It's not as much lazy, as artistic licence on a long leash. It's hardly the first case of this, especially since model design went digital, and models went up in size. Better example of lazy design is Kyosot (and Krakot, and Oznat) getting Shock CCW, despite having Heavy Pistol. I know I'm repeating myself, but this is something that irks me the wrong way.
No, you just don't like it, which is fine. It's clear that the sculptor did know the constraints of the base as any wider and the mini wouldn't fit. After all this is the company that greenlit the Umbra Samaritan, heck, the entire purpose of the Silhouette system is to allow sculptors to pose the miniatures however they like without affecting gameplay. Obviously not everyone likes it, that's inevitable, but that doesn't make it lazy or unskilled, just a design decision you wouldn't personally make.
Hahaha. This is like a Cheems meme. "Make women less sexualised" - How dare you infringe upon artistic licence! Why my miniature stand so wide??? How dare??!!!!?!
At least the Oznat and Krakot get DA options! Also, now that you've pointed it out, I can't unsee it.
I literally showed those pictures to someone who doesn't play Infinity....yeah, they are not recognizable as the same guy. The newer version is clearly heavier armored, the old one is basically wearing padded spandex. Simple things like the goggles, the backpack...the only real similarities are the the turban, kneepads and long coat. That miniature could have easily been an entirely new character.
Count in me in the crowd that's not feeling this redesign. The previous design was lots of hard edges, not a lot of flowing fabric, uniformity (which can be good and bad), and a utilitarian feel with not a whole lots of thrills. Brutal, effective, and getting the job done was what I got from the 2nd generation Morats. It also felt like an evolution on 1st generation designs keeping some aspects from it like the knee pads, billowing pants, tridactyl feet, and some of the armor designs. This new redesign kept the hard edges and uniformity but doesn't take any distinct design flares from the 2nd generation. No more knee pads, billowing pants are out, tridactyl toes have been repurposed into a jika-tabi, and all of the armor is a new design. Also the helmets with the tubes... ehhhh. I don't like the design of the new helmets and the exposed tubing just doesn't do it for me. Same goes for the poncho/cloak the Raktorak is wearing. For me they lost that military look and have moved off into mercenary or high tech wasteland warriors. Not what I imagine when I think of the Morat Aggression Force. The true winner of the redesign was the female Morats. Not hard to do since they haven't been touched since N2. Also, what was CB thinking with the Bultrak TAG? Really like the inspiration from the Pretas but that's where you go and stick the pilot? Giving GW and it's baby carrier a run for its money.
In a game full of allowable proxies and no art design for it yet, it's not a bad option, at least the silhouette is correct and he is pretty well armoured.
I’m planning on using my N1 Suryats for the Rindak. It’s a very distinctive design that I haven’t had a use for in quite some time. I have a second one where I subbed in the MULTI Rifle arm from the N2 sculpt.
They lost the toe thing going from 1st Gen to 2nd. They have normal feet, like humans in the previous designs
And all Morat footwear from that design schema shares this design, except for the midway aesthetic chaged Rasyats (and, one could argue, the Raicho)
Yes, this is a miniature fitting on it's base, there is a secure connecting between the pewter pegs on the underside of its feet and the plastic. If you look at the unboxing the sculptor actually went to the effort of shortening the pegs to ensure of would fit to the base. He also overlaps far less than the original Covert Action Uxia, which remains one of my favourite minis of the hand sculpted era. You don't like the aesthetics of the overhang, that's cool, the kilts on Caledonian troopers bug me far more than a foot overhanging a base. Neither of these are laziness on the part of the sculptors, just our opinions.
See also: HMG Charontid, Skiavoro, all TAGs from the O-Yoroi until 55mm bases were introduced with N3, or the Nomad/Haqq baggage remotes (also on 55mm bases now). Now that I say it, in some ways those remotes were the most egregious. The only point of contact with the base was the extensions - there was literally no part of the model touching the top surface of the base itself. Now that is a model that doesn't fit on its base.
That is what you're calling tridactyl? Okay. So of that's tridactyl? What's the original design, where they actually had three toes?
By this stretch of a definition (pun intended) I fit in XS t-shirts. Yeah, I'll rip them to pieces, but SOME of me will still be on the inside! :D To me it's lazy design, a lazy sculpt that does not respect the limitations of the bases, but far exceeds them. It's not new, but it's something one would have hoped would go away. Also, that Uxia and those Salut Zonds at least have those outcrops of the base to stand on. The Jayth or that Morat don't and it's just horrible from every angle. It's not only an aesthetic problem, but also a gameplay problem, creating measuring and mini placement issues.
Yeah, putting her together got a little... interesting. Something like the Dartok or Jayth is far better from the POV of actually assembling the miniatures
I'm sorry, I don't thing you understand the conversation we're having. I feel like I'm just talking past you, so I'm just going to stop.