It's been a while since I've been able to play, THANKS COVID!, but even when I did I just didn't bother with Kamael hacker. Apparently I didn't notice that their formerly White/Defensive or whatever hacking device they had has been changed to "Hacking Device". Is this a new change, or a change as of N4? Also, is it even worth taking at all?
Dont think its new I think was changed in N4, but I only would take it in specific missions like highly classified
It was a change as of N4, and considering they have WIP 13, BTS 0, and no way to get Firewall bonuses (not even Fairy Dust) they are usually pretty useless; as Cho said, I'd only really ever consider them in something like Highly Classified.
There was some debate in the forum a few months ago, if I'm not remembering incorrectly, and someone did indeed use and like the Kamael hacker. He did explain detail why he liked them and how he used them, I'll try to find the relevant posts.
Yay, 9/10 of my N4 Tohaa lists goes with Kamael Hacker, because he have a good interaction with Sukeul K1 (repeater), also Kotail have repeater, and is so fun to play, nice control ARO pieces BUT, he sucks against any other enemy hacker, not perfect
If you are bringing any of the profiles with deployable repeaters it is a fine backfield specialist. It requires some set up, but adding the threat of a hacking ARO is kind of fun, especially with all the HI and TAGs we are seeing this edition.
A classic usefull triad (haris new rules) of this kind is: Sukeul k1 with Simbiobomb Taqeul Makaul you land the repeater, and you have quite a fun zone of control, Until shotguns, chains and flamethrowers come to you...