Yes at least now I will try longarms at least once. And triads with 3 same units get +3 discover so that can be nice
The Kriigel issue has also been fixed; he is allowed back into regular Triads now. Longarm ML + 2 Chaksa FTO is looking pretty great awesome as a defensive triad; 45 points and you now pick up +3 Discover as they're all considered "Chaksa". Reminds me of the 44 points Taagma Sniper Triad from Spiral (which got removed, oddly).
Notice how they have (Chaksa) after their name; this means for the purposes of determining whether or not the fireteam is composed of the same unit, they all count as the unit "Chaksa." The unit "Chaksa" doesn't actually exist, but that doesn't matter; this only applies for the purposes of "pure" fireteams.
Android app has an update already but you need to manually download it, I have the labels showing on mine now iOS update was sent for verification, I don't have a fruity phone so don't know if it's available
I have a fruity phone but nothing has updated yet for the names on the fireteam table either in app or on the App Store.
The Chaksa Fireteam has a Minimum of 1 Chaksa Longarm; you can't make a Taagma Sniper + 2 Chaksa FTO fireteam now. Unless Wildcards can count as the minimum for any unit, which seems... off.
Yup, it's not much, but at least it's something! I'm really interested in keyword bonuses for our fireteams. And I'm slightly optimistic about faction future, maybe we will see more Chaksa units...
Pity that 3 chaksa auxiliars cant be a Fireteam, that they need a longarm. Would have been a fun group to defend the dz against combat jump etc Or to dominate an area with their baggage xD
The cheapest Longarm carries EM/Grenades and a Pulzar, it is also good for defending D/Z. Also, at short range a Burst 4 DMG 14 Combi can hurt, so you can push the Fireteam forward for contesting zones if you get the chance.
i love this new Fireteam, chaksa get their deserved love at last :D But, i prefere this Fireteam in Spiral Corps, works fantastic
Has anyone used this? I haven't played Tohaa for a while and honestly, its a pretty hard sell. Maybe to drag baggage up the field for zones? If I had the SWC spare its a comparatively cheap, but pretty weak ARO piece. Maybe the combi Chaksa is secretly badass? Its a cool loadout but I don't think the stats and skills are there for it.