Same for me, they knocked it out of the park on him. I also love the 4 armed guy though, I'm hoping he's got +B to those feurbach's or HRL's we saw on his dossier. I'll put him on the table regardless though, absolutely love him!
I'm pumped for the redesign, I think they look simply amazing. I don't dislike a single model and I'm already planning how I'm going to fashion a dirty Olive skin tone. I hope the bloke that thought all the girls looked too girly is happy now!
It was really nice to hear that they made a conscious decision to keep the female sculpts buff and aggressive. “More Kendrat, less Anyat (old sculpt).” Who would have thought that Morats is the faction for politically correct players everywhere!
I don't think the faction that has an actual slaver as a unit is politically correct :D However, it was a good design choice to make. It helps separate morats from humans and move infinity away from the cheesecake stuff that was way too common in N2
What if we only enslave inferior prisoners of war?! I am very keen to find out more about the Kyosot. It is interesting how they specifically called it out with a distinct colour scheme (and Warsenal made a very cool range ruler with them!). While they are cool it is still the unit that looks less moraty out of the bunch.
I have mixed feelings about this redesign for two reasons. One is that the previous Morat range aged beautifully and most of it is still great. Second is that new aesthetics: braids, giant CCWs (though that particular issue is nothing new), bulky tubes and hacking devices make me feel like Infinity slides more and more towards "space fantasy" genre. Old stuff as a whole was more subtle. Visually Morats move from a "professional army" to more standard "warrior tribe" territory. That being said, I'll start MAF now :P
Yeah, both the Tyrok and Zabuk in all honesty is a bit much although I guess they were at least specifically designed as more tribal than the rest.
My morats were always Warrior Tribe, so I'm all in. :D Just saw the new profiles too. Dissapointed vanguards stay the same, but the Kyosot is so busted it's not even funny. I'm laughing my ass off at it.
Oh no, Vanguards didn't stay the same. They lost the hacker :P I didn't think they were that bad as people made them to be. Pricy, yes, but that's CA line troops for you. I wonder how new Fireteam rules will work out for them. Kyosot is a glass cannon. High ARM/BTS, yes, but with 1W they aren't that hard to take down. They'll absolutely shred things in active, but won't be really able to take a hit back.
It will live or die based on its link options. If it doesn't get a link escorting it up the table it's going to be crap.
Yup. as @Triumph said, they will live or die on their link options. But holy shit, they're so busted. If they can link, that MSV1 model is going to make pretty much all of the non-swc yaogat profiles irrelevant.
Seconded. It's hard to judge what this all means because link changes might make this stuff crap or amazing depending on who can link with what for what benefit
I don't see another thread? Getting them the old fashioned way from the video atm would appreciate a link
The Zerat is also a scary active turn piece. Burst 4, DAM 14 infiltrator with Mime -6. With mines. No SWC. The Dartok is also a great hacker that is super strong for the points.
Kyosot is another of those odd units where the model screams CC monster but actually has no CC skills and you're going to want to shoot with it most of the time. T2 SMG is pretty terrifying though!