My local Corregidor player utilizes it constantly, I cannot say it has a bad performance, the repeater with a killer hacker (or Jazz) makes it a reasonable threat to hackers, the escaped operator with a single wound has secured a table quarter more than once. Though I have to admit that TAG is a bit lucky when I face it.
Same here! I think it doesn't need much, just a few buffs (rather than a point reduction that would bring it close to the Geckos)... Multi HMG instead of just HMG? Specialist operative for the "pilot"? NCO? Arm 7? A third weapon? I dunno... But I think CB could give it a few of these without making it broken, far from this...
At this point one has to wonder if it is better to just retire the Iguana and let the Gator replace it. I agree. It is absurd or at the very least looks absurd. Considering these are giant ships compared to whole planet spanning nations there should be a limited amount of Gators that Corregidor and the Nomads can use. PanO is supposed to be the Human TAG faction but now it seems that it is the Nomads who are the real TAG kings here. As stated before by others Guijia are 82 points and they don't come close to what the Gator has. So either take some skills or equipment away from the Gator or place his cost above the Guija. Maybe go for 85 or 86 points? Would that be fair with it's loadouts?
If everyone else is complaining, I guess it's a good time to remember that the Gorgos is still the only TAG that is impossible to repair.
It’s also the only tag that I keep breaking when I pick it up out of its storage. Goddamn spiky bits sticking in the foam…
Which units count for Composition bonus doesn't show for me in the Android app (rules text says it should be in brackets after the name in the fire team list). Also can't find how many of the different fireteams you can make (like 2 Haris in Morats) in the app.
Also Android user here, for me its the same with regard to the indicator for the composition bonus. I cant find it in any fireteam chart. Regarding the number of fireteams allowed, for me it shows it if I click on the Charts-symbol in the app, at the top it says "Fireteam" and right below there are a few numbers and/ or the letter "T". The first number indicates the number of FT: Core you can take, the second the number of haris and the third the number of dous you can form. I dont know if thats still a little bit buggy, since in front of every number/ T there is a colon, which implies that something would be written in front of the symbol.
Ah great, thank you. It already did an update today, so I thought that this would have been it. But now after the manual update it works fine.
Just some initial knee-jerk opinions on the fire team changes: -- While it makes sense to me on a gut level that true links should fair better than super diverse wildcards links. Competitively most of the top performing lists were coming from Vanilla factions and not sectorials, so a general nerf to sectorials is not going to be good for competitive play. Something I found as a veteran player that I did not see as a new player is that a 5-man link inherently has a drawback in that once it moves out from the DZ it becomes extremely vulnerable and activating 5 models per order is much less of a strength than it appears to be on paper. Overall the advantages to sectorials over vanilla continue to shrink with this change. Factions like White Banner or WinterFor that already struggled to justify their existing over vanilla will continue to be underperform. (I'd really like to see vanilla lose most of it's mercenaries, you can't tell me that vanilla Joan lists make sense fluffwise!) -- Really love the idea of unique bonuses to specific kinds of links that we saw in the Morats reveal, can't wait to see what we will get for other factions. I'm sure CB's beloved Nomads will get the best ones :P -- List building in Sectorials, I expect to see far less core links and the same or more (especially in factions that aren't limited to max 1) haris's since the downside to mixing your haris is so negligible. Now that the Kamau, Grenzer, Frontovik can no longer ARO the board as well, I assume they will drop far in usage. More durable mixed link ARO's like Zuyong's and Orc's will probably stay the same as they can drop and be doctored up and still preform largely the same function. -- Vanilla: with ARO's weakening I expect TAG's value to continue to shoot up. When you are already able to brute force your way through the best mixed link ARO's. Links losing +2 BS against you makes this even more reliable. -- I didn't look through many factions yet, but some I play and saw: -- Vanilla Tohaa get's better as mixed haris is not really much of a drawback and now highly potent mixed aro's have dropped +2BS, opening up an already extremely strong vanilla faction to dominate even more. -- Spiral Corps largely the same but their options for triad are a lot worse, and from what I can see Tri-Cor is only capable of giving +1BS which is a bummer. Saves a little on SWC which is a premium here. Fluff-wise I feel all of the old Fireteam:Triad units should have a "(triad)" unit type and not count as mixed links, but gameplay wise I don't think my Tohaa need more buffs lol. -- Steel Phalanx. Wow, these new fireteam rules are a big boon. Atalanta looks even better now that core links are receiving a nerf and Atalanta is probably one of the most effective 'haris' in the game at 41 points. Excellent. Steel PHalanx had a bunch of pointless fluffy rules about link building that now have some real teeth. Now Enconomotarchos links will be receiving +1 BS, putting them on par with a 5 man core mixed link!! Again these are super quick hot takes, don't include all factions, and may be inaccurate. Also keep in mind that complaining aside I love this game and it's generally in a good place imho. Edit: Cleaned up some typo's and wording
I'm still irked that Frenzy and Impetuous is ignored in fireteam . Artificially cheap troops are still given too much of an advantage.
I'll add to this that I would have liked to have seen Super-Jump in fireteams work like Climbing + in fire teams: Just declare a short skill move, but you can move like a jump. Even Carlos Bostria seems to think it should work that way :D (see the official Spiral Corps bat rep they put out)