Did I see something about N4 Fireteams mentioned in a schedule screenshot on here? Sure it said 23rd March - N4 Fireteams. Do we know what that will be?
Probably in the second video for today, if the schedule is correct. Should go online in about one hour.
Sure, it'll happen riiiiiight after THEY FIX QIANG GAO PAYING THE WRONG GODDAMN POINTS FOR MORE THAN A YEAR. To be more serious, no, CB do not have a history of going back and editing other point profiles when they make changes. Changing everything at once is too much work, time for siesta. For example when Magisters got replaced by Teutons with the MO Adepticon box, they tacked on another bonus discount just for Teutons which didn't propogate backwards to other warband HI like Domaru. Seriously if Domaru got the same treatment they'd probably cost like 15 points for the basic Domaru that's how fuckin' big a discount Magisters Teutons got to make people put them on the table.
One could also understand that changing tons of profiles each time something new is out is a shitload of work... Especially considering there is probably a thousand different profiles in this game, and that these changes may lead to other ones, and so on. It's endless. CB is a company, they need to make money. Spendind half your time tweaking profiles and rules is definitely not a good way of doing so.
Employing a couple of people to do exactly that on an ongoing basis could be a very good way of doing so. Balance will always work in your favour when you are selling a game. And yes, CB is primarily selling miniatures, but they place heavy emphasis on the game, too.
It'd be easier if they wouldn't constantly add new stuff before fixing existing issues. It'd also help with reducing SKU bloat.
It'd be even better if they didnt cheat points more and more with new stuff just to make it competetive and worth buying.
Its taken me 10 years but I think I've finally accepted that SKU bloat was never a real target when things got cut or combined.
Well the CB staff, who clearly knows better than us what's good for their company, decided otherwise. Welcome to the world of miniature wargames, first time? ;)
Have they? They just now introduced a living rule system for units and fireteams, which was highly requested by the community. Seems like they are coming around ;)
Pretending that they aren't humans and don't cock up, and there aren't various other gaming companies that have shit the bed thanks to mismanagement and poor decision making. That's a fanboi right there.
There's a few new units in show here too. Rindak Emergency Brugade Buktrak Mobile Armoured Brigade They seem like militarised versions of the Prospector and TAG from TAG-Raid IMO
Wait, did I understand it corectly. Are all the units that have "Morat" fireteam able to mix and match and still get Pure Fireteam bonuses? Fact that Dartok, Rindak, Kyosot and Zabuk cannot form a fireteam without at least 1 of the guys that have REQ marked implies this IMO. Also: "All wildcards are considered to enjoy the morat fireteam trait" and "The morat trait guarantees fireteam composition bonus". Composition bonus is what they call pure bonus, and on top of it there is size bonus. Looking at this Morats will get full fireteam bonuses with even more flexibility than now and the ability to form 2 harises on top of core. Edit: Special fireteam that changes Irregulars into regulars is back from N3! Now theres hoping that WB Shaolin also get to do that as this was my hope when they released WB at the end of N3.
You spoke about employing two people working on that issue on an ongoing basis. Seems quite different to me. Of course they are listening to their customers. Doesn't means all their demands make sense or that CB have to execute everything we told them Oh, the infamous "I don't agree with you, then you're a fanboy". Nevermind. Please, quote me : where did I say they aren't humans and can't cock up? That's just you plainly overinterpreting what I'm saying. I just said they have more intel than us on what's good for their company, and that based on that intel, they chose not to go this way. Simple facts. Doesn't mean they can't be wrong, just that they know better than you.
Right, if you're adding a Wildcard into a Tarlok or Morat Fireteam they'll still get full bonuses. But if you add a Wildcard into a Hungries or Daturazi Fireteam they'll only get the mixed bonuses.
Is English your second language? If it is, for future reference, that's exactly what you implied with what you wrote.
That's my understanding as well, I'm hoping the document published tomorrow lays it out in no uncertain terms one way or the other. I sincerely hope that our interpretation is correct, because that would be huge for Morats and getting use out of some of the sketchier fireteams, like Yaogats and Kurgats