempt by ALEPH to place her own infiltrators among the EI with fake alien Lhosts. Pretas make use of two Lhosts, both implanted with a Cube 2.0 and are currently on their 4th and 5th body as my GM find it hilarious to murder them in different ways. One of the bodies is a male Siren that rocks a holomask and lockpicking implants while the newest one is a Nabia purchased through back-channels in Bakunin which our groups token mad scientist/maya star is currently having fun modifying in random ways. In our new campaign, our other GM is placing us in a Colonization of a weird-ass planet full of weird and seemingly occult shit. Still using the system of the game but he wanted to write his own stuff rather than using the established Human Sphere. Here i'm playing Vivienne, a smuggler that has grown up in the shadow of Corporations on Sol. She has smuggled a bunch of alcohol onto the the colony in the fake gas tank and extra gas containers of her electric motorcycle. She also happens to have a beef with the religious military order overseers due to her unconventional cosmetic augments. She likes to pretend she's a scumbag and a hardass but is actually a rather amiable person who one can count on.
^I'm the evil GM killing Iver's bodies. Also, in the campaign where he is playing Vivienne, I'm a player with a new character (since my antipode "Silky" was dumb, I rolled up a new PanO person). I was hoping for hitting either something I could remake into a Nisse, a Fusilier, an Akal commando, or a knight... Instead I ended up with ... ... A technician with bad tech ... ... fired from being a technician ... ... now a maya star who gets her nearly non existent earnings on failing tech rolls. Not even spectacularly, she just fails... Actually, I think she might just make Tech for Dummies tutorial videos. An engineer without engineering skill ... In other words, I rolled up a damn tech-bee. Since the campaign leaves us stranded on a foreign planet I spent all my money on an armbot and a flashpulse (the latter because it's a requirement for being a true tech-bee!) Yes, I have fully accepted that I'm a tech bee now, and I think it's going to be a lot of fun. She's good natured and kinda dumb. She wants to save people and be loyal to her commanding officers (unlike other parts of the party).